Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"You can't die. No. I refuse to let you." He leaned in to kiss her before slowly getting up and running off to get Ash. The fairies around her weeped for her pain. Violet frowned. About 10 minutes went by and Xeliran came back with Ash who immediately fell to her side, brushing the fairies away. "What happened?" He asked.
The horses ears started to flick back and forth as it smelt blood on the air. "What is it boy?" Sephrith started to pet it to calm him down "Silver (a nickname for the horse) do you sense something?" looks around and lets the reins go so that the horse knows he can have full control and he walks to the area were he smells the blood "Quicksilver this is not for us to see." notices the injured girl and sighs "We have to go find Demonia" whispers to Quicksilver but the horse continues to walk up and ignore what Sephrith is saying.
Nadia looked up at Ash. "Me and Semira were attacked..." she said and suddenly began looking around. "Did they get?! I told her to-" SSemira emerged from the woods and said" Run? I ran but look what they did to you!" Nadia looked away. "It's nothing..." Semira wwalked over and kneeled beside her. Nadia shifted and coughed blood up for a moment. "You all should

leave... I don't want you to see this... I promise Xeliran you will see me again. I can't explain just let them take me..." she said and leaned up gently kissing his lips before laying down breathing her last breath.
Sephrith took the reins again and pulled quicksilver away from what was happening and made him head towards the kingdom. "So do you think my mommy is really okay or did someone just make her tell us that she was fine." Nova looked worried "Nova I am sure she is fine, she is not the same person from all those stories that you read with your sister. Your mother has many years on her now so what happened long ago won't happen again." Sephrith smiles at Nova to reassure him.
Xeliran screamed "No!" Tears were running down his cheeks. Ash let him mourn. Violet had disappeared. Ash finally noticed the weeping fairies and said "so many... Fairies." He gently poked a fairy sprite which ended up flying off, in fright. Xeliran looked at Semira after he called down and he said "lets go back to the palace."
Semira nodded and wiped tears from her own eyes. "I'm sorry Xeliran..." she said and turned seeing vines wrap over Nadia's breathless body. She thought nothing of it and walked back to the palace with the brothers. She decided it was best to retun home and left.

The vines began glowing a pale green. The words of a witch's spell echoed throughout the wind and trees. Right in front of Ash's eyes Nadia lifted her hand and pulled off the vines. She coughed a bit but suddenly seemed fine. "you weren't supposed to see that..." she muttered looking around.
Sephrith looks around as Quicksilver starts to go towards the castles main entrance and he looks around wondering how he'll get into the castle since he can't just walk on in and he pulled on the reins to make quicksilver stop. "why aren't we going in?" nova was confused on why they had stopped. "Your mother may be in there but we did not come with her so we aren't invitied..."
Ash smiled and wiped the dirt off her face. He kissed her forehead and asked "will you be going back to our part of the forest." Violet walked out of the shadows and asked "what are you. I've never seen anything like it." She looked at them curiously.

"What are you doing here?" Exiriya had walked out of the palace. "Commoners aren't aloud up here unless you are summoned by me, father, or my brother. Now leave." The sound of a sword unsheathing was heard. Xeliran came up from behind them. "What are these peasants doing here, brother?" Exiriua smirked, unsheathing his sword as well. "I was wondering that myself. I was actually going to ask if we could kill him." Xeliran nodded and said "go ahead. I'm in a bad mood and I need something to make me smile." Exiriya was surprised and sheathed his sword in response. He shook his head and said "its no fun if you want to do bad things, my lord."
"Where"s my mother, i demand to see my mother right now!" Nova was shaking in fear looked like he was ready to use his dagger if her had too. "Forgive the young prince, he his very worried about his mother. he forgets his manners from time to time. My name is Sephrith and this is Prince Nova of Hell. The queen's flame horse had led us here. We are only searching for our Queen Demonia to make sure that she is safe." Sephrith remained calm and tried to get Nova to calm down "I swear if anyone has hurt my mother I will cut their heart out and feed it to my pet Cerberus so that they can feel the pain that my mother feels!" Sephrith looks at nova "That is enough, we want to be friendly, there is no need to be rude and hostel towards them." looks at person that had greeted them "So has Queen Demonia been here or is she still here?"
Nadia shook dirt out of her hair. "I'm a Wood elf... but i am 'special' as they say. I was born during an lunar eclipse. With that being said i have a very important destiny. A destiny that will make many very angry. My father made a deal with a witch that bound my life to a sacred tree. So long story short i cant die unless someone burns the tree and kills me with a blade coated in it's ashs. I would explain better but i have to find Xeliran. "She stood and shook off a bit more dirt. "May i have a bath and change of clothed? I want my return to be special. .." she blushed softly just thinking about it.
Exiriya smirked and said "my father is probably flirting with her right now." King Axoret walked out and when he saw the two standing there he narrowed his eyes. He demanded "who dares enter without consent? State your name or Ill kill both of you."

The fairy girl watched them closely but then said "here in the forest, we don't have baths but I'll bring you to my real home." She walked off, the fairies waving to her as she went. She smiled delicately.
"My name is Sephrith, knight to Queen Demonia, the young boy that is with me is Prince Nova, he is the queen's youngest child. I am very sorry to come without permission but her kids are worried about her so we came to find her." he get down off the horse. "We just wish to make sure that she is safe, she has a tendency to get herself into trouble or get herself hurt."
Nadia nodded and followed her. "Ash return to the palace and make sure Xeliran is ok." She said and looked at the fairy. "Thank you for your help. .. and i would prefer if you refrain from telling others about me... i couldget me killed if in the wrong hands." Nadia sighed and rubbed dried blood off her stomach.
"She is fine," replied the king. He looked closely at the man and told him "but... She is mine until judgement is passed to decide whether we should kill her or let her run free. She was near my son and could have hurt him. Its best you leave before you two both end up on the gallows."

Violet giggled and said "no worry. Because of the rarity of our kind, we tend to stay away from everyone else." She walked through the door of a house and said "dad! I'm home!" Her dad was still very young. He actually looked no older than her. "You were gone longer than usual. I haven't seen you in a week. Your friends were worried." Violet rolled her eyes and went upstairs. "The bathroom is over here. I'll get you a pair of clothes."
Nova started to growl "Kill my mother and your kingdom will rise with your dead and attack you and then hell will rise and be your reaper!" he goes into his dog form and starts to run at the king and Sephrith grabs him. "We will leave just as soon as we get to speak with her, and killing her would be something that I wouldn't do, Nova may not know how to hold his tongue but he does have a point. So either take us to Demonia or have her come here but we will not leave until we have seen her." glares at the king, showing no fear and has his free hand on the handle of his sword ready to draw it if he has to, the horse starts to whine and become frantic.

Demonia looks up as she hears Quicksilver and Umbra starts to fly around "I could have sworn I heard Quicksilver and from the way you are flying I would say that you did too."
Two swords were at Sephiroth's neck but the king put his hand up. "Usasiel! Xredos! That's enough... Exiriya, bring him to see Demonia but make sure he doesn't try anything." The two soldiers lower their swords. Exiriya bowed and said coldly "come with me.
Nadia smiled at her father and followed her upstairs. She starteda shower. It was faster then a bath and she was excited to see Xeliran again. She washed her hair and skin. She got dressed. She cleaned her earings and put the back in her ears. For the first time in weeks she left her hair down and braided back the strands that were in her face. She stayed bare foot out of habbit and walked out wearing the pastel green dress Violet gave her. It fit her body perfectly and the sleeves where open and flowing like she loved. "Thank you. I should leave now..." Nadia left and began walking back to the palace. Birds dropped her silver crown on her head and she smiled softly as she waved to them. She was sure not to get the dress dirty and once she was close she heard someone crying. She knew Xeliran could wait a few moments longer. She walked over to the river to see semira crying. "Semira... don't cry." She said and semira suddenly screamed. "Nadia!" She said and ran over hugging her.
"Thank you." bows and follows with a smiles, Nova returns to his human like form "Would you have really used your sword? I have never seen you draw it out." Nova seemed confused and Sephrith sighed "Your mother is my dearest friend and if I think harm has come to her then I would draw my sword even if it meant I would have to give up my life." Nova looked down and thought about Sephrith's words.
Xeliran caught up to them and Exiriya glanced at him. "What's wrong?" Xeliran replied softly "Nadia was killed." Exiriya nodded slowly and when they got to Demonia's room, he looked at them "she is in our territory now so don't think about escaping with her. We'll be out here. You have ten minutes."
Glares at him "we'll take as long as we wish since it is her son that wishes to see her most. You will not deny a child his right to see his mother." walks into the room and Nova jumps out of Sephrith's arms and hugs her. "There's my favorite son." hugs Nova back "Momma I am your only son" he laughs and Demonia looks at Sephrith "You took my horse without permission again." gives him a slight scolding look "Demonia you had suddenly vanished and your kids were worried so I took the fastest one." he smiles and kisses her on the cheek
Semira ran through the castle door. She was extremelyhappy as she started called out for the brothers. She ccreated as much racket as possible trying to get some kind of attention.

Nadia groaned as she walked towards the castle. She had been almost smothered by Semira then abandoned by her so she could tell everybody but Nadia knew Xeliran would be skeptical until he saw prof. Who wouldn't.
The smell of blood started to float around the palace hallways. The boys looked at each other and said in unison "feeding time." Exiriya locked them in the room and the two boys walked off, following the smell. They knew they had to clean it up so they were going to do that.
They found Semira who was standing by Nadia. "She's alive!" Semira said almost as if trying to comfirm she wasn't hallucinating. Nadia smiled and nervously wave at the two. "Xeliran... i kept my promise..."
Sephrith notices that they were locked in. "So they think they can keep us in." smiles "Sephrith we are not busting the door down." he laughs "I know that but you are going to use you abilities to get me us out of here." he closes the curtains to make the room darker. "Now you can use your shadow abilities to get us out of here." Demonia looked around and felt herself fusing with the shadows around her "I will help you two out but I wish to stay...this place has the same darkness of hell so I really don't mind staying and if they wish to kill me there is no worries, its not close to my human born cycle so Hell will have its queen return in three days." she smiles and Sephrith sighs in agreement. "I want to stay with mommy...I couldn't sleep last night since momma wasn't there to sing..." Demonia kisses him "Next the king comes to see me or if I see him in passing then I will ask if you all can visit." She kisses Nova on the cheek and takes Sephrith's hand and shadow jumps to the main door and kisses them both bye "You two have a safe journey home and Nova give your sister a hug for me." Sephrith looks Demonia in the eyes and notice she has the same look that she did so many years ago. "Demonia please keep your heart cold and mind distant. I can say that looking at the place there is no reason to hope that you will find love in a place as dead and so close to being another hell." He lets Nova give Demonia another hug and then takes him so that they can return to hell and Demonia starts walking back to her room.

Once they returned to Hell, Sephrith reported to Duanna to let her know the status of her mother. "I won't allow this! In ancient times my mother was seen as a goddess when humans were in charge and feared people and now that things of nightmares and dreams came out of the shadows my mother is seen as a Queen and nothing more!" she calms herself "The next message that we receive from her I will go, I will put you in charge so that I can go speak to the king..." Nova sat in a chair listening to everything "Lets just make sure that we don't cause a war with them...your mothers eyes have kindness in them again, she always has some form of hope for love when she has that would upset her if that hope was destroyed by us."
Xeliran stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw her. Exiriya said "I'll go clean up the body, my prince." He bowed before walking off. Xeliran hugged Nadia tightly. "I'm so glad your OK." He was about to kiss her but the king interrupted him. "Xeliran... May I speak with you?" Xeliran groaned but followed his dad.

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