Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Lilith heard the king even as she hid in the woods and she appeared in front of the king and her mother "Seems you have ruined another family mother dearest. You really do enjoy hurting people." she laughs and pulls out her sword ready to start a fight with her mother. Demonia smiled "I was only kind to you while I was a guest but now I can show how cold I can be to those who go against me." a rose mark on the side on Lilith's neck started to glow and she fell to the ground in pain and Demonia walked up to her and bent down and traced the mark on her neck "I have told you many time that I will never fall to your blade." she stands up then looks at the king and smiles "Also I would have came back to you even if our love might have had to be a secret." Smiles and hugs him. "And just so you know even if I had been beheaded I would have returned here in about 3 days to show everyone that it isn't so easy to kill the queen of hell." giggles.
He chuckled and kissed her deeply. "The more I'm with you, the deeper I fall in love with you." He pulled away and wrapped his hand around Liliths throat. "You are officially banished from my kingdom. Come within feet of my kingdom and we won't kill you. I'll just show you what real pain is." Without warning he had stabbed her leg with a knife. "Aw does that hurt." He threw her to the wall and smirked. "You have messed with the wrong king. If you want to admit defeat and reconcile with your mother, you must come to one of our festivals, get on your hands and knees and kiss the ground from which I stand in front of the entire kingdom. I will make you suffer though. You will wish you were never born. Now get out of my kingdom before I decide to do it now."
Lilith stands up "The only pain that I feel is in my heart and in the mark my mother has given me. I wish for death everyday so you would only be sending me to my father if you kill me." she smiles and walks away without the slightest limp and Demonia smiles "And that's why I keep her alive, killing would only give her the freedom to get away from me. Now then where would I find your sons? I want to speak with them, I'm sure it would be better to wait but right now my blood is on fire so I was wanting to see them before this feeling went away and I become too shy to discuss anything with them."

Duanna climbed into the carriage and looked at the castle "Nova I have a feeling it will be just us and Sephrith at home for now on..." Nova looks at his sister and starts to howl, his form of crying. Sephrith looks at them both "I'm sure she will return one day, she is still queen." Duanna scuffed at his words "I wonder what they would say if they knew she was a self proclaimed queen, she never even went though the rights of taking the throne. Her father goes missing so she demanded that everyone call her the new ruler of hell." she taps on the carriage to let the driver know to take them home.
he smiled and said "right this way. There probably together right now." He brought her to Xerilans room and let her in. Xeliran looked away when he saw her. Exiriya growled a little. "What do YOU want?" He demanded.
Demonia sighed "Let me speak with them alone, alright." she walked in "I wanted to say sorry to you both, you must really hate me for agreeing to marry your father...but I want you to know that my intentions are not to divide this family even though it seems like I have already done that. If it hadn't been for the fact that my son's life was at risk I would have told your father to give me some time, I wouldn't have even cared to be beheaded...but I put my kids first if I can..." a few tears escaped and ran down her face as she thought about how much she had feared for Nova's and Duanna's life but she kept her voice steady. "I do not want you to see me as your enemy but as someone who will care for you just as I try to care for my please forgive me?" to show them just how sorry she was she got on her hands and knees and bowed before them. Umbra who was on her shoulder looked about as shocked as a raven could for being a bird.
Both boys looked at each other and then started to laugh. Exiriya said "chill out. Were not mad at you. Were mad at dad for not speaking with us first and making such an irrational decision. He even made mom runaway from home." Xeliran kneeled down and lifted her chin so they would lock eyes. He smiled softly and said "we didn't like the idea of dad having relations with you but I know you'll make him happy and that's allt hat really matters. And who knows. You might be introduced to our many family problems." He giggled.
She stands, smiling then laughs at herself "I worry a lot, pressures of being a queen has made me wonder how people constantly see me...I guess I just made a fool of myself." Umbra shakes his head and makes a small cawing noise. "Also I hope you're not worried about things possibly changing when I marry your father. It's a worry my daughter use to have when she was younger if I had ever gotten married. She had a fear that the rules of marriage would be changed and she would have to be put through an arranged marriage instead getting to find someone that she loved, I swear arranged marriages are too much of a hassle and waste so much time in one's life, I find that when one gets to choose who they love then they have a happier life then if their parents chose for them." smiles and giggles. "I'm really happy to know that you both don't hate me. It was nice to meet you both and I hope later on we can have a longer talk."
Xeliran chuckled and replied "I'm surprised my father is letting me date Nadia because our kingdom still believes in arranged marriages. Its a tradition that my family has always gone by. When I have kids, I don't want them to have to be forced to marry someone they don't love. But anyways, it was nice speaking with you." He laid on his bed and Exiriya left the room to go look for Semira.
She walks out of the room "Now to just worry about my kids..." sighs "Sephrith will more than likely give me a long lecture...Going home is going to be fun..."

Duanna sat in the office room looking over late paper work that her mother had never filled out. "It may be best if my mother does say that i'll be the new queen...the piling paper work can then be done quicker..." Nova is in a chair after crying himself to sleep and Sephrith is pacing around worried about Demonia's future.
King Axoret walked over to her and asked "how did the talk go? Do my boys like you or hate you. I would prefer like you." He chuckled, amused.
"They like me, I guess I was worried over nothing." giggles "I was wondering would you come to Hell with me? I know in some kingdoms that I have visited many people would rather not follow me to such a place just in case i tried to make them my prisoner. I have to smooth things over with my daughter and mostly my son. He tried to be my shield turning the trial and didn't care that he may be killed along with me. He must feel like I have gone against everything that he has done for me."
Axoret nodded and replied "yeah of course. You are my future wife after all and I would like to formally introduce myself to your children. Lilith and I have already made each others acquantince so we don't have to worry about that. Shall we take one of my horses. Maybe my nightmare. I haven't rode her in a while because she got hurt in our last ride. She's better now but I'm sometimes nervous about overworking her."
"Well it might be better if I call for quicksilver, he's the fastest fire horse that I have, I am constantly attacked whenever I return or leave Hell so it best to ride fast if you want to avoid a fight but if you don't mind fighting we can take yours." smiles
"No. My nightmare was attacked by a wild animal and her wounds were really deep. I thought I'd lost her." He frowned. "I can't deal with that anymore so we'll take yours." He smiled softly and kissed her lightly.
She whispers to umbra and he flies off "He's going to go get him, I think he has already met you. My friend Sephrith had rode him here. So what made you fall in love with me? It couldn't have been my hatred, I haven't really shown any since I had been here."
"I don't know. Ever seen I laid eyes on you, I've felt something bur wasn't sure what it was. I've never been in love before. Elyra and I were arranges by our parents to unite our kingdoms. We married when we were 16 and her purity pissed me off. I would beat her but she would still smile. I wanted her to suffer not accept it."
"I see" she smiled "did you enjoy what I had done to Lilith earlier? Every immortal that has ever crossed my path and tried to harm me has that same rose mark on their neck." She hears a whining noise outside "Oh seem like our ride is here, do you need to tell anyone that you are going, so someone is looking after the kingdom?"
"Well my crowned prince doesn't do anything and is kinda useless so Ill let Exiriya know." He went into Exiriyas room and talked to him foe a bit before walking back out. "Done." He walked off. He smirked. "Lets go."
She walked out and saw Quicksilver and pet him "Now I want you to behave and don't give us any trouble." she spoke to him in an ancient language and then looked at Axoret handing him the reins "He'll behave now, he doesn't normally like strangers riding him but he understands and as long as I am with you he'll listen to you."
King Axiret flung his leg over the horse, getting on like a pro. He ran a hand through his hair and said "I haven't rode a horse in so long." He put a hand out in an attempt to help her up. With his other hand, he was petting the horse so he would trust him.
The mane though it looked like fire was cool to touch and demonia got on and all the tension in 'Silver' went away "If you want you take him for a quick run so that you two can get use to each other that's fine, a fire horse is different from other horses. A walk to a flame horse is a run to regular horse so you can imagine how fast they run. If you're not use to their speed it can be hard to know where your going. Just thought that might be some helpful information." she smiles and wraps her arms around his waist
"I have a nightmare who was once hostile and wild. It took me a while to calm her and make her trust me but I don't think you could ride her anyways. She will throw you off without a second thought. I try telling her who are friends but she doesn't listen. She doesn't trust anyone but me. Most people are too afraid to approach her. You should meet her someday. They are going extinct in my kingdom because of how much they were hunted in the past. There also sterile."
"In someway you are riding a nightmare, this is what they become in the afterlife." silver starts to take control and leads the way to hell and demonia laughs as the flames spread around them but never burns them. "This is the closest that I can get to escaping my troubles, sometimes I take him out to run and just let him lead the way and go where he wishes."
"Well hopefully she has a long way from that because she's the first girl I've loved. She's everything to me but don't worry. I won't leave you for her." He winked at her, chuckling.
"I'm not worried about it." she said joking back, Silver was heading towards a rock wall and at a very fast pace and Demonia laughed as they grew closer to it.

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