Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

He teasingly asked "are you falling for me?" He laughed and said "unfortunately, your only a plaything in my eyes." He got close to her and rested his hand on her cheek. He leaned in and as soon as his lips met hers, he pulled away from her. "Listen, Xeliran only does what he does to make dad love him. He's never been accepted by us because of who his mother is. The only reason why dad hasn't told Xeliran who his real mother is is because his mother is a human and if dad admits it, he will be killed. He may be king, but the king doesn't get special treatments when it comes to the law." He turns away from her. "Don't tell him this. It will hurt him and that's the last thing that I want to happen."
Semira sighed. She slid her arms around his waist. "If i am just a play thing why aren't you playing with me like the others? Am i specia? " she asked teasingly. Her fingertips traced his abs and she soon pulled away sinking uunderwater.
"There's a difference between play thing and slave." He smirked but when he saw Xeliran approach, he cleared his throat and asked "what are you doing here?" Xeliran stared at Exiriya with hatred written all over his face. Xeliran said "well, all I had to do was make the girls comfortable and then Erik told me Semira had to speak to me." Exiriya got out of the water and said "you can speak to her ri-" just then Xeliran punched him hard. Exiriya hit the ground and coughed a little. Xeliran said "you knew how I felt for her yet you still went after her!" Exiriya wiped the blood off and started to chuckle. He slowly got up and went over to Xeliran. Before Xeliran could react, he kneed him in the stomach. He watched his brother cough in pain. "Never... and I mean NEVER, hit me again or I swear I'll kill you before you realize what's happening. She's mine because your not man enough to take her for yourself!" He stormed off.
When Semira rose from the water she saw Xeliran. She gasped and rushed over to his side. "Xeliran! Are you alright?!" She asked and caressed his cheek until she realized what had happened. "Were you two fighting over me? You know how i feel about you why would you do this?! I'm not just property to fight over! You were already hurt!" She stood and turned her back to him. She couldn't believe this. She was not going to let them act like children and fight over her. Especially if one didn't even love her. "You should leave... And don't return until you gain some sense! Then and only then will i tell you what i wanted." She growled and dove into the water.
Xeliran knew he wouldn't admit to starting the fight. He slowly walked back to the palace, using the trees to guide him back home. Exiriya was standing outside, crossing his arms. Axoret yelled "you punched Exiriya! How many times do I have to tell you that you can't be with Semira! She's not royalty! I have let you be friends with her this long but I think that has been a mistake. Go see Semira and tell her you can never see her again because I'm sick of you and Exiriya fighting over her like children! She's Exiriya's, not yours. Exiriya go with him cause I don't trust him!" Xeliran clenched his fist and said softly "yes, father." He walked off and Exiriya followed. "I never said I wouldn't make your life a living hell." When they got to the river bank, Exiriya leaned against a tree and said "go ahead. Tell her like the little stuck up brat you are." Xeliran looked at the river and said "Semira... I need to talk to you."
Semira rose from the water. She looked over and saw his brother. "You childish people. You should be ashamed. " She hissed and turned. "I'm not willing to speak with you Xeliran... you hit your brother for no reason. He was just talking with me and he was there when you were to busy trying please the same man i thought you hated. The worst part is... you hurt me continually and i still love you all the same... on top of that you can't acknowledge that you brother is actually really sweet sometimes. Granted i don't know his motives but still. He makes me feel like he could care... instead of hiding it like someone." She sighed and vanished in the water before he could tell her the news.
Xeliran said "well she won't see me again anyways so am I free?" Exiriya laughed coldly and called out "Semira, dont worry. You won't be seeing his face again." He laughed but Xeliran pushed him into the water. Exiriya was caught off guard and struggled a little. When he finally got out, he smirked. "As I said, your no man and she doesn't deserve someone like you." He walked off. Xeliran leaned against the tree and for the first time, he cried. He knew he was alone and knew no one would come find him. He then knew what he was going to do. He stood up, wiping his tears and he ran. He didn't know his destination and didn't care. It only took a half an hour to realize their prince was missing and they sent search parties out looking for him. Exiriya came to the river and said "Semira!!! Have you seen the crowned prince?"
Semira refused to answer. She was crying as well. She knew she wouldn't see Xeliran ever again but when she heard he ran away she forgot about Exiriya and left trying to find him by checking ever lake and even their old hang outs.
Exiriya had sent patrols out looking for Xeliran. The king wanted nothing to do with his cowardly son, however, and refused to look for him. Meanwhile, Xeliran had gotten to a human town. He was frightened considering he's never been around human society before. They all stared at him like he was some kind of freak. A few teenage boys cornered him and threw rocks at him. He tried to talk to them but couldn't and got hit in the face with a rock. When he collapsed, the boys ran laughing. Xeliran panted as he slowly got onto all fours. He didn't want to lose himself anymore. He wanted to be a human. He collapsed for one last time.

Xeliran woke up in a hospital. When Exiriya got the call, he called Semira saying "Xeliran is in the hospital in the next town over. He was pelted with rocks by human boys and knowing Xeliran that didn't go over well. He's barely used to the humans we keep at the palace. A town full of humans is a completely different story."
Semira sighed. "I'll be there in a moment meet me?" She asked and after his reply she left.

Nadia entered Xeliran's room. The nurse bowed her head in respect and left the two alone. Nadia was the type to be everywhereat once and when she heard of this incident she had to meet this prince. Dark or not she saw him as a guest in her home and sent guards to gather the trouble makers. "Welcome lord Xeliran... i never expected to see a dark elf here."
Xeliran looked at closely and said "hmph... And who are you?" Exiriya walked in but when he saw the elf beside his brother's bed, he demanded "how dare you lay a hand o-" He notices her face and release her arm. "Princess... I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you." Xeliran narrowed his eyes and asked "you know her?" He growled slightly in annoyance, wanting answers.
"All is fine... but if you are going to be rude to me guest in MY town you can leave. And no he doesn't know me but is it so wrong to show kindness to an outsider who got attached unfairly by my people?" She asked almost challenging him. This was her town so she had all the authority now. Semira walked in as well and glared at the princess. "How dare you let your people do this to a prince! Obviously your not a very good princess are you?!" She hissed wanting to strike and obviously showing jealousy. Nadia looked down at Xeliran. "Is this your wife?" She asked and looked back at Semir. "II'm sorry but your empty threats only show you as pitiful so-" Semira cut her off as she was about to slap her. Nadia caught her hand twisted it making her kneel. "Please don't do this... The queen is being a royal pain in my side, the kids parents now have to face execution, and my sister just got murdered! So forgive me if i have little patience for your foolishness! " She shoved her back and straightened her dress. "Where were we?" She asked casually as Semira sat on the floor.
Exiriya kneeled beside her and noticed Xeliran hit the elf girl across the face. He was standing, a look of pain on his face. "N-No one hurts my friends. Not even royalty. This may be your town but they are from my kingdom." Exiriya smirked and said "anyways, I called dad and... He said he isn't going to come see you. You are too human for his tastes and unless you get your ass back home, he's disowning you and going to make me the crownwd prince." Xeliran's widened and he said "he can't do that!" Exiriya shrugged and replied "yeah he can because your his bastard son. He just told me to tell you. Don't kill the messenger." Xeliran laid back on the bed, defeated.
Nadia touched her face."I'm sorry for my action... i nnever resort to violence like that..." shellooked at Semira and said. "I would like a word alone with Xeliran if you two would please take your leave." Semira nodded and left reluctantly and waited for Exiriy. Nadia turned to Xeliran. "Are you alright... I'm sorry about your friend. If i can help please let me know..."
Exiriya left without another word. Xeliran shook his head and said "she's a noble. A friendship like our shouldn't happen and I have been forbidden to see her because I hit Exiriya for going out with her. She can date whoever... Just not him because if you haven't noticed, he's an ass." He rolled his eyes, annoyed. "I ran away cause I didn't want to deal with royalty anymore yet, I woke to one right here. Why?"
Nadia looked away. "I have a place... if you will let me take you... there'sa way out to were they won't see us..." she was trtrying to comfort him but help him escape. She had felt this way as well and often retreated to this waterfall in the forest. Mermaid tunnels were forbidden and it was peaceful as well.

Semira sat in a chair and sighed. "What should i do... this is your fault! I never should have fallen for you!" She covered her mouth after those words slippedout and she hoped he didn't hear.
"As long as I don't get pelted with rocks anymore cause that really hurt. I guess this is why we hide from humans." He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Plus, I have to go home soon." He smiled softly at her.

Exiriya chuckled, leaning against the wall. "So I was right." He was amused by her reaction. "You know I will never love you." He smiled as he went over to her and kissed her, more passionately than usual. When he pulled away, he said "we need the crowned prince before dad does something stupid."
Nadia took his hand. She helped him up snd took him the the window. She lifted the glass and looked around a bit before picking a tree with thick branches. It approached the window and she helped him out as it carried them away. "Relax the ride is smooth so it shouldn't hurt. " She looked at his bruises and gently ran a finger across the marks.

Semira looked away. "Just leave me alone! And don't kiss me like that!"
He clung onto her, gently and asked "where are we going? And how are you doing this?" He ran a hand through his hair. "You better not get us killed and I hope you know what your doing. I am the crowned prince so if anything happens to me, Exiriya will send people after you!"

A low growl erupted from the bottom of his throat and he wrapped his arms around her throat. "No one rejects me!" He looked around and saw nurses looking over at them. He walked away from her and walked into the hospital room. When he saw Xeliran gone, he yelled "damn it! I shouldn't have trusted that elf!" He walked out of the room and said "were going! Xeliran is gone and we need to start looking for him before dad really disowns him. If Xeliran doesn't become king, the revolution will come sooner and the kingdom will fall." He walked off.
Nadia laughed softly. " We are going to my secret haven. Trust me is i wanted you dead or captured i wouldn't waste my valuable time doing it myself. I promise you will be home by sun up which gives us a while to relax." They stopped at the waterfall. It was just a pond at the bottom so there was almost no currents. She helped him down and rested him against a tree.

Semira stayed seated. "I refuse to go with you! You can't make me!" She yelled not trusting to leave with him.
"Who is that, my lady?" Xeliran looked around but didn't see anyone. An elven boy walked out of the shadows and said angrily "why did you bring a dark elf here!?" Xeliran smirked and looked at the boy. "I'm a half elf. The king had an affair with a human. He just won't admit it." The boy laughed, coldly and said "that's impossible. Its against the law to have relations with a human."

"Fine! And if the crowned prince dies, don't think I'm taking blame. The elves are not to be trusted!" He stormed off. He hated the elves more than anyone in the kingdom. He was furious that his own brother would be taken captive by him.
Nadia smiled at the boy. "This is Xeliran he is a guest so be nice ok..." she approached the boy an stroked his cheek softly. She turned to Xeliran and smiled softly. "Please get along... for my sake?" She said and sat in the soft grass.

Semira looked at him as he left. She didn't understand why he was so angry if he didn't love her. She left and began searching for Xeliran.
The boy said "the name is Ash. Touch my people and I swear I'll kill you." He walked off, following her. Xeliran rolled his eyes and followed after them. He ran a hand through his hair. He hated being so close to elves because all his life he was told they were traitors.

Exiriya looked everywhere but,couldn't find him. He was angry about,Semira but also angry about the fact that he didn't know where his big bro was
Nadia sighed as she felt the tension. "Please have a seat." She said and patted the spot next to her for ash. She saw ash as her protector and liked to keep him close. When Ash sat down she rested her head on his shoulder to relax him.

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