Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

She opens the and inside is filled with dragon scales "I have five other bags, our dragons from time to time pick their scales knowing that we use them for our shields and armor. In exchange for their scales we give them all the meat and jewels that they would like."
"That must me a lot of jewels, and meat." He said as he mixed a few ores together to match the blade. He held the blade in the fire, until it was hot enough to be bendable, and not crack more with the hot new metal. He places it in a small mold and pours just a small amount of the metal to fill in the crack. Zurtho waits until it cools a bit and then straightens the blade out. He dips it into water hardening it then and then reheats, and repeats. Finally Zurtho starts to polish the blade, grind down any bit of excess, and sharpen the blade. Sparks fly like lightning as he does so, a few flying around the room. He lifts it up and places it on a table.
laughs "we see it as a fair price for their scales" smiles and looks at the blade "has any of your swords ever cracked? Just wondering if you are better than my blacksmith, I have had five swords by him and all the blades have cracked only reason I won't give Rose up is she is my friend and has protected me more than any other sword so i just take her in for repairs."
"Unless you use them for mining usually not, and it really depends on the type of blade and the user. But my blades, when I use them, never. I'm surprised they did not just move her soul into a jewel that could be placed in the sword or in a piece of jewelry. It is easier to have with you." He seals it with a light protectant, and then sheathes it, handing it back to Demonia.
"Thanks" takes her sword and places the bag of scales on the table "please look through it and tell me if you think these will work, I just want to make sure that they didn't give you the bag with the younger dragon scales, those scales can break since the hardness of age has not set in yet." smiles "I would also like to make sure that one bag will be enough."
He lifts the rather large back up onto the table and opens it up finding many black, red, even silver scales all looking to be from elder dragons. He smiles and says, "These are excellent thank you. If you need anything else, Demonia, just ask."
"Well when you're not busy can you show me around, maybe some place that can sell me some shoes?" looks down "And i would like to say sorry about my short tempered with you yesterday. I was upset that I had become lost, I kinda get scared in new lands and in place of fear my anger gets the better of me."
"Yes, there is a cobbler near by forge." He begins walking with her towards the marketplace. "Why if you are the Queen of Hell, would you be scared?"
Sighs "Last time I was in a land I didn't know I had fallen in love with an outcast, someone who my father had sent to the deadlier parts of hell but the outcast had made a village and they had made new lives for themselves..." it was the first time in a long time that Demonia had open to a someone she had just met "Nasir had become my husband...I was so happy until he found out who I was, he counted me and our unborn daughter as dead to him...since then I have been afraid that it may happen again if I do not fear and hate those in the unknown lands...." fighting back tear as she remember Nasir "Nasir means protector and I thought that he would always be there to keep me safe but in the end he tossed me away as if he had never known me..."
"I'm sorry, Demonia, I really am. How long ago was this?" They reach the bustling market place, many people yelling and shouting. If you listened loosely enough you could probably hear someone being murdered. He eventually found the cobbler and enter the shop holding the door for Demonia.
"1,514 years ago, its hard to forget the years when its your daughter's age..." walks into the store "thank you" smiles and looks around "I wonder if getting a pair made would be better than buying a pre-made pair..." saying it to herself but loud enough to hear
As she says that age, he says, "Whoa," Just under his breath. The cobbler comes out smiling and says, "Zurtho! Come to get another pair of my revolutionary left and right footed shoes?!" Zurtho smiles but says, "Yes, a pair of boots but not for me."
She smiles at them "Hello, the boots are for me, my name is Demonia, nice to meet you. I was in the woods yesterday when on of mine had broke..." sighs "I knew that I was in need of a new pair, just didn't realize how soon I needed them." laughs a little.
"Oh yes, of course." The cobbler was a shortman around 5' and on the plump side, yet moved very quickly due to him being a vampire. You could see his fangs every time he smiled. Which was quite often. "Did you want them custom made, or choose from the selection I have? Oh course buying my stock would be significantly quicker."
Holds out a coin with that has her family crest on one side and a some kind of fang on the other side "depends on if my money can be used here...if so then i will get a pair from stock while I wait to have a pair that are custom made"
"Are those coins to the royal family of hell?" The cobbler asked excitedly, "If they are I will give them to you for half, you can half a custom pair an a stock, for half." He said reaching for the money, and quickly bending down to measure her feet.
"I happen to be the queen of hell" smiles "If you can make a pair of boots with wonderful designs or craft them to nearly match my beauty then I'll throw in a bonus" giggles.
"I will try me best, Queen. Choose any pair you wish, leave the money on the table. I will begin working immediately." The cobbler quickly sped away with the old boots. Zurtho looked at Demonia, "Guess you have a fan."
"That's a first." giggles and places the money on the table after choosing a pair "Normally it's fear that I am greeted with, sometimes people hear that I am in town and close their shops." she walks outside and looks around and smiles as she hears a distant scream "almost makes me miss home, a place where I cause the screaming to happen." a raven lands on her shoulder and she pets it.
"Is that your pet?" He says following her out of the door, and watching as raven lands on her. Ravens do not live in this region, and if thy do, are usually hunted down in a matter of days.
"They are my messengers, they collect souls for me this one has been a messenger to me for years and he tells the kingdom how I am, but thank you for letting me know so that this one can let the others know not to get close to this kingdom and that would explain why there are so many wondering souls in this kingdom." sighs
Semira looked over at Xeliran. "You don't own me!" She snapped at him causing Nadia to stand. "He is your crowned prince!" She growled. Semira reached over the table and slapped Nadia. "That is my last straw!" Nadia hissed and climbed on the table kicking her in the face. "You will respect Xeliran! " Semira grabbed her ankle making Nadia fall hard. Nadia groaned and kicked semira back. They continued to fight or at least semira did even after being pulled off.
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"I suppose it would be best to head back to the castle. I must go over the Armor plans with Axoret." He watches the rather large bird. It was neat, and seemed tame. The feathers would look very nice, to bad he could not have them. He wondered how exactly they carried the souls, but supposed that was a question for another day.
"Do you think it would be okay for me to bring my friend in?" continues to pet the raven. it looks at him and notices how Zurtho was looking at him and started to groom himself and and found a loose feather and held it in his beak "ah that's cute, he wants to give you a present for helping me out"
"I do not see why not. The queen would love it, she has many pets." He smiles and takes the feather from the bird and tucks it on the holster for his sword. "Thank you." He starts heading back up to the castle, this time planning on entering through the main gate.

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