Konoshimi Acadamy [Inactive]

Konashimaru21 said:
Saya looked at Nova "no no...I do...I mean...I..i don't know...I like you.." she looked away and blushed more, she didn't know what to say, this was the first time someone asked her out.
Shigure looked around then looked at the dorm, he noticed some of the demon were looking out there windows "dangit..." he looked at the girl and smiled slightly "look...I know a a pond that is in the park nearby...I'll take you there"
Nova laughed "You're really cute when you get tongue tied."

Kadence seemed slightly annoyed that the night class couldn't watch "You know I have entertained....I hate to word it in such a way but....I have entertained your kind before and if you react the way I know your people has acted before I have no fear since you will all go to sleep." she smiled and waved to the night class.

Envy held the book out towards him "Be happy that you are one person to read such a rare book, hold my weakness with care. Just wondering might I be allowed to see your archive one day, just the books on hell. I'm sure the queen of hell would be great company for you." she smiled at him.
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Juliana looked around to see the librarian was not at his desk, she sighed then walked behind the deck and put the food where no one but the Library could find it, she suddenly heard the librarian talking, she then picked up the box of food then walked over to where he was, once she saw him she walked over and handed him the bento box "here is your food...."

Saya blushed more and tried hiding her face behind her hands "stop teasing me..."

Shigure sighed "its not that...those demon's don't want to watched you sing and dance...they would rather do other things....now please mylady, for your protection..not all demon's are have the saw out come....me being the president of the night class..I have to make sure they don't touch you.."
Kadence sighed and smiled then pulled Shigure to hidden area where where there was a pond and garden, a few night class members where hanging out there and they smiled when she came into view. She let his hand go and started to sing and everyone that was there smiled and she started to dance towards the water and then on it. The night class members that were there started to fall asleep as they listened and watched. Fae folk started to dance with and around her.
After his little incident in the infirmary, he was looking for better ways to make his neatness a little less apparent. With a frown, he passed through the hallway in the back of the building, looking if there were mortals in there, since some of the demons brought humans there often, to not get caught by the Guardians, even if most of the group knew of that place. Leaning over the window, he heard slight sound.....That seemed like singing. His frown deepening, Gerald hurried down the stairs and opened the side door, then rushed, following the voice. "Hey!" He barked, once he saw the familiar young girl from the Day class, unfazed by the fairies around her, "You are not supposed to be here!"
Shigure watched her, for some reason he wasn't falling asleep like the other's, which confused him, he kept watching her dance and sing, suddenly he heard someone yell, he looked over to see one of the demon's, he vanished then appeared in front of Gerald "hey keep it down before the other's come out here..." he sighed.

(got to go guy's, be back in a few ok)
Kadence quickly danced off the water "Excuse me!? I'm sorry but the Headmaster knows I come here daily." the fae around her hissed at the boy and she did the same trying to mimic the fea "You interrupted MY show...in MY garden....I am not too happy." some of the night class students looked pissed and one commented on how the only time they can sleep is when Kadence sings for them.
"Shigure." His eyes hardened. That cocky vampire prince, again. He caused too much trouble on a daily basis. "I thought I told you not to bring mortals when it's night, right?" Gerald said, grinding his teeth, looking down on the prince. Even if he was strong, he didn't fear him. He then glared at Kadence, "Rules are rules." He emphasized on his words, "I do not care that the Headmaster has given you her permission, and I am not one to skimp out on the rules. I will not treat you differently as other students." Gerald glared at all the demons around him. "Understood?"
Kadence was getting pissed "This is my garden, I am allowed here when I want and no one is allowed to say otherwise! This place was made by me for me! The students haven't hurt me and they don't intend to! They have problems sleeping and unless I help them fall asleep they loss control but I guess you can explain to headmaster why they became crazed and any blood that they cause will be on your hands." the night class students stood in front of her as a form of protecting her and one student glared at him "Back off and leave us alone, if anyone should leave this area its us the night class since this is on day class grounds."
He was getting pissed too. A vein was pulsing in his forehead. "I have never said that they were going to hurt you, did I? It's merely prohibited for a Day Class student to be in a midst of Night Class students." He sighed, taking deep breaths before continuing, "So they understand that if they skip class because of this...." He gestured around him with a brief hand movement, "There is going to have consequences too right? If you want to make them sleep better, why not just record your damn voice?" Gerald had no intention to be nice, and didn't really care if he made demonic enemies. He crossed his arms and took out a flash bang, making it jump on his palm. "I do realize that the real thing sounds better, but goddamn. Take pills if you have to, I don't care. But don't skip." The Guardian was still rational. It was quite dangerous to have demons loose and wild. If they were lacking sleep, they should fix it, not laze around during their night time.
"One its still during day class hours so I am the one skipping and two i was excused from study hall as I am everyday. Its only lunch time." Kadence rolled her eyes "Also its the whole ensemble of it all, its not just my voice that helps, its the dance and the fae. A damn guardian wouldn't understand...and do you think they haven't already tried pills, their body makeup is different and sleep meds don't work for them."
Cervantes stood before her and stared "Yeah I'm sure your great company and all but I'm also assuming your talking about reading books." When his meal brought to him her thanked the nurse and returned to his conversation "You think I just let everyone read my PRIVATE collection?"
"No and thats why i asked, i wasn't demanding, I was just wondering if it would be okay for me to look thought your hell books and if you were interest I could go more in depth into them for you if you like." Envy smiled "My real name is Demonia but I'm sure you already knew that."
"...This is time spent preciously trying to eat?" He put his hand to his forehead, trying to think clearly, refusing to let emotions get to him. So stubborn.... "Why not just sing to them where mortal ears cannot reach them? Or at least spend some time drawing a barrier to here from the Academy, as I passed quite to easily to here? Mortal can stumble easily to here, I expect." Taking one last breath, he glared at the barrier of demons. "This will be e first warning. Three and you are out." Looking up to Kadence, he threw a dark look at her, "As you could know what a Guardian does, shrimp."
Kadence picked up a rock and threw it at him "That what I hate about all of you guardians in the day class! All of you look down on me! The night class treat me like I am a real person...and if I could put up a barrier I would...I am only human....and my only talent is singing and dancing...nothing else." one of the night class students started to growl at the guardian.
"Well," He caught the rock in mid air, and palmed it, dropping it on the ground, getting even more annoyed. "Treating people like real people is looking down on them?" He scoffed, and gave her a glare,his vision a bit going red. "If I looked down on you, it's probably cause you're a kid, this proves that point." Not wanting to shout at a kid any longer, he directed his next words to the ones that were piercing him with their looks. "And the demons can put up a barrier, right? They should know better than to growl at me." Gerald cocked his head from side to side, beckoning any to advance and try to attack him. "Any questions?"
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A girl walked up behind Kadence "Don't assume thing guardian. me and my friends here are young wolves just now learning how to control our powers and from what we know we can't do barriers. Also you called Kadence a shrimp and now a kid, if you saw her as a person you wouldn't say such demeaning words to her. Also my pack mates only growl at you because you are upsetting our friend." more fae were starting to circle around and whispers were being made as the wind was starting to pick up.

Lilith had noticed the wind and snuck outside and followed where the wind was hitting, she used her own powers to try to make the winds calm down and it worked a little.
Nina appeared at the night class dorm, where kadence, Shigure, and Garald are, a dark aura was surrounding her to show that she way angry "that is quite enough out of all of you!" she looked at the other demons "all of you go back to your room now! Kadence, Shigure, and Gerald, you three stay!"

Shigure sighed when headmaster Nina showed up.

Juliana left the library once Mr. Valentine got his food, she began to head back to the nurses office.
"Bloody hell." They can't recognise bloody banter? Even one as humorless as him could know that it was. The Fae are supposed to be tricksters aren't they? Demons as well? "I would call her a bloody goddamn human toilet if I wanted to be demeaning. And she is a bloody kid, she's 12." As long as he wanted to face palm himself, he stayed there, even if the wind was kicking up, and the fae were surrounding him. He considered them with a brutal gaze, standing on the ready. He had blalantly noticed the wind dying down and suspected magic involved, since he knew the fae were doing it and weren't going to stop until they intimidated him. When he heard the Headmaster's voice, he spun around, so quickly that he had almost tripped on his own feet. "Headmaster!" He bowed down, almost at 90 degrees and straightened up.
Kadence said by to the night class that left and she tried to hide in the shadows as she started to feel bad, Lilith sighed as she finally took control of the wind and went to see what had caused it to stir up, she saw the head master and decided to leave. Kadence let some pixies play with her hair.

Aphrodite was tending to a student that was sick and then saw Juliana "Looks like you are back in time." she smiled "This student is sick and I wasn't sure what you do for sick students."
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Shigure bowed his head to Nina in apology. of all the people in the school to make angry, he didn't want to get on Nina bad side, seeing as she was a very powerful elder Vampire, even though she didn't look it.

Nina sighed "Kadence...get back over here and stop trying to hide in the shadows" she glare at Shigure and Gerald "I'm very disappointed in you both....Shigure! You are the President of the Night Class so be more stricked...and Gerald! You are a guardian of the day class, why are you here, your are supposed to be at the school keeping an eye on the school ground..." she sighs "Saya and the other Night class guardian's can handle the night shifts...that why I split Day and Night classes up in the first place.."

Juliana walked in and looked over at Aphrodite, she saw a sick student on the bed, she then walked over to her desk and set the two bento boxes down, she then got out the students paper work, she sighed then set the paper down, she walked over to a cabinet and got out to pill bottle's, she took one pill out of each then walked over to the student with a cup of water then helped the student swallow there medicine "you can rest here until your feeling better" she smiled at the student
Kadence sighed and walked over "Miss Nina it is still day shift just so you know....and its my fault that all this happened....please don't be too harsh on them....then again that meanie guardian shouldn't be coming into my woods without permission...."

"I filled out the paper work on the other students that came in, all it needs is your signature at the bottom of the paper work." Aphrodite smiled
Nina looked over at Kadence and sighed "I know it is still day shift, that's way Gerald should be at the school and not here, he is a day class Guardian/Student....he shouldnt be wondering around here...this area is for the Night Class Guardian to watch while the Day Class Guardian's watch the school.."

Juliana looked at Aphrodite and smiled "thank you Aphrodite.." she here the lunch bell ring, she walked back over to her desk and got the bento box that she made Aphrodite, she then took it over to her "I went ahead and made you a lunch for all your help today.."
Cervantes looked and her and dropped his head "Yes I already know that and I have no interest in the knowledge of hell. " he continued watching what she was doing.
"Then you shouldn't have said night shift...." Kadence didn't care if she made the headmaster upset, she knew this was her area and the fae made sure of that. There a a painful scream somewhere outside of the garden and Kadence smiled. "I know that no one walks into these woods without my permission that is of the night class." her eyes quickly flashed red.

"Oh you didn't have to do that but thank you." she smiled at Juliana, she looked like she was about to cry.

"Would you ever like company? I just wonder how vast your collection is and how many books you don't have." 'Envy' smiled. @Seraph
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