Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

looks annoyed at Zurtho "And what do you think I am, just like most that see me you must think I am of a weaker race? only those blind and unable to see with the mind would think such a thing. If your mind was more open you would see that I speak the truth. Even if I show you my family crest; that is if you know what the crest of hell looks like; I'm sure you would say that I stole it or it is a counterfeit." trying to keep herself calm "And you would be right, everyone does have a place after death, some join me and some join my sister in the clouds...but everything is so bright there I don't see how she can stand it..."
Nadia blinked at Demonica. She hoped it would be bright and filled with joy but she decided to keep her mouth shut for the time being. "Um... i really must rest now so Miss you can have a servantshow you to your quarters when your ready. Feel free to eexplore a bit longer if you want... mister because of a danger of conflict you will have to leave before the night is over. Nadia bowed her head and went to her room for the night.
"It is the social order nothing less, but seeing as you are not truly a human; I may treat you as an equal, or if you prove such, Demon Queen,...superior. I understand your reasoning, Nadia. I will head to the marketplace before I leave to keep you informed. I have some business to attend to there." He was surprised by the instant reaction from the two; he expected more self-control, especially from royalty who probably have centuries on him. He waited to see if they had any more words, before he continued on to his business.
"Thank you for your kindness and sleep well" smiles and then looks at Zurtho and reaches into her pocket and pulls out her family crest "Here is the crest and if you don't mind could you show me to the marketplace? I am in need of new boots, I just hope my money with be good enough to use there...I also need to find a blacksmith to fix my sword since my blacksmith went missing..." sighs

Ash's eyes narrowed at the site of the everyone. Just then, someone cut across Ash's chest with incredible speed. Prince Exiriya stood there with a smirk playing on his lips as he watched Ash double over in pain. "Stupid elf boy!" His eyes flashed with hatred as he looked at Nadia. "Where is my brother? Where is the crowned prince, Xeliran!" He had the look to kill and seemed more angry than usual. Xeliran came out of the shadows and Exiriya ran over to him, hugging him. "I'm so glad that they didn't hurt you." He was checking Xeliran all over but Xeliran pushed him away and said "no. They didn't hurt me." Exiriya seemed relieved by that news. He then said "the girls are worried about you. Dad wants you to meet with and pick one to marry as soon as possible. No more excuses." King Axoret walked out of the shadows and looked around at everyone. "Why are you hanging out with peasants? You know its forbidden. Well more forbidden for them and for even dare looking upon you can cause them the death penalty." Ash backed off immediately not even caring that Exiriya attacked him. Exiriya started to laugh coldly and pointed to Nadia. "That's the girl that kidnapped my brother." Ash immediately stood in front of her. "She wouldn't do such a thing. Especially not to the crowned prince. Of course not!" He didn't want Nadia to be killed by the hand of royalty. Xeliran shook his head and said "she never touched me. I went with her. It's my fault." King Axoret watched all of them closely.
Nadia tilted her pointed ears back. She was obviously at the sudden attack but tried to keep herself calm. "I promise i got Xeliran's permission before i did anything. Wood elves are peaceful people!" She insisted. "I don't want trouble so take him we did nothing wrong! In fact to prove to you we are not bad i would like for you to stay for dinner tomorrow. .." she said and got in front of Ash. He was already hurt so she didn't need him hurt anymore.
sighs and looks at herself and sees how much mud and dirt is caked on her dress and feels that there are twigs in her hair"I suppose I do look like a peasant but I can assure you that I am of royal blood." holds her crest out in front of her so that they can see it "I am Demonia Dragonfly and I rule over the lands of Hell." she explains to them how she became lost. "I swear next time I leave to go anywhere I am taking guards with's really annoying being mistaken for a peasant..."
Nadia nodded. "And i am the princess of this land... wood elves are not as formal as others so we hardly evan wear a crown! And this is my head knight!" She said giving ash a reason to be there.
King Axoret said "Queen Demonia, was it? Come to the palace with us so you can wash yourself and explain to me why an outsider is in my land so I can decide if I should behead you. Wood elves, you will come with me as well and Zurthos... My sword better be ready and if not... Off. With. Your. Head." He smirked. "Come on everybody. Exiriya was shocked that he'd let a wood elf into his palace but shrugged. Ash was hesitant and looked at Nadia.
Nadia looked at Ash. Pure fear was in her eyes. "Actually Demonica was going to stay with us... and i really should get some rest...." She insisted and looked at Xeliran with eyes that told him she didn't want to go. Nadia became very timid and shy when shewas scared and behind her back she held onto Ash rather tightly. She was sure to hide it though.
Laughs at the thought of being beheaded and then smirks and puts her family crest away and then notices how Nadia is reacting to the invitation "Well I think I will go to the castle, Nadia your lands are so beautiful and if some shadows from my kingdom have followed me it would bring trouble to you and your people, I wouldn't want someone as nice as you to have to deal with that darkness so I think I'll go to the castle with them." smiles and looks at the king "And you, don't think I will go down so easily without a fight if you try to behead me. Just because I am a queen doesn't mean my sword is for show and not use."
King Axoret said "you dare defy your king?" Xeliran looked at his father with fear. A few soldiers stepped out of the shadows guns pointed at them. "Now what was that about defying me. The wood elves will be imprisoned, Demonia will be with me awaiting her judgement and my blacksmith will follow to give me my sword.

The king was happy that Demonia wasn't foolish like the wood elves. Xelirans jaw clenched, afraid of what might happen. He ran a hand through his hair in distress.
Nadia backed away. "Please don't do this! We haven'tdone anything! " She cried and began to regret ever bringing ash into this. She did follow the king this time and looked at Xeliran... "Why would you do this to us?" She asked and shook her head sadly. Nadia looked at ash with an apologetic eyes.
Xeliran walked beside her and whispered "I'm sorry but I can't control my father." King Axoret was satisfied and walked ahead, expecting his blacksmith to follow. Exiriya walked beside Demonia and said "my father is a tyrant so don't expect him to set you free easily. He's overprotective of the crowned prince only because he's the king to be. He could care less about him though."
"I have been called the same thing in my kingdom so if I know what to expect from myself then I am sure I can only imagine what another is capable of doing, but I would not leave my kingdom so easily if there weren't a few trick that could be pulled out of my sleeve if I do wish to leave." has no fear of what may happen to her. As she follows a raven swoops down onto her shoulder and makes a slight cawing noise. "Let them know that I am safe, not sure where I am but no need to send out the search party just tell them to put my daughter in charge until I return." the raven nods and flies off. "I swear....sending out a search party for me...."
Nadia looked at him. "It's ok... as long as my people are safe i can die in peace." She touched his cheek softly but removed it before anyone saw. "But if i die... tell my mother that i am sorry... and i love her." Nadia looked away wiping tears from her face. When they got to the castle Semira stood outside. She looked at Xeliran then noticed the wood elf and ran for her. Nadia knew she would get in more trouble for attacking defence or not. She also didn't need her only hope to hate her. Semira punched Nadia right in her left eye. Nadia yelped slightly and fell to the ground in pain. She brushed her fingers over her cheek and winced. Semira seemed to be amused by this and kneeled down continually clawing and hitting Nadia.
King Axoret told her "well, we've already had a search party to look for my irresponsible runaway son." Xeliran rolled his eyes and said "well if you would at least pretend to give a damn about me, maybe I wouldn't have to runaway." The king hissed at Xeliran angrily.

When Semira was attacking Nadia, Exiriya and Xeliran both forcefully pulled her off. Exiriya said "calm down. There the king's now. You have no right to attack her. Come on. Lets go inside. He wrapped an arm around her waist and walked inside the palace. King Axoret rolled his eyes and yelled "this is why we don't hang out with nobles and let them fall for us!"
"Kids will be kids. My daughter has done the same thing countless times but that has normally been when she thinks I have killed someone for no reason..." tries to hide her smile from what she had just seen happening to Nadia but another part of her looked like she wanted to help her. "So where do I go so I can get cleaned up? If I have to hear one more person mistaken me for a low-life again I really don't care who they are I will kill them." pulling a few twigs from her hair
"I'll show you to a bathroom and I'm pretty sure my Queens clothes will fit you." He walked inside leaving Xeliran who was already helping Nadia off the ground. "Are you OK? I am so sorry about that. That's Semira and she's probably just angry that you took me away." He frowned.
Nadia stood and wiped blood from her lip. Looked at Xeliran with a slight smile. "I didn't hit her this time..." she said trying to see the up side of things. She leaned on Ash for support and she couldn't really see that well.

Semira pushed him off with a hiss. "Don't touch me! I am not yours! "
Xeliran looked at her kindly and said "I'm glad. Come on. Lets go inside." He took her by the hand and smiled, bringing her inside. He saw the servants greet them and he waved to all of them.
she follows him looking around "You have a lovely home, its not in decay or ruin like mine." laughs "Also thank you for allowing me to come into your home. Its nice to meet a royal who doesn't fear me."
Nadia was a bit confused. "I thought i was to be imprisoned? " she asked but happily followed him. She was a bit less scared now that Xeliran was with her and she looked around curiously.
King Axoret laughed and said "I fear nobody. I only kill royalty that betray me so I don't know what I'm going to do about you." He chuckled amused that she would ever think he would fear her.

Xeliran explained "technically you can't be imprisoned unless its definite you broke a law." He looked at her curiously when he noticed she was nervous.
When Nadia turned she caught Xeliran looking at her curiously. She blushed and looked down to hide it. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked. Her heart was racing and she couldn't believewhat was hhappening. She liked Xeliran. He made her nervous being alone with him like this and it was hard to hide it.

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