Konoshimi Acadamy [Inactive]

Juliana stopped and blushed

Saya looked down "well...your hot and everything..I was surprised that you didnt already have a girlfriend....you probably have girls swoon all over you.."

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"My mother was very protective...still is since she will be teaching at our school..." Nova sighed

"Am I keeping you from your work?" Eric whispered in her ear
Saya looked at him "oh...I see"

Juliana blushed more "I think aphrodite has everything handled" she turned to face him

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TechnoDragon said:
(No one likes me. ._.)
(I said before that nina was near your character but u never responded..so I just went on, sorry, I can make nina go were you are again)

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Aphrodite screamed as a fae crawled through the window and just as quickly as the scream started it stopped, Eric unlocked the door for Juliana (more like breaking the lock) so that she could check on Aphrodite. A fae had Aphrodite by the throat.

Nova sighed "Its slightly annoying but hopefully I can have some freedom here..."
Juliana ran out of the class room and into the nurses office, once she saw the Fae her eyes turned gold with anger "get off of her!!" suddenly a blast of power stormed through the whole school, sending the Fae flying into the wall and all the windows shaddering.

Nina was in her office when her office window shaddered, she quickly stood up when she hear screams through out the school.

Saya smiled at Nova then looked foward when she heard screams coming from the school "this cant be good.."

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Nova smiled "Climb onto my back and I'll fly us there."

Aphrodite coughed getting air into system and she hid behind Juliana. The fae glared at them and then jumped out of the window.
Juliana's eye went back to normal, she almost fell but caught herself on a near by cabinet, she panted softly for a moment, she used to much of her power without even realizing it, she didnt even know she had that in her, she looked over at Aphrodite "a..are you ok.."

Saya done as Nova said and held onto him

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Aphrodite nodded to say yes, she was still too scared to use her voice. Eric picked up Juliana and sat her in her chair. "We may want to leave soon before the Nina comes to check and see what happened."

Nova took to the air but didn't have any wings appear, they were to the school in seconds and Nova grabbed a fae that he saw running "And where do you think you are going?" the fae hissed "Saya do you want to take care of this person?"
Juliana looked at Eric then looked down "she probably already knows that it was me...I dont know how but nina can see people's power and abilities before they use them..or even know about them...but she cant read people's moves.."

Nina let her office and began to walk to the nurses office.

Saya smirked "maybe we should take them to the headmaster and have her deal with them..."

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Aphrodite walked over to the window and her hands started to glow, all the shattered windows where starting to fix themselves, Aphrodite didn't even look like she was straining herself

Eric seemed confused "How in the world did she do that?"

Aphrodite smiled "Even buildings have spirits that can be fixed..."

Nova let Saya down "Alright, I like the sounds of that. Lead the way."
Juliana looked over at Aphrodite and smiled weakly "she has talent..doesnt...she" she began to feel dizzy and suddenly passed out, she began to fall out of her chair.

Saya led the way to the headmasters office.

Nina walked into the nurses office "what happened"

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Eric caught Juliana "A fae attacked Aphrodite and well Juliana blew out the windows." he laughed.

Aphrodite looked down, "I'm sorry...I didn't mean for this to happen..." she felt like it was her fault.

Nova saw Nina at the nurses office "hey headmaster we caught this fae running away from the school."
Nina looked at nova then the Fae (more like glared), she then looked at aphrodite "aphrodite...did this Fae attack you"

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Aphrodite didn't have to look she just knew and nodded her head yes.

Nova smiled "So what do we do with said fae." it started to fight and hiss to get out of his grasp.
Nina glared at the Fae then too it from Nova, she summoned a yellow crystal globe and put the Fae in it, the globe would shock the Fae every time it hit against the walls of the crystal globe "I will not stand for people hurting my students...if needed, I will destroys whatever harms them" she made sure that the Fae knew she was serious.

Saya looked at juliana "what happened to nurse juliana...why is she passed out"

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Nina looked at Aphrodite "that is enough, it was not your fault" she sighs "it seems I'm going to have to find a day class nurse...lately, juliana's anger has been getting more and more built up because she hasnt awakened her full power yet...I cant take a chance of another out burst of her power going throught the school" she sighed in an annoyed way "I'm going to have to erase the human students memory of the window incident..."

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Aphrodite looked down "Already took care of all that Miss Nina...when I fixed the windows it also took away the memory of any human that saw the windows bust. I hope you aren't angry that I took it upon myself to do so...any human that would have seen it happen would have been scared so it would have been an injury to the mind. To heal the injury to the mind I had to remove the memory. My powers go beyond that of physical healing."
Nina smiled "no, I'm not mad, thank you for you hard work" nina looked at eric "Eric...get juliana out of here so she can rest, let her know that she will now be working nights..."

(Heading off, getting sleepy)

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Eric nodded and took Juliana out of the room.

"Miss Nina if I can have a note saying I will be taking over for the Juliana's job then I am sure my teachers will understand why I need my work before school everyday." Aphrodite was just making a suggestion on who can take the day shift.

(but whyyyyyyyyy? :( alright ttyl)
Nina looked at Aphrodite and thought about it, she sighed "it looks like I wont have any other chose, I will right you a note, but do keep in mind that you will still have a little homework from your school while you are working as the nurse, you are still a student as well as the day class nurse..understand"

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Aphrodite pointed to her work from that day "Just so you know it is already finished, i had it done in just over an hour....so keeping up with my work won't be a problem. Even while students came in to be helped and injuries looked at I still finished it all." she then pulled out the 'Draco History' book an handed it to Nina "It was in the day class section, if anything it needs to go to night class or the restricted area. It's about Lilith's family her father's side."

Nova laughed "Give that girl a medal or something. Give her advanced classes if you have any. It would take me all class period to finish just one subject."
Nina looked at the book then looked at Nova as he spoke, she then looked at Aphrodite "I'll tell mr. Valentine about this book, but aphrodite...do you think you'll be able to handle advanced class work while also working as the nurse and also keeping up with the students info"

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