Konoshimi Acadamy [Inactive]

Juliana suddenly glared at him, she looked over at aphrodite and smiled "I'll be back" she suddenly grabbed eric hand and led him out of the room and into a empty classroom.

Saya giggled "well..we have no chose but to deal with it"

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Eric smiled "Why do I have a feeling that this isn't a good thing that we are alone."

Aphrodite simply continued with her work.

Nova sighed "I know..." he took a bite of the food. A human walked into the cafe and looked around seeming confused and then walked out. Nova started to laugh "Stupid humans, the cafe looked vacant to him, humans that walk into these places see nothing, not even furniture."
Juliana shut the door any lock it, she the glared at him, a dark aura suddenly appearing around her "how dare you kiss me without my permission..."

Saya giggled "oh wow, is there a spell on this place that makes it do that" she began to eat.

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"A spell my mom put up, she wanted to make sure humans wouldn't get freaked out by our kind." Nova smiled "My mom might be the queen of the dead but she tries her hardest to do good."

"You enjoyed it, don't lie." Eric smiled.
Saya smiled "thats good but...I wonder why headmaster nina hasnt done that.."

Juliana suddenly slam him against the wall and pins him there "and what makes you think I enjoyed it..." she suddenly kisses him.

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"The spell is forbidden and has always taken my mother's life. Thankfully she is like a phoenix and will rise from her death." Nova smiled.

He kissed her back "You wouldn't have done that if you didn't." Eric laughed.
Nina appears in the empty classroom sitting on one of the desk, she sighs and crosses her arms as she looks at juliana and eric annoyed "you two...as much as I'm happy that you two are FINALLY together...do I have to remind you that this is a school...not a bedroom"

Juliana smirked at eric, once she heard nina's voice, she quickly let eric go and backed away "ah...um....s..sorry miss nina" she blushed from the fact that she was caught kissing him.

Saya looked at him "oh, that explains a lot"

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"Leave it to my mother the queen of lies to find a loophole on a forbidden spell." Nova finished his food and sipped at his drink.

"Come on Nina we were just having some fun." Eric laughed.
Saya finishe eating then took a drink of her drink "so nova...what are some things you like to do"

Juliana sighed "yea...its ok, we werent going to do anything"

Nina sighs more annoyed "some fun leads to a lot of fun then a lot of leads to not stopping things, and after that things happen"

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"Training then again my mother has put that into me, one can't be a great prince without a lot of training..." Nova sighed "It must sound boring to a lady, hearing how her boyfriend loves to fight..."

Eric rolled his eyes and mumbled "Party pooper..."
Saya smiled "its not boring, I think its cool"

Nina raises and eye brow to eric "what was that eric"

Juliana elbowed Eric in the arm as if telling him not to start anything.

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Eric sighed "Sorry, but you know me not much for following rule, I encourage the kids to break them if anything. Well the lesser rules, I enforce the ones about leaving the humans alone unless they are made to interact with them. That reminds me, how is the dance going to be set up?"

"Really? Glad I found a girl like you, now that I think about it you would have looked really nice in a battle dress." Nova smiled.
Saya smiled then sighed "to be honest..I was never really one for wearing dress.."

Nina sighs "all the teachers and guardians will have to be on high alert, or we will just have the humans dance here and the demons dance at there dorm, there dorm does have a pretty big ball room there too"

Juliana glanced at Eric then looked at Nina "but..the whole reason you made this school was so humans and demons can get along...it would be pointly to split them up.."

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Eric nodded "As long as the night class feeds before the dance everything should be fine. Also Nina there is a day class student that I have been watching for some time and I think she would do better in the night class. I don't think the girl is human to begin with."

"Well I want to make a president jealous and then I won't ever put you in another dress again, I also just want to see you wear that dress again because of how beautiful you look." Nova smiled.
Nina looked at Eric "who.."

Saya blushed "thank you...and why do you want to make shigure jealous.." she looked down

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"That Kadence girl, she is far from normal and you ask me her anger is getting out of control. She flipped one of the night class students who bumped into during class change of night and day, he wouldn't say sorry so she flipped one of my football boys. Girl just isn't human." Eric sighed.

"Because he told us what to do." Nova smiled really big.
Juliana looked down "and that girls Fae friends attacked one of the night class students...they were badly injured..I know it was the night class student fault but...the safety for all students should be thought about"

Nina sighed and thought about it "I have been think about switching her to night class too...seeing as she helps the wolf packs get to sleep.."

Saya laughed "ok.."

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Eric sighed "Well I guess I'll be going to my place till night class starts."

Aphrodite had started to write down some notes about Lilith's family.

"So should we be getting back to the school so that the head master doesn't worry?" Nova didn't know if there was a set time limit on how long they could be gone.
Juliana looks away and blushes slightly as she mutters "or you can stay and hang out with me..."

Saya smiled and nodded "yea, we probably should.."

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"I think Nina would like if I left that way playing doesn't become more.: Eric laughed.

Nova picked up the dress then took her hand after paying the bill and led the way back to school. "So did you enjoy your day out?"
Juliana sighed feeling annoyed that eric couldnt stay.

Nina sighs "I'll be in my office" she vanishes.

Saya blushed as she held his hand while they walked back to the school, she looked at him and smiled "of course I did"

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Eric smiled "Well glad that she is gone." he laughed "So back to your office?"

"Good, its the first time I've been on a date so I wasn't sure what to do." Nova smiled.
Saya looked at Nova surprised "really..that was my first date too"

Juliana sighed "yea..I guess" she begins to walk to the class room door to unlock it.

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Eric came up behind her and kissed her on the neck and down to her shoulder.

Nova smiled "You sound shocked about it being my first." he laughed.

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