Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Ash ran a hand through her hair. He smirked a little and kissed her forehead. Xeliran sat beside Nadia, crossing his arms. "If you haven't noticed, we dark elves aren't very friendly with elves. Its just how it is. My father has drilled into my head that elves are traitors and should burn in hell. They aren't fit to be royalty. Is that true? I mean I've never been outside the palace walls except to go to school but I was always protected with three or four guards with me and I literally had to beg my father to let me go to school like normal people." He sighed.
Nadia nuzzled her head into Ash's neck gently to let him know she enjoyed it. She looked over at Xeliran and tilted her head. "I was told the same thing! But no... we are light creatures which means we really can't commit a crime unless it's self defense or to survive. It's just not in our nature. It is however in a dark elves... we do not enjoy war we actually hate it which is why we are so isolated. Really all my people want is peace but your father rejected my mother's requestfor a truce. " Nadia looked down a bit saddened by the whole thing. "I was told your kind would kill me on sight... my mother and i have tried to create peace within the land but..." she shrugged and bit and looked at Ash for comfort.
Ash held her closer, protectively. He continued to pet her. Xrliran said "that's why I need to be king but I'm sick of dad saying I'm not good enough." He ran a hand through his hair. He felt his phone vibrate and answered it. "Hey, Exiriya. What's up? Don't yell at me. I'm in the outskirts of our kingdom with the elves. Fine but... I don't want to see Semira. Not until after the marriage."
Nadia looked away. "So she was your wife... um... i shouldgo before they get here i don't need anymore violence. please come see us sometime... i want to learn the truth about your kind... come on Ash let's go ." She stood and right before she left she winked at Xeliran. "See you around..." She walked iinto the forest and sighed softly.
Zurtho's shop was glowing with the light of his forge. The rather large shop had a large smoke stack coming out of the top which was releasing a lot of smoke into the air, distinguishing his shop from the rest of the mess of shops in the upper marketplaceath for ie. The ring of the hammer on the anvil, and red hot metal hissing in cold water could be heard. His slaves, humans, were either in the front selling his general wares, or behind the shop in a little area where they kept the wood, received the ores, and other durable supplies, along with the slave house. He only had human slaves as dolls were more expensive and could not do the fine points of smithing. Zurtho worked the forge working on a custom sword for a noble, he had implanted the jewel in the pommel, and carved the dragon design into the blade. All we had left was to polish the red blade, and the black dragon scale handle, and after the polishing he would coat the handle and sides of the blade in a light invisible sealant so the design would last longer. In between steps he would inspect each and every general ware his slaves made so that his reputation as the best did not diminish.

His hands were calloused and burnt from centuries in the forge. Gloves cause you to lose the accuracy and craftsmanship in the blade, at least that is what has kept the king satisfied for the past 150 years. He used his unicorn hair brush to coat the sword in the hot covering. As he dips the brush in a bubble pops in the cauldron and lands on his hand. A deep noise can be heard from his throat but nothing more as he continues on. He inspects the final piece of art and then moves it to a back room to dry so that he may make the leather and steel sheath. "That'll drive a hefty price, an extra 50 for that burn it gave me." He said to a slave but mainly to himself. The slave laughed to himself and continued on working diligently. "Start cooling the forges! Close shop!" He shouts at the slaves, and walks out to the front of the shop.
Demonia looked around as she found herself in the outskirts of a kingdom but also seemed lost. "Seems as though I will have to stop some where and ask for help...." she seems annoyed. As she wonders around she trips and curses as she sees that one of her boots has broken. "Great...just another thing to add to my list of problems. That is the last time I wonder around Hell without a map." she takes off her other boot and walks around barefoot hoping to find someone soon.
Nadia and Ash found the wondering girl. She smiled softly in a welcoming way and approached the girl. "Hello do you need some help?" She asked keeping Ash close.
Zurtho watched the younglings play with the wooden swords, he allows them to use while the store is open. He gives them a pointer every once and while but more so enjoys watching them have fun. He sees a man bargaining with his chief merchant slave. "Uhg I hate bargaining, just the word bargain in general." He thought to himself as he walked over to the man, taking over for the slave. The man had been yelling for someone in charge for a while, but had not assumed it would be a man such as Zurtho is. The man gulped once, but got right back into his usual bargaining mood asking for the sword for less. Zurtho grasped the sword from the man's hand and started sppking in his deep echoing voice though he articulated his words well, "You like this sword?... It is a good sword- well balanced- strong- durable... so why dont you keep it, hmm?!" Towards the end of his last sentence, he raised the sword and drove it into the mans abdomen, just the side so that he had a chance to live. Zurtho let go of the sword, and reached around the man to grasp his wallet. Zurtho took out the appropriate ammount of money, put it back and spoke, "It comes with free repairs for a year." The man was clutching the sword, bent over, breathing rapidly. "Thank you for your business." Zurtho bowed mockingly as the man turned around and wobbled away trying to keep the blade from moving to much, before he got it out. He went on to lock the store up and release the slaves for the night.
She looks at them "I am lost and one of my boots have broke so i took the other off so I am now running around barefoot, my feet are getting dirty along with my dress...I have no idea where I am and I doubt my money would work here." a dark aura radiates off her and her hand rests on the sword at her side, a hint that she doesn't trust them yet.
Nadia backed up behind Ash a bit. He was the best hunter around so she knew he would protect her. Especially with a killer siren, one angry dark elf, And the other he didn't trust. Nadia looked a bit sad for the girl and offered her guidance. "Where are you going? We could show you..."
Zurtho grabs a small pouch of dried beef, and takes it with him as he walks down the cobble stone streets. Footsteps would normally make a clopping and clacking sound on the ground but Zurtho's soft soled shoes and light feet prevented that. His axe and knife was with him as usual, and got him a mix of scared and angry reactions all of which he ignored. He eventually made it to the gate, and exited headed towards the forest. Some place to be alone, there is a less chance of dying in the dark forest than in the worse part of the city.
"I was wondering around my kingdom and I have some how come to this place...I need a place to possibly stay, buy new boots and have my dress cleaned. I don't even feel any energy of my kingdom around here...and then find some maps that may be able to help me get back home."
Zurtho hears voices talking in the forest. This is unusual so he starts heading over there. He lurks in the shadows and and blends in with the foliage. He amkes sure each step is carefully placed to make the least possible noise, He continues this until he reaches the few people talking and watches, silently, the human and two wood elves.
Nadia hesitated for a bit."Well I'm sure my mother would allow you to stay..." Nadia looked straight in the direction of the man. "Is someone there! The trees have spotted you!" She called. Since she controlledthe trees and plants they could also ccommunicate to her which made it hard to hide. She looked back at the queen and readied her power
Zurtho stepped forward out of the shadows, so that he could be seen. He beat himself, for not thinking about the wood elves' sight of the forest. He looked at the the male, and female elves. The female seemed to have the most influence, but the human? He did not think wood elves kept humans as slaves.
Draws her sword out in defense but leaves it down at her side, the sword would have a fine crafted blade with runes and at the base of the blade there is a carved dragon and it holds the blade in its mouth "People should learn that an eavesdropper dies quicker than those that mind there own business" showing that she doesn't fear a possible fight.
Nadia raised an eyebrow. "Yet another dark elf? Wow you guys just are everywhere huh?" She crossed her arms wondering if the two recognized her royal markings. "Now now there is no need for violence! Not in my forest anyway... put your weapons away this is a safe place and will stay that way." She said and began walking off motioning for them to follow.
Zurtho stared harshly at the human for even drawing a weapon towards him. He never even flinched towards his weapon, she was no threat. He ignored her and continued on following the Wood Elf. He does small contracts with wood elves occasionally but nothing

big. However this woman looked different than the others, he could not tell how so, but something was off.
she puts her sword away then glared at the dark elf for ignoring her and smiles at the woman "Sorry it runs in the royal family of Hell, we live to fight and destroy but when in foreign lands we tend to just fight. Don't want to make locals angry with destroy what is theirs." she begins to laugh but it sounds almost like a hiss. "Also we have not said our names to one anther, not sure what customs are in this land do you say your true names or provide an alias?"
Nadia looked back at the two. "We say our names.. exept Ash here, he doesn't have a name... he just goes by ash... He is one of my prized people and i am dearly attached to him so do refrain from causing confict with him. He is also the best hunter around. I am Nadia, princess of the whole north side of the forest." She then turned her attention towards the dark elf. She had gained trust for the hybrid but still cautioned around the dark elf."So what brings you to my land?" She asked the dark elf curious of why he would come here of all places. "Didn't you know wood elves ruled this part of the forest?" She asked as they soon arrived at her castle. It looked like a small town but wood elves really only built severallittle pods for beds and baths since they mostly stayed outside.

Zurtho catches her glare, and rolls his eyes in response. He remains silent awaiting the Wood Elf to speak first on what this certain situation dictates. He continues walking alongside the human, but watches her from the corner of his eye. She was speaking as if she from the under world.
"My name is Demonia Dragonfly." gives a slightly warm smile "I am the Queen of Hell, well queen to most of it. The place is so big it hard to control all of it, that's actually how I ended up in the place. I was trying to see how big my kingdom was when some rebels tried to attack me, I brought them down to their knees and had them begging for mercy but the damage had already been done, I saw I was in another land and tried to find my way back home but I believe I have only caused myself to become more lost." sighs "Thankfully my daughter is home so until I return she'll be managing my kingdom, glad to have one child that is mature for her age and can handle such grand lands." smiles
Nadia seemed to get slightly uncomfortable knowing she was the queen of hell.she hoped the dark elf had a more easing story and asked. "And you are..." she paused giving him a turn to introduce himself. She did continue to walk periodically telling them what which pod was for and what was open to them.
"Well, thank you Princess Nadia, for letting me on your land." He said the words as if they were acid, but spoke with a sugar coating. He now realized why the female looked differently, she was royalty. The city was very nice and Zurtho looked around absorbing every detail. Eventually he responded to the Princess, "I am Zurtho, Forge of King Axoret. And to answer your question regarding my knowledge of Wood Elves rule over this land. If I may speak freely, I believe the land to be rightfully under the Jurisdiction of Azriel... Oh and Queen of Hell is it?" He said in a disbelieving tone.
Nadia took offence to his words and began siding with demonia. "Well now you know that wood elves rule the woods... hince their name wood elf..." she said trying her hardest to sound respectfulbut his ccomments seem to continually piss her off. "And yes she is a hell queen. We all go somewhere after death right?" She asked crossing her arms.

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