Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Semira groaned softly but got dressed and headed over to the palace. It was kinda nice to be summoned instead of forcing her way in. "So i'm here what now?" She asked crossingher arms.
"Just wait." He peeked out his door to see Xeliran bringing his servant girl to his room. Exiriya smirked and brought Semira out of his room. He started to kiss her. Despite how awful a person he was, he was a good kisser. Xeliran walked out of his room to get something but when he saw Exiriya kissing Semira, his eyes flashed with hatred. "Get away from him!" He yelled. Exiriya reluctantly pulled away and asked "what's wrong? You specifically said work was more important so I took her for myself? Don't be all jealous. She's not yours." Xeliran was about to attack but knew he had a point so he just walked back in his room.
Semira looked stlightly surprised but kissed him in return. When he pulled away she growled under her breath. "Really he doesn't even let me speak! Oh im mad so im gonna go and pout in a corne. " she mocked and licked her lips still able to taste Exiyri. She looked at him and sighed. "What now?"
Exiriya let out a light laugh. "Its better that you didn't. Lets go." He took her by the hand but just then, he heard an explosion. The king walked out of his room and demanded "what the hell was that?" Xeliran walked out of his room and said "I don't know but I'm going to find out." He went to the window and saw commoner men and women cheering when they hit the palace. Exiriya asked "can we kill them now?" Xeliran shook his head but the king yelled "if we don't kill them, they'll kill us all! Its kill or be killed!" Xeliran leaned against a wall and replied "we can try to talk to them!" Exiriya laughed at that and said coldly "yeah. Lets totally talk to them so they can torture us and kill us right there. There just commoners. No ones going to miss them." Xeliran still refused killing them but the king vetoed him and told him "were shooting them down whether you like it or not! If you don't like it, you can leave! Your not considered my son after all! Your not even a legitimate dark elf!" Xeliran looked away. He was obviously distressed but he didn't act like it bothered him. "Fine... do as you please, 'father'." He started to walk off but then stopped and asked "just tell me who my real mother is." The king stayed silent, something he did every time Xeliran asked. Xeliran sighed and said "fine. Don't tell me but I'll tell you that your not the only one who fools around with their servants. Mother slept with an elf, and gave birth to a half elf. She abandoned the child in a forest." The queen stood there, shocked at Xeliran. "You told me you wouldn't tell him!" She yelled. Xeliran smirked and said "I'm not your son so why does it matter." He went into his room and slammed the door shut.
Semira immediately felt bad for what she did. She pulled away her and and approched the king. "Your majesty let me use my ability to calm them. It's better than killing all of them because thats 30 people less to pay you taxes. And if it doesn't work i will kill them my self and despose of the bodies. I know you don't like me much but i would like to help. And either way they will leave.
The king frowned and was about to refuse but Exiriya said "that might be crazy enough to work. I want to have a talk with my brother though so..." he bowed and walked into Xelirans room. "Brother, what you said was harsh but what father said was harsher. You need to obtain the throne or else everything will blow out of proportions."
Semira smiled. She was starting to like Xelirans brother which felt wierd since she hated him. She walked outside and calmed the commoners making them return home for now at least.
Xeliran watched out Semira calm the people from his window. He smiled as the people started to leave, glad that they didn't kill them. He turned to look at Exiriya and his face relaxed a little in his attempt at a smile. "Thank you..." Exiriya waved his hand and told him "you get one. You know my kindness doesn't come cheap." Xeliran laughed lightly. Exiriya smirked and said "I'm going to go see her." He left. He went outside and said "Xeliran is happy. I was kinda getting nervous because he's been acting more and more like a dark elf, like dad and I." He ran a hand through his long hair.
Semira turned to him. "I guess we were both acting like the things we hated... do you think he would see me?" She asked this time wanting to wait instead of doing something else to piss him off. She herself had calmed down and wanted to apologize after acting like a rogue siren. She crossed her arms over her chest and shivered slightly. Her skin was drying out so she would have to at least drink water soon but before she did anything she wanted to speak if Xeliran if he would let her without walking away.
Exiriya saw Xeliran watching from his window. "Yeah. I think he would like to speak with you. Come on." He brought her inside and up the grand staircase. When they got to Xeliran's room, he knocked on the door. "Hey, Semira would like to speak to you." For a few minutes, it was silent but finally Xeliran said "let her in." Exiriya opened the door and let Semira in. When she was in, he closed the door and stood outside it so no one would disturb them. Xeliran said coldly "talk." His walls were up like when they first met. He wouldn't let anyone in to let them know what was bothering him.
Semira smiled softly at him to ensure peace. " I'm sorry for what i did... after i saw that human and after your brother threatened me... i fell into a dark place and you were to angry to help me out of it. I know that is no excuse for my actions and im not trying to make it one. I would like for you to forgive me but after tonight i understand if you don't. You of all people kniw i never do this but... i imagened this being more romantic but... i love you and i know i have told you through a note the same thing but i was hiding. Now i can confidently say it and accept if you reject me. That is all so i will go now if you wish." She said calmly and looked down. She was giving him the choice to either accept her again or leave her. Either way she knew she would never do this again. Not after losing him. Though she needed to know if she should move on. If she just got in his way.
He was silent for what felt like forever but he finally said "I love you so much that it hurts but I can't be with you." He shook his head. It was obvious that he was having an internal conflict within himself. He approached her and leaned in to kiss her but stopped about a centimeter away from her lips before pulling away. "I am to be king and I will marry who my father wants me to marry so I don't have to focus on love. Its a weakness and I don't have time to think about weaknesses." He walked away from her.
Semira shook her head. "No you will not walk away i won't allow it!" She rushed after him and leaned up doing what he wouldn't. Her lips crashed against his and she rested her arms on the back of his neck. Tears fell from her eyes but she refused to let go. However everything good has to end and she pulled away. "Marry who your father wants but that can't stop you from loving me. And hurting me is only hurting yourself as well. I can take care of myself and if you leave me who's to say people might not use me against you anyway?" She sighed and wiped away tears as she sat on his bed.
He chuckled and said "you haven't changed a bit but-" He heard a servant knock on his door. They said "the eligible bacholerettes are here to see you." He kissed her lightly and shook his head once again. "I tried not to have you fall in love with me but I guess I failed. I must leave now." He left the room. After a few minutes, his uncle walked in. "Oh, did I miss lord Xeliran?" He frowned a little.
Semira looked up when she heard the uncle. "Yes I'm sorry but I'm sure he will return... i myself am waiting for him to. If you'dlike i could keep you ccompany. " she said trying to cheer him up a bit. She spoke eith theyup most respect to him as he was her elder blood or not.
He walked in and said "I hear the girls are here, finally. My brother decided to finally get his son to get married." He sat on the bed. "I don't think I've met you before. You can call me Erik." He ran a hand through his long hair. He looked at her curiously and said "oh, I see. Your Xeliran's best friend."
Semira nodded and smiled. "I'm Semira yes. It's nice to meet you Erik. " She looked away and bit her lip a little feeling nervous
Erik nodded and said "the king complains about you hanging around Xeliran too much and not being a good influence on his son. Hope that's not true." He flashed a charming smile at her that somehow hid a dark secret.
Semira tilted her head slightly but smiled back at him. "No Xeliran is a very good leader and even i could never stop him." She assured and itched her skin slightly. "I'm sorry i have to go... mermaids can't be out of water to long or else they dry out. It was nice meeting you and if you wouldn't mind telling both brothers I'd like to see them I'd appreciate it." She stood and left feeling a lot better now.
Erik nodded as he stood up. "I'll let them know. Exiriya isn't busy. He's never busy." He seemed amused by his own statement. He left without another word. He passed by Exiriya and said "Semira wants to speak to you when your not busy. Best if you go as soon as possible. You can probably find her by the river." King Axoret walked by and asked "is Semira still here? I thought I made it clear I don't want her anywhere near the palace. Exiriya chuckled and replied "that's my fault father. I summoned her here on my own accord because I needed to speak to her about something. It shouldn't be a problem since she IS my girlfriend." The king seemed surprised but told him "better you than Xeliran," before walking off.
Semira stripped down and dove into the water. The feel of its warmth was much more enjoyable now then it was when she had so much on her mind. She let the water carry her anywhere it willed as she relaxed. Her hair covered the upper half of her body so she wasn't worried if one of the boy's stopped by.
Exiriya came to the river bank. "Hey... Semira." He sat beside it, playing with a dagger. He chuckled. "I actually have news for you so best if I tell you now." He ran a hand through his hair. He didn't know what it was about Semira but she intrigued him. She was still s girl he could use and abuse. She was no different than the girls he uses for his pleasure and entertainment. .
Semira looked at him rather interested. "Swim with me. The water is warm and I'm sure your the last person to worry about anyone seeing us." She said and made her way over to him. If he wouldn't get in she would pull him in anyway.
H thought about it but ended up slipping his shirt off, revealing his abs. After, he took off his socks and shoes. He then dived into the water and came up seconds later, laughing. He looked at her and said "I've made it so you can come to the palace whenever. I told dad we were dating and he doesn't care who I date." He swam ahead of her. Unlike Xeliran, he was a strong swimmer. "Who's the best? I think I am!"
Semira laughed a bit and went underwater. She stayed there until he had stopped swimming and jumped in from of him. she gave him a tight hug and looked into his eyes. "Thank you... i guess your not as bad as i thought after all. " She kissed his cheek softly and looked away. "I used to hate you... Now I'm confused around you... anyway Xeliran is picking his bride..." Semira looked down trying to hide her tears.

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