Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Xeliran brought Sarah back to the house and started to dry her with a towel. They laughed a little together but she was soon taken away from by the king. He sighed and decided to go up to his room. He stood on his balcony and started to hum the song Semira sang to him so many times before. It was a habit but he didn't care. He even started to sing the words.
Semira could feel her song being sung. Every siren had their own unique song and could tell when it was sung. She thought this as her chance and got out of the water. She put on a robe since it was the fastest thing to put on and began walking. When she was closer she sang back to him until she found him standing on the balcony. "Xeliran. .." She said softly and stopped singing.
Xeliran stared down at her and said "explain to me the real reason you left. I heard my brother went for a 'walk' but I don't believe him. He's my brother after all." He ran a hand through his hair and sais "your main problem is that you focus too much on what other people think but you know what I think? Screw them. Your a noble so it doesn't matter my relationship with you but if you can't accept me then... Good bye Semira..." He walked back in his room.
Semira knew he was right but she couldn't loose him. "No Xeliran i love you! Please your brother said you would never love my in return and if i didn't stay away he'd take advantage of me! Just give me a chance to explain. " She called after him hoping it would make him come back to her. "Xeliran i won't let what other people say conflict us again just please your all that i have and could ever love." Semira said if only he would let her explan instead of walking away every time.
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Exiriya was inside his room and had a smirk playing on his lips. "Girlfriend break up with you?" Xeliran ran a hand through his hair and sais "I bet you had something to do with this?" Exiriya laughed lightly and said "Lets talk on the balcony so we have more privacy. Xeliran walked on the balcony with his brother. Exiriya said "I heard that you tried to save Sarah and nearly died in the process. Why?" Xeliran smiled and said "cause I'm not a heartless bastard like you but why... Why did you have to tell her." Exiriya turned to look at him and said "you know how she feels... Why do you push her away?" Xeliran sighed as he leaned against the railing. "Because I have to focus on my future as king and not worry about love." Exiriya walked inside and said "pathetic response. Why don't you have sex with your servants and slaves to fulfill your urges? That's what we do." Heleft Xeliran alone to think.
Semira sighed and went home. She figured her begging wouldn't work until he came to her. Besides it wasn't like her to be all depressed. Semira needed fun and food. She knew Xeliran wouldn't agree with it but maybe it would make her feel better tasting the blood of a human again. Semira licked her lips and headed out to the local pub wearing one of her favoritedresses.
Xeliran wasn't aloud out of his room because he lost his temper but he knew his brothers actions screwed him over big time this time. It frustrated him and he knew there would be a riot among his people. He wanted to be liked as a king but he would never be liked with his brother messing up his rulership whenever he can. He let out a frustrated sigh.
Semira hummed her song as she entered the bar making every male look at her. She had one by her a drink as she drowned her sadness with the fun mix of alcohol and men ready to die for her. She got her hands on a dagger when she was completely wasted and started feeding off the men. Her true siren coming out as she found herself being taken over by a never-ending blood lust yet she never killed anyone that went against her morals.
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A guard ran into Xelirans room and said "there is trouble at the bar. What should we do?" Xeliran glanced at him and replied "arrest those involved." The guard nodded and ran off.

At the bar, soldiers came running into the bar and were holding down the ones fighting back. One soldier even tackled Semira and handcuffed her. "Stand down or you will be executed."
Semira didn't even try to struggle. Part of her didn't even know what was going on. She was cover in human blood but only servants and commoners. "Hey were is everone going? Join us!" She encouraged but soon passed out.
They brought her back to the palace and through her into a jail cell. They locked it and went to tell Xeliran but ended up bumping into Exiriya instead. "Hey, little soldiers. What are you up to? I hear you arrested a servant girl for killing innocents. I think its time I pay her a little visit." The soldiers were scared of what he might do but allowed it anyways. Exiriya walked into the cellar and saw Semira in a cell covered in blood. "Well well well... I should have known. Hard break up with lover boy?" He smirked as he studied her face.
Semira smiled at him and stood walking to the bars. "It's not about your brother... this is who i am... this is my fate. So either let me out or leave me be your dogs already ruined my fun! " she groaned and sat on the bed in the cell. " I forgot how tasty humans were... don't let Xeliran see me like this... thats the only thing i ask." She licked blood off her lips and sucked it off her fingers as well.
"And what's in it for me?" He leaned against the bars and heard someone yell "Semira!" Exiriya made a low growl sound from the bottom of his throat. "Too late." Xeliran pushed past Exiriya and demanded "what's the meaning of this?" A strange man rested against a wall. Xeliran turned to look at the man and asked "can you get father to take her off the death list?" The man smirked and nodded. "Yeah. Of course, my lord." Xeliran looked at her coldly and said "yeah. Heard from my servant that you drank a lot and fed from innocent people, not too mention royals and nobels which as you know, is forbidden. Your lucky I don't come in there to kill you myself!" The man growled and yelled "that's enough Xeliran!" Xeliran looked at her and said "your lucky..." He stormed off and the man followed him. Before Xeliran went upstairs, he punched a hole in the wall. It was obvious he was furious but it was rare for him to ever be furious at Semira.
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The petite structured doll walked down the hall with a cape draped over her shoulders and a black hood covering her head. She had been gone for awhile and heard quickly of the news about what the wretched Exiriya did. How she hated him. He was a bad man that needed to accept that the young prince will be crowned or at least that was her opinion.

Creaking open the door to Xeliran's room ever so slightly, Merideth pulled half her body through the door but only to find the young prince no where to be found in his room. She shut the door back carefully as she heard a thudding sound. She turned back her head and removed her hood from her head. "The young lord must be angry with something..or someone." She muttered this to herself as she studied the dark hallways ahead of her.
Xeliran walked to his room but as soon as he saw Merideth, he ran over to her and hugged her tightly. "I missed you so much!" He exclaimed. The man behind him said "my lord, we have work to do." Xeliran nodded slowly.
Merideth blinked a couple of times in surprise as Xeliran hugged her tightly and without warning. Merideth let the young lord hug her but she of course didn't hug back; that would be improper and strange of her to do. "I'm sorry, I was out roaming about in the commoner area, young lord. I was seeing if there were any rebellions being plotted but I see I'm late." Her tone was soft and mundane; she always spoke and expressed no emotion, she was a doll after all. "Young lord, is there anything you wish for me to do while your working?"
The man said "actually, that's what were discussing. The rebellion is rising and they are planning on overthrowing the king, making it impossible for Xeliran to take the throne." He let out a deep, exasperated sigh. Xeliran looked away slightly and explained "father is not doing anything about it. He said that he isn't afraid of those trying to overthrow him. He said he was going to fight back. I think its impossible." The man nodded a little but then said "we do have the elves that live in the forest. They keep to their selves but they would protect us with their lives. We also have the dragons that are always on the side of the royal family." Xeliran nodded and said "we should look into it. Merideth, can you do that? There are a couple of wood elf tribes that might listen to what we might say but its better not to send a dark elf. Were not on entirely good terms with them."
Semira sighed. She noticed the brother was still there and looked at him. "I didn't kill anyone i just had fun... can nothing satisfy him? So what i'm a little bad he doesn't have to go crazy over it... i thought her knew me better than that... I'm starting to see your side of things it's kind of sad..." she looked away for a moment then back. " do you think he really hates me?"
he chuckled, amused and said "no. He is madly in love with and has to restrain himself when he's around you. He just can't focus on love so he hides it so no one can make it his weakness. He needs to be a good king but... He's only a bastard. They should have made me crowned prince but at last, I'm not because of fathers slave women." He ran a hand through his hair and got close to the bars. "That man with brother, that's uncle. He's fathers older brother and would have been king. Thankfully he's not because he's too nice to be king. He loves brother. Its pathetic. My information doesn't come cheap. You want to get back at brother for breaking your heart right?
Semira shook her head. " No but i want him to admit he loves me becauseright now ii'm feeling more love from you than him. Look i want him to pay but i don't want to hurt him... any ideas? " she asked and moved close to the bars as well. Semira didn't like him but he had gained some respect. " But remember i don'twant him to be even more mad i want him to fight for me like he is failing to do now."
"I have some ideas to mess with his head." He smirked and unlocked the cell. "As far as anyones concerned, you escaped you naughty girl." He smirked. It was obvious he was playing with her head." He backed off but then said "and I don't love you. Your just another girl that I can use and abuse." He walked off.
Semira smiled at him beforehe left and took off. She ddidn'tknow her way tthrough the jail very well but made it nonetheless. She wondered how exactly he would communicate his plans to her but she also knew he had his ways of getting to people. She went home and bathed for a while thinking of today's horrid events. After she burned her bloody clothes and went to bed. She dreamed only of Xeliran so she didn't actually sleep much.
Exiriya found Xeliran talking to one of his most prized servants and smirked. He went into his room and called Semira. "Hey. I have an idea to get back at Xeliran. Take the one thing he cherishes most away from him. Second option is being my girlfriend for a day. Which do you prefer. Both include getting up and personal."
Semira yawned softly and spoke with a tired tone. " He'd never forgive me for taking something he loved but if you take away something he loved maybe that would get him. I'll be your girlfriendas long as no sexual intercourse is involved AT ALL." She said and waited his reply as she started to get up. She didn't want to but she had a feeling he wanted to get started now.
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"Don't worry. I told you your a girl I can use and abuse. If I wanted to have sex with you, I would have already. Swing by when you can. Xeliran is discussing politics with his servant girl..." He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Guess he doesn't trust me after I did what was right."

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