Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Well I would hope you would let me go once you see that I pose no threat, my daughter may be able to manage my kingdom but she is too kind and likes to ask the people what they wish was better, she'll end up turning my place or torture into a second heaven..." makes a slight growling noise "I wish she could learn that kindness is not the way to rule in a place like Hell..."
Xeliran asked "why are you nervous? Is it because Ash isn't with you? I mean I'm not scary. Unlike my father or brother, I want what is right for my people and being as you live in my kingdom, I want what is right for you. So what do you want?"

Axorer started to laugh and said "you should let her meet my son so they can share their beliefs. He wants the best for our people which means he's kind and not torturing people or killing them for going against him. That's why I want Exiriya to rule but Xeliran is the oldest. He's too much like his mother. He's not my son. He's just a bastard." He clenched his fist.
Nadia blinked. "No it's... you just... make me nervous... I-I couldn't ask anything of you... I should be the one asking you if you want something. .." She looked up at him and her ears tilted back. Her heart racing worse then before and her blush was even more noticeable. She did in fact want something from him and it was easy to tell but she wouldn't dare ask.
"I wish I could say I knew that feeling, I only have three kids. Duanna, Lilith, and Nova. Lilith hates me with the passion to rival hell and she is a half demon that hunts demons. She fights to defend slaves and humans...."makes a noise of disgust "and then my son is still just a young boy so he hasn't grown into is anger just yet, hoping that he does so that I can use the first born son rule as a way to get my eldest off the throne."
He smiled and got to a room. "This is where you'll be staying in the meantime. Ash is a few doors down." He walked off. One of his servants followed him curiously and started asking questions.

Axoret smiled as they got to a bathroom that was huge. "Listen, I have two sons and one shouldn't be alive. Xeliran's mother was... A-A human slave girl who I killed as soon as Xeliran was born. I don't know how you run things, but its forbidden to have any relation with a human." He looked away and said "I should go get you some clothes. I'll be back."
Zurtho was about to respond when the king burst through and took everyone with him back to the castle. He rushed ahead to grab the sword, and to actually finish off the case and sheath. He burst in through the door, and woke up his head leather worker slave. She came in with Zurtho and together started combining the leather holder, and metal constraint to the sheath. It was a work of art, it matched with the blade perfectly. Every bend and contour was the same, aligned so well that it could be easily drawn out, but stay protected inside of it. He gently laid it down in the case. The large case had the equally portioned family crest in the center of the lid. As the blade touched the fabric it lowered just enough to cushion it. The slave women quickly grabbed the blade out and Zurtho held a flame to the special fabric. The fabric hardened and held the shape, but when the sword was put back in, it was cushioned just the same. Zurtho smiled, and dismissed the slave after giving her a little extra food for the work. Zurtho closed the case and turned it onto its side. On the bottom he put his stamp, and date made. He then tucked it under his arm and headed towards the palace. He walked right passed the gaurds, and the page opened the doors for Zurtho. He told one servant to lead him to the King, and tell Axoret that his blade was ready and here.
Nadia waited until the prince left and immediately went to Ash to check on his chest. She entered his room and gave a soft smile.
she smiled and stepped into the bathroom taking her sword from her side and placing it on a shelf after looking over the blade and then removes her jewelry she looks back at her sword. "I should see if I can have you repaired while we wait to return home. Once we find our blacksmith he will have a taste of metal."
When Axoret heard his sword was finished, he jumped with glee. "Oh good. I don't have to cut off his head." He saw Elyra greet the blacksmith and he yelled "away from him!" Elyra nodded and backed away. "Where is my sword!?" He smirked devilishly.

Ash said to her "I'm fine. No need to worry." He kissed her cheek lightly and asked "how was your trip with that dark elf?" He smiled gently at her.

Exiriya looked at Semira, hurt that she pushed him away again. "Kiss me..." He said softly to her. He didn't wantt to scare her away but he wanted her to know who was boss.
Zurtho extended his hands with the case being displayed nicely. He was proud of the work, and said to him, "King Axoret, everything was made to your specifications. Even the particularly difficult ore to find and forge, however I must compliment you on your choice. It looks astonishing."
Nadia smiled tthen sighed. "I'm so confused.... i think i like him... he is so sweet and kind but... im scared of his race still." She cuddled up next to Ash and looked up at him. "That siren doesn'tlike me though."

Semira shook her head. "No... if you get any closer i will screech!" She warned and backed away from him. He had alreadyscared her at the hhospital and she wwasn't that trusting of him now.
She pulls the remaining twigs from her hair and hears her sword start to growl. "That's enough from you, you have been angry since we first became lost if you keep it up then I'll have you turned into scraps and a new sword will be made with the leftovers." the sword had become quiet and she started to run the bath, as she touched the water to feel the temperature it turned a deep red and she smiled. "A nice blood bath has always helped me to relax."
Axoret opened the case and took the sword out of its sheath. He smirked and stepped back slightly so he didn't hit his blacksmith. He attacked the air and said "its fast but... can it kill?' He looked at a nearby servant and before the servant can react, he stabbed him. He watched the servant scream in agony. He laughed as he watched the servant go limp in his arms. He threw the servant off his now bloody sword. He had another servant clean off the blood on his new sword and one other to clean off the blood on his face and hands. "I like it." He paid the blacksmith with a bag of gold.

Exiriya asked "why are you afraid of me? Your no different than me!" He got closer to her and he touched her cheek gently. "Your my plaything to entertain me but... the reason why your different is because I've fallen in love with you. I'm just not one to admit such things because love is such a pitiful word. Its a weakness but also a strength. It can't choose one or the other so why? Why do I love you? Guess we'll never know." He walked off.
"I appreciate your approval, my King." He bows in a thankful way. "If you ever need anything else, Armor, Shields. I would be happy to appease you." He smiled inwardly at the bag of money. It was nearly double the commission he had requested.
Semira ran after him. She grabbed his arm and stopped so that when he turned his head his lips would run into hers. She kissed him deeply and when she pulled away she said. "I hate everything about you... why in the hell do i love you?"
"Actually I would like armor. Dragon scales if possible but remember... its illegal to kill a dragon. Hopefully one is nice enough to let you take some scales for me. There is a revolution stirring because the commoners are unhappy with the royal family." He slipped the sheath into his holster and slipped his sword into his sheathe. He looked at him and smiled "good luck and remember, kill a dragon and I'll be forced to kill you and I wouldn't want that." He walked off.

He kissed Semira back and when she pulled away, he was panting. "Why? Why can't I control myself when I'm around you? Your so infuriating." He kissed her even more. A low growl erupted from the bottom of his throat as he kissed her.
she shut the door and turned the water off, she tried to undress herself but became frustrated and summoned two dead maids to help her out of her dress and then had them return to the shadows that they had came from, she sighed as she began to relax and clean the dirt off of her "the air in the place is filled with death..." smiles and begins to wonder how many dead are on castle grounds and the surrounding area.
"Probably because my brother kills people without a second thought." Erik walked out of the shadows and pointed a sword at her throat. "Explain to me, what is the Queen of Hell doing in a place like this?" He narrowed his eyes at her but Axoret said "Erik... lower your sword." Erik looked at the king and hesitantly lowered his sword so his brother wouldn't berate him later. "You won't be happy after you mess around with the Queen." He looked at Axorets new sword and saw the blood on his clothes. "Killed another servant? You know, eventually we'll run out." Axoret laughed and replied "doubtful that he didn't deserve it. Plus, we can always hire a new one."
Semira kissed him back but pulled away again. "No we can't do this..." She panted but kissed him again. Semira had to pry herself off and she turned away from him. She knew if she looked at him she'd want to kiss him again.
She started to listen to the castle walls and then quickly shut them out "first chance that I get I will be leaving, damn it....great now the dead will be talking to me until we many imprisoned souls that it would take me and my sister years to sort out who goes where." she summons another dead maid to clean her dress.
He grabbed her by the arm, pulling her to him so he could kiss her again. Finally, a servant came over to them and said "sorry to bother you my lord but we need a clean up. King Axoret killed another servant." Exiriya pulled away for the last time and followed the servant to where the dead servant was.

Ash smiled softly and said "love is a natural feeling. You shouldn't be ashamed for feeling such things. I mean your both royalty but of course, the crowned prince must have a line up of possible princesses he can marry so that's probably what's making you hesitate. Its not wrong though. I don't think it really matters who he marries, as long as their royalty."
Semira sighed and sat on the floor and sighed. She thought about what just happened.

Nadia stood. "I'll let you rest... and thanks for being there for me." She left and felt tired but she couldn't sleep yet not until she did one thing. Xeliran had to help her with it to. She explored the castle and looked around for Xelira.
Zurtho nodded at the talk of the armor, and stood there for a while longer wondering how to get the scales of the dragon. It was a large imposing task, and might take a while to find a dragon to collect scales. Or manage to find, kill, and hide a large beast. He thought of the dragon who was actually allowed within the city walls, maybe that was an opportunity.
Xeliran was back in his room, resting a little bit. He decided to get up though. He walked out of his room and nearly bumped into Nadia. "Oh hey. What's up? You look like your looking for something. Did you find Ash OK?" He smiled softly at her.
"Oh um yes but... it turns out i do need something from you..." she looked away seeming to get nervous again as she stood in front of him. "I need someone to um... watch over me while i sleep... i would ask Ash but then i would have to tell him why and... i can'tstart a war like that. She was vague with what she said and attempted to leave. "Never mind... i can deal."

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