Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

He looked around to see if anyone was listening in, knowing no one in the palace would approve of the choice that he was about to make. "I-I'll watch over you." He smiled kindly at her and touched her cheek gently. "I don't want anyone in the palace or even outside of the palace walls to be afraid anymore. That's what I will change after I become king. Come..."

King Axoret went to Demonia's side and handed her a beautiful red dress with laced arms. "Here ya go. Hope you like it." He smiled softly at her and bowed, before walking out of the room.
Zurtho returned to his blacksmith shop, still pondering design of movement and protection from individual scales. "Maybe I could blend the larger and smaller scales together giving more support?" He muttered to himself as he entered the shop and lit the forge for the next day of work, it took a long time to get to the appropriate high temperatures. He sat down in the small, business room and began looking through a list of supply men as he watched the front for any customers who might want something early in the morning, they usually made him the most money. "No, No, No, Maybe? No, No.." He said aloud as he continued on down the list seeing who could supply him the necessary parts.
Nadia smiled and leaned her head into his hand. "Thank you... this means a lot to me... I guess you're wondering why though huh? " She began walking back to her room with him. "A few years ago i was kidnapped in my sleep. They were humans that didn't want my mother to be in alliance with dark elves. I was supposed to be a message but instead i hid from everyone until i healed and acted like nothing happened. They took a part of me away that night... so i prefer not to sleep alone." She looked at him and sighed. "Ash doesn't even know... it would ruin our trust in humans even thoughnot all iof them are bad."
Xeliran chuckled and said "my father and brother keep them as slaves but I agree there not all bad. Both of them abuse the humans and use them for their sexual needs." he rolled his eyes at the thought. As you can tell, I don't get along with them very much. My brother has been kinder to me than usual lately and its weird but... oh well." He shrugged.
"I think it's Semira... i can see he cares for her... " she opened the door to her room and sat on the bed. "I'm you have to do this... but thank you." She leaned up and kissed his cheek before slipping under the covers and closing her eye.
He sat in the chair beside her bed, and watched over her for the night.

The next morning, he woke up and silently left her room in an attempt to not wake her. He went downstairs to see what was for breakfast. Exiriya had already waken up and was downstairs eating breakfast. He looked up and when he saw Xeliran, he smiled. Xeliran sat across from him and when the cook served him, he started to eat.
Semira entered the dinning room and saw the brothers. The sight of Exiriya made her think of last night and she sat in the middle not wanting to be near either one. Nadia also walked in soon after Semira. She sat across from her and Semira filled the room with tension.
Xeliran completely ignored Semira's presence and looked over at Nadia. "Did you sleep well last night?" He smiled softly at her. When Ash walked into the dining room and sat down beside Nadia, Xeliran smiled at him as well. Exiriya asked angrily "why are you speaking to our prisoners and more importantly, wood elves." He hissed with disgust.
Zurtho had been moved to his bed by his slaves, and they started running the shop for him. Zurtho was awoken by the ring of the hammer, a workshop was not the best place to receive a peaceful night's sleep but he had enough. He got up and washed himself lightly as he could not afford the full hot baths as the royalty could. He dried off and changed his outfit. He stretched a bit then, got up to go see the king and possibly talk about the design of armor; maybe pick up a few new royal customers as well.
"Yes... thank you Xeliran. " she gave him a slight wink and looked at Ash. "Hey hows the scar?" She asked touching his chest softly.

Semira growled at Nadia. "I wish he would have cut you instead! Oh and how is your face it's looking a bit swollen. "
she had rested well after having a bath and somewhere to sleep, she did her hair and loving the dress she was given. she peaked outside of her room to see if anyone else was awake. she was sure that someone was since she had always been known to waking up late.
Zurtho entered the Royal Palace and walked though the halls. His Ax and Sword with him he looked almost as if he were a mercenary. He when on unofficial business entered through the armory as he was in charge of keeping it stocked. He walked by the chambers of the knights and saw the two infamous 'twin' vampires. He continued on however preferring his blood to remain inside of his body. He had his own small facility in the castle. It was a small forge custom made for the high heat Zurtho worked with. The room had room for about 2 people to work with out killing each other. Zurtho did not enter it though, and rather continued on down the halls nodding every once and a while to diplomats visiting the kingdom, rarely one will me brave enough to talk with him, but that was quite rare.
She sees Zurtho and walks over to him and smiles "how are you today?" hearing that he made a sword recently for the king she thought she would as him to look at her sword and see if he could make needed repairs on it.
"I am well, and yourself, Queen Demonia?" He said with a bow of his head. He wondered how powerful she actually might be, she might be able to help him with the King's armor.
"I am well but my sword not so much..." a growling is heard at her side and she taps her sword "I told you yesterday I will have none of that. She is a bit angry that she has a crack in her and that I insist on fighting with an injured blade. My money may not be good here but if there is some way that I can help in exchange for payment I would be happy to do so."
"The blade is alive?..." He says not even considering repairing it until he knows more about the blade. Who would put a weapon that could kill you in the fire? If it has feelings, who knows what it would do.
"Isn't every blade in some way or another, even if it is a small soul a sword has life in it that the crafter has given it in the process of creation. My sword has the soul of a dragon that was once my pet and partner. She had become so old but she wanted to be by my side until the end of Hell so I had my blacksmith put her soul into a sword." looks down at the sword "So could you help me?"
"I suppose, yes but is there anything that I should not do? I've put them in, but never repaired one. Could you describe the fracture and how it happened?" He asked so he knows which way it bent in order to realign the core properly, assuming it had one. He extends his hand in order to receive the blade.
She handed him the blade "The crack is near the tip of the blade, you won't have to worry about damaging her soul since most of it is in the hilt of the sword. and if she hisses don't worry about it she has always hissed when she is getting repaired." Smiles "So is there anything that I can do for you?"
"Dragon scales... I would like dragon scales for 2 suits of armor." He said holding the blade, he holds the tip up towards his face to better see the break. "This will be easy, and I know that is a lot of dragon scales so I will owe you."
Xeliran said "that's enough Semira. Exiriya stood up, slamming his hands on the table, saying "don't yell at her!" Ash sighed and seemed to feel the tension. "I'm going to eat in my room. Now if you'll excuse me." He picked up his plate and walked off. King Axoret saw him and smiled gently. "Good morning, Ash was it?" Ash nodded slowly and said "yeah." Queen Elyra stood beside him and said "its so nice to meet you." She curtsied and followed the king off.
"Large or small scales or a combination of the two?" a small hissing whisper sound comes from the sword "If I could find my way home I would do that. She was suggesting that I get the scales from her siblings since she thinks scales from the dragons of hell would be stronger but weight less. It what we have used for our armor." gives him a real smile unlike the fakes that she had given others the previous day "and thank you for helping me."
"The mix would be the best, and if that is true than I would prefer that.. Follow me, I have a small forge in the castle." He begins walking down the halls to his forge where he lights the fire and gathers the necessary tools. "May I ask, if you are Queen of hell why do you look so young?"
Smiles and blushes "Well we can choose to stop aging or slow it down, I chose to stop aging when I had hit age twenty-five, since then I have just stayed looking young. From time to time it has been a problem, rival kingdoms thinking I am one of my kids so they try to fight me and they end up dying themselves..." she thinks for a moment and then a dead servant walks out of the shadows with a bag and hands it to Demonia. "Almost forgot I had been collecting these." she smiles and giggles.
"Collecting what exactly?" He says cleaning the blade so that no impurities become melted into the blade. He had a soft silk rag, surprising thick using lots of silk to make it so that he did not cut himself dealing with such weapons.

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