Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Demonia walks over to the girl and sinks her fangs into the child and begins to drink, the child starts to cry and a darker half of Demonia starts to emerge and she strangles the girl to get her to shut up and a hit of fear mixes into the blood by the time it is all said and done the girl is shaking in fear. "to bad that those boys didn't stay around. I would have let them have a taste of you since they tried to keep me safe." she wipes blood away from the side of her mouth.
Semira turned and looked at him. "Exiriya. I'm sorry..." she turned his head kissing him softly. "I don't love you because you're a prince. I love you because... " she paused and looked down. She was so used to his mean self but there was anorher sside to him. " i fell for you becauseyyou're strange. .. you are so mean and I hate you! But you're there when it counts wich is more than i can say for Xeliran. .. and i love you..."

Nadia giggledsoftly as he llooked around. Vines and flowers coveredthe wwalls and she had several pictures of her and him scattered on the wall as well. "You don'tmind the guest bedroom rright" she said with a smile.
Exiriya kissed her deeply before finally pulling away. "Don't ever think I think anything different of you. You should know better. Now I must get back to work." He walked off but stopped and looked back at her. He said teasingly "your still the most infuriating girl I've ever met." At that, he walked off.

Ash looked around curiously. "Its beautiful." He chuckled but then added "but that's probably because the only home I've had is the forest. I'm only used to people talking about how much I resemble the queen." He rolled his eyes at the thought. He's always told Nadia how much he hated his mother and once he found out who she, he would kill her for abandoning him and leaving him for dead but he never knew if he could really do it.
Demonia tied the girl up so that she couldn't escape and then yawned "It has been one long day for me...time to call it a day." she pet Umbra a sleep well and then turned in and fell asleep easily unlike the night before.
Semira laughed at his comment and turned away. "Yet you still love me..." she muttered to herself as she went to go check on Xeliran. "Hey... you busy?" She asked peaking through his door.

Nadia turned to him. "Thanks... it'snot as beautiful as the forest though." She took his hand and led him to the king sized bed with spider silk sheets. "Here's your new room. It'salways welcome to you."
Xeliran groaned a little, annoyed he was woken up. He flung open the door, not even caring that he was standing there in his boxers. "What?" He was always cranky after waking up, even when he was a kid. When he noticed it was Semira, he seemed slightly surprised. "What's wrong?" He knew if she came to him, she was there cause something boy. "Has lover boy broken up with you?" He narrowed his eyes in annoyance.

Ash chuckled and said "well if you've spent your entire life there its not as nice. I hate having to kill animals but I have no choice." He let out a light sigh but smiled when he saw the room. "Its nice."
Semira crossed her arms. "No i came to check on you." She looked away from his bare chest. "Are you going to see her? I want to apologize for being... jealous. " She said and looked up at him

Nadia frowned and gave ash a comforting hug. "It's ok... at least they die for a good reason." She said and leftyto go sleep for the day.
As she slept she tossed and turn having nightmares about the next day and what may come to follow so soon after if she was beheaded, she saw the kingdom and the woods nearby up in smoke and fire, her daughter leading the war that had caused it all and the dead that was following behind her, as much as she tried to scream and cry telling the army to stop her voice was never heard, she woke up several times in a sweat but just as soon as she calmed down and went back to sleep the nightmares would only begin again. Umbra watched knowing that he could do nothing for his master.

Duanna was in the library of her mother's castle reading and Sephrith walked in "Princess you should really be getting to sleep, you have an early morning if you are going to go see your mother tomorrow." Duanna put a book down that she had read a hundred times over and could recite it word for word if she wanted to. "Nova keeps waking up and I'm too restless to sleep." Sephrith saw the book that she had put down "Maybe if you would put that book down once in a while you wouldn't become so restless for revenge. If karma hasn't caught up to your father by now it will soon. Now then you need your rest so go to bed and I will stay awake to look after your brother" he sees Nova sleeping in one of the chairs and then Duanna picks Nova up "I will take him to my bed, he is so use to sleeping with mother..its no wonder that he can't stay asleep." Sephrith sighs and then leads the way to her bedroom.
"I'm good." He ran a hand through his hair and then said "we can't be together and I've come to accept that but just because of that doesn't mean it has to be the end to our friendship. I mean its basically saying that the only reason were friends is because we like each other." He leaned in and kissed her lightly. His tender lips escaped hers as quickly as they did meet them. He smiled lightly and said "why don't we just continue our lives like we did before and forget everything that happened between us? You can live your life peacefully with Exiriya and I can with Nadia but... you have to promise me not to attack Nadia again or it seriously will be the end between us. I will kick you out and you will never be able to step foot in the palace again. Understand?" It was obvious he was still mad but trying to act calm, cool, and collected.

Ash chuckled and asked "to feed starving children? I guess so. I mean if the animal deserved it then I wouldn't feel so bad." He frowned as he stared in the distance. He sat on the bed.

King Axoret walked in during one of her fits of waking up in a sweat and ran to her side. "Hey hey hey. It's OK. I'm here. Shhhh." He stroked her hair gently and let her calm down as he held her close to him. "I've thought about it a lot since your daughter attacked you but... I think someone should protect you when your sleeping just in case. And if your verdict is not guilty then I want you to be under my protection."
She smiles a little enjoying the embrace, she couldn't remember the last time a man had held her "I am sure that Lilith is currently under watch by Sephrith but I wouldn't mind the company, my nightmares won't let me rest tonight so I don't think I will be going back to sleep." she sighs "And if I am found innocent then I would like it if you would make a pact with my will make sure that the armies of Hell will never attack your kingdom....that's all I had seen in my dreams...." she thinks about how she must looks "I'm sorry that you have had to see me at my worse...I'm almost ashamed for how I must look. The cold hearted queen of Hell brought down by her own nightmares..."
Axoret chuckled and told her "I think its cute. It may be considered a weakness but weaknesses can also be an advantage as well as a disadvantage." He leaned in and kissed her ever so gently. Right after, he said "I must go and attend to some business." He scurried out of the room as fast as he can, in shock that he actually kissed her.
She touches her lips and smiles "Seems that a queens heart is starting to melt" her blood maid smiles "Don't get too happy, it will only lead to more pain for you." Demonia glared at her "Keep talking and I'll give you to the two vampires here and let you be a gift. It might be hard to replace you but I will." the maid becomes silent and Demonia writes in a journal that she had found.
King Axoret got to his room, locked himself, and leaned against the door panting. The queen looked up at him and asked "what's wrong?" He just shrugged and mumbled "nothing dear." He Sat on his bed and kissed his wife. "I'm just thinking. Been a busy day."
Sephrith goes and checks on Lilith, he notices a smell of blood in the air and walks to the cell that she was in and sees that she is gone "So you got out, go near your mother and you will feel pain." Smiles as he thinks about the mark that he placed on her "I may not be strong enough to make a permanent mark but it will be there just long enough." making sure that he put enough energy into it to last a week.

Lilith ran towards the castle and winced as the pain in her body grew, she eventually stopped to rest next to a tree and realized she couldn't get any closer. She back tracked her steps until the pain was bearable and set up camp for the night.
King Axoret sent his two vampire soldiers to look after her for the night. Usasiel nodded and the two of them went to Demonia's room. Once they were there, they silently looked after her.
Semira looked away and rubbed her arm. "Do you really love her... Nadia i mean... could you actually marry her?" She asked knowing thier problem was the fact that they couldn't even get married class wise.
Xeliran shrugged and saskedaid "what is love, really?" He walked back in his room and laid on his bed. "I think I do but love is such a complicated feeling. My dad says I can marry her if I wish to but I don't know. I guess my brother is eating off on me." He frowned.
"Don't let him... but don't marry her if you don't love her... i know she is willing to wait for you. " Semira walked in and closed the door.
He smirked and was about to say something when Exiriya burst through the doors. "Serious problem, bro!" He closed the door and lowered his voice. "I saw dad kissing that hell queen. I was going to speak to him but heard him in her room so I peeked in her room and saw him flirting with her and then he kissed her." Xeliran shrugged and asked "so? He has tons of mistresses. Not like mom,cares." Exiriya looked at him in,disbelief. "No. Dad has slaves and servants as his mistresses but will use them as a human shield if it comes to that. I think dads really in love with her." Xeliran quickly stood up and said "is dad capable of love." Exiriya jumped on the bed and replied "who knows but he's told me that his marriage was arranged with mom to align two kingdoms to stop war. If it comes down to it, he'll just annul the marriage and mom will be gone forever. Which means..." He was trying to hint at what was going to happen but Xeliran didn't get it so Exiriya said "we'll never see mom again and she will take Ash back meaning everything he's worked for will be down the toilet and mom will go run off with some human and shell be killed." Xeliran rolled his eyes and said "your overreacting."
Demonia saw the moon shining through her window and she smiled and then peaked out her door to see if anyone was out there that should be keeping an eye her.
Semira rolled her eyes waited to be acknowledged by Exiriya. "ahem..." she said pretending to clear her throat. She crossed her arms as she gave the two a death stare.

Nadia awoke the next morning and decided to cook for ash. Granted she had servents but that would be boring and she wanted to see the look on his face when he smelled it.
Seeing the two vampires standing guard outside of her door she just sat at her window till morning and had enjoyed the moon in this world, she always had, it was somehow different from the moon in Hell, her moon was always red and looked like blood and the moon on the surface world always seemed pure and beautiful..."I hope I won't have to leave this world too soon..." thinking of all the things that she would miss and touched her lips "No...I can't...I shouldn't...I won't fall in love again..."
Exiriya glanced at her and said "this could affect you to. If you haven't noticed, the queen of hell is a lot stricter than mom. She might tell us that we can't be together." He kissed her deeply.

Ash woke to the smell of breakfast, and he got up. He loved the smell and went downstairs. "Smells so good." He laughed lightly.

King Axoret walked back in the room and said "you know I've been thinking... I just talked with my wife and I don't think I can be with her anymore because..." He seemed to be having trouble saying it. He finally said "I'm in love with you."
Semira rejected his kiss for ignoring her and pushed him away. She turned to Xeliran completely ignoring his presenceso he knew how it felt. "So have you met this girl?"
She looked up at him shocked and not sure what to say but then she finally says "I have been in love just a few times and every time it ends in heartbreak...but if i denied my feelings for you then I may sink ever deeper into a world filled with ice and hatred...I'm scared of being hurt again but I can't deny that I have fallen for you as well..."

Duanna was shouting orders in preparation for her, Nova and Sephrith to leave to see her mother. "Make sure that all guards are on post and keep yourself alert to my father, if he shows up contact me than and there." an adviser nods in understanding and then she climbs into the carriage after saying a few more things and then tells the carriage master to head towards the kingdom that her mother is in.

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