Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

He smiles partially at the bird, sueprised it decided to do so. "Does he do this normally?" He enters the castle, through the large wooden gates.
"Only with those that he finds trust worthy or knows that you're not working for my half-breed daughter. He was testing you with the feather, weren't you Umbra" he looks around, slightly tense "Seems he's waiting for something bad to happen." looks around wondering what he could see as possible danger.
"So I am assuming it is enchanted?" He said, then continued, "Who are you looking for?" He noticed her looking around and wondered what she was looking for.
"I was trying to figure out what Umbra was looking for but he's always been protective. I'll never know why but that's just how he is with me. I think Sephrith put a spell on him to make him that way."
"You speak of people I do not know. Come into the castle, the guards will protect us, and we will safer inside of the castle." He says leaning against the doors in order to keep the heavy doorway open.
walks in "Sephrith is my friend and guard and he worries about me all the time so I think he sends Umbra my raven to watch after me when he can not." giggles
unbra stays purched on his shoulder and Demonia returns to her room and finds some paper and a pen and starts to write some things down.
Zurtho searched the cavernous halls of the castle. He decided not to ask a servant and just observe the architecture. He spies a door and knocks and then enters. He looks around and realizes he is in the stables. That explained the smell of feces and sweat. He walked through looking at the many horses until he finds a nice all black steed and begins to pet it. He had great respect for horses, they were so powerful, yet so simple.
Exiriya pulled her off her and said "Semira... Come on. Lets go to my room." Xeliran kneeled down beside Nadia and looked at Semira coldly and said "I was hoping we could be friends again but after this stunt you pulled, its not happening. I can't love you anymore." He shook his head. He looks at Nadia and said "let me get you some Neosporin on that before it gets infected." He touched her cheek softly, something he'd done to Semira so many times before.
Semira walked off but not with Exiriya. She ran to the bathroom and sat on the floor crying her heart out. She sat against the door so no one could enter as she was unableto lock the door.

Nadia looked away. She felt bad for Semira's broken heart and got up. "No... if it gets infected then it does but... i can't just leave her heartbroken like this..." even after all Semira had done Nadia still wanted to help as she walked trying to find semira.
Umbra flew off of Zurtho's shoulder and flew back into the main castle area to look for demonia, stays up high so that he won't be captured.
Exiriya knocked on the door and muttered "Xeliran is hurt that you attacked Nadia like that... I guess were a little at each others throats. Its my fault your like this. I'll be in my room." He walked off. Xeliran grabbed Nadia's wrist lightly and said "I fell in love with Semira but this is what I have to do. My heart aches everytime I look at her. Its like I'm being stabbed. I have to push her away like this because I need to gain the respect of my father so I can become a worthy king in his eyes. I have never been loved by any of my family. My uncles the closest relative to me but he can't visit often. I've struggled to make my father love me but everything I do just disappoints him further." A tear ran down his cheek. They were standing outside the bathroom door but he didn't care. "Tell her what you need to but remember, its for her own good." He kissed Nadias cheek and walked away.
Nadia nodded and opened the door and slipped through the small slit. After an hour Semira left with Nadia.No one knew what was said or where they went but Semira was holing a bloodied dagger when she returned. She walked into Xeliran's room. She was crying even more now and regret took over her face. "Her blood is on your hands now... This is your fault! " she screamed and shook her head hysterically crying. "I didn't mean to hurt her but... i-i couldn't stop them im sorry..." she stabbed the bloody knife into his wall and ran off to Exiriya and banged on the door leaving bloody smears on it. "I think i messed up bad..."
Xeliran was too in shock to say anything but when he shook himself out of it, he ran out of his room and started yelling "Nadia! Can you hear me! Nadia, please!" He ran through the halls, pushing people out of his way.

Exiriya opened the door and asked "what happened? Come in and tell me everything!" He let her in his room and closed the door after her. "Don't leave anything out because your life could be on the line."
Semira nodded seeming terrified. "N-Nadia came to comfort me after i left. She told me why Xeliran left and how he felt. She was actually helping me... but she said there there was this place just outside the kingdom... so i followed her and tthey got her! They got Nadia!" She cried seeming to in shock to tell him exactly who got her. "She saved me and they stabbed her but she told me to run and i did... i left her! Why did i leave her!" She cried looking at the blood on her hands. "They said that she didn't obey... they took her Exiriya they took her! There was so much blood.... i think it's still there..." Semira was shaking in fear. She had never been attacked like that and by the race she feared most.
Umbra heard the noise and smelt the blood that was filling the air and flew to were it was coming from to make sure it wasn't his master once he saw Demonia and knew that she was safe her started to fly around her head to get her attention and pulling on strands of hair. "Alright i am getting up now what is it?" he started to fly in the direction of the blood being strongest but stopped as they were about to leave the castle not wanting Demonia to possibly get hurt he landed on her shoulder and acted like her had done nothing "alright mister whats going on?" giving him a stern look and he just went to cleaning himself, ignoring her question.

Duanna sits at a desk reading a letter the was brought by a dead servant "Sephrith I really don't care if my mother says she is fine I need to go and find her."

Sephrith looked at her and sighed "if you are that worried then I will go for you, someone needs to be watching the kingdom until your mother returns"

Nova ran in to the room in his dog form "I am going with you, if any man has hurt my mother I will rip his heart out and feed it to Cerberus!" growling.

"You might as well take him or he'll follow you and get into more trouble than is needed..." Duanna looks annoyed that she can't go with them.

"Yea I get to go see where mommy is hiding!" Nova ran around some more and then went into his child form to help Sephrith pack for the trip.
Exiriya nodded slightly and said "lets go. He ran out of the palace, holding her hand. Meanwhile, Xeliran had already left the palace, following the strong scent of blood. He knew it was her blood immediately. When he got to the forest, he was attacked by a beautiful girl who held a knife to his throat. When she realized it was the crowned prince, she pulled away. "I am so sorry, my lord but after they captured those girls, we've all been on edge." Xeliran looked around and demanded "one is wounded..." The girl shook her head and said "we were able to take her away and tend to her wound but its way too severe that our healing abilities won't work on it.
Semira took Xeliran to where they were attacked and pointedout were they drug her.

Nadia looked so pale it was scary. She had been stabbed once in the back and once in the stomach. It hurt to breath but she was conscious fornow. "where am i?' She asked softly and looked around the best she could.
The strange girl brought Xeliran to where Nadia was. He leaned beside her and asked the girl "what's your name?" The girl stayed silent before saying "Violet." She swiftly left the two alone. Xeliran whispered "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you." He seemed upset at himself and not the ones who did this.
Nadia rested a hand on his cheek. "You tried... That's all you can do. Don't beat yourself up for this... i shouldn't have left." She said and turned her head. She say vines sliding against the window and forming a heart making her start try an get up. "I have to be outside help me." She said more demandingthen asking. When she mmanaged to get outside they say every animal in the area coming to stay with her. The sight make Nadia cry a bit. "They have come to mske sure that if i die.... it'sa peaceful death." She said and laid down in the soft grass. "I know you don't want to leave... but bring Ash... I need him." She said and watched as the animals laid around her and bringing flowers to her.
Sephrith and Nova left the kingdom of Hell on a horse like beast covered in flames, the horse was another pet to Demonia and could sense her energy and followed it to the world above. When the horse got closer to were the energy was strongest he slowed down and took caution walking through the woods. Sephrith kept his guard up and Nova had a dagger in his hand looking slightly scared.

Demonia returned to her room after not getting any answers from Umbra.

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