Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Axoret said "ummm... Wall. I just figured I'd let you know." He was calm. He looked around a bit. "I think we should stop the horse cause I rather like my life."
She smiled and looked at the wall closely and spoke to Silver and he slowed down but continued towards the wall. "You'll see that we are fine and why its hard to find hell. Must be the same reason that I couldn't find my way home." Silver goes right through the wall and leads to the kingdom of Hell "Welcome to my kingdom of sorrow and death." she laughs "I have always trusted him with my life so I knew that we were in no real danger."

Duanna looked at Sephrith and he nodded to her "Nova wake up! Mom is on her way home!" he woke up and looked confused and then angry "I swear if..." sephrith and Duanna sighed and spoke at the same time "if he has hurt my mother then you will rip his heart out and feed it to Cerberus." Duanna shakes her head "You say that all the time. Now then lets go greet mother." she picks up Nova and goes to the main gate to wait for her not knowing that Axoret is with her. Sephrith grabs his sword and then follows behind them.
He sighed with relief and said "yeah well... Its gonna take me a while to get used to that." When they got to the entrance of the palace and the horse was slowing down, he got off him. He sighed once again and said "next time we ride Shadowmere."
She laughed "Sorry if we scared you. Its an old custom that me an Silver have, though I didn't think it would really scare you." she climbs down and kisses him and then notices her kids and Sephrith. "Seems they came to welcome us." Duanna looked shocked "What is he doing here? I thought you had come back home and that he could hurt you so then we could have waged war on his kingdom!" Demonia looked shocked "Seems someone has blood lust for war." she smiles in amusement since Duanna is normally kind even to guest. Nova runs and hugs Demonia and Sephrith steps forward "Demonia I won't be able to keep you safe if you go to live with him...are you sure this is what you want. I'm just worried that I'll have to see tears in your eyes again..." Demonia picked up Nova and hugged him back "Sephrith if I didn't want to I wouldn't have agreed to the marriage."
"Plus... I'm pretty sure I'd be dead if I ever hurt her so there's that." He smiled kindly at Sephiroth but it had a hint of darkness in it. "I value my life only because if I die, my worthless son takes over and he will change everything and actually treat people right." He groaned in annoyance. "But I won't have to worry about her killing me because if I didn't love her I would have let the counsel kill her and Nova."
Sephrith sighed "Demonia have you told him your secret? He may think differently if he knows what happens to you every three hundred years and if you choose not to tell him then where will you hide yourself in those years until you wake up again?" Demonia looked down "Even when I take that form even demons and devils avoid me, they know that I am not normal, they feel the darkness that rolls off me and they keep clear. How about we go inside and discuss all of this..." She walks towards a castle that seems like its in more ruins than a home for royalty. Duanna leads the way inside to a nice looking office area.
Nadia rushed to stop Ash. She immediately grabbed his arm and when that didn't work she got in front of the queen. "Let her go! Let the humans be her death but this isn't who you are. " she said and stroked his cheek softly trying to calm him.

Semira drug her nails against Exiriya's door. She hummed her luring song to get his attention. She was hungry but wanted to feed off of Exiriya's rage and affection towards her. As soon as he opened the door she shoved him back closing the door behind her. "I hate you."
Axoret seemed curious as he followed them into the palace. It was far different than his palace but he liked it anywyas. He smiled ever so slightly. "Whata this about?" He asked.

Ash raised his hand to her but couldn't hit her. Instead he dell to his knees crying out in defeat. "I'm sorry." Elyra was crying softly at the fact her son hit her.

"I don't believe you." He growled as he pushed her against the door as he kissed her. He held her close to him. He seemed happier than he was before but he was still aggressive with her.
Demonia sat down on a love sofa and took a deep breath "In this world were things of nightmares are real and humans are their servant every three hundred years I go into a slumber that most of our kind would laugh and mock at. I become human...I fall into a deep sleep and my soul separates from me and I choose an unborn child that has no soul and I live with that family until my mortal life ends and I return to my immortal body..." Duanna and Sephrith looks at Axoret and Sephrith places a hand on his sword "Do you still love her, she has almost two hundred years left before that happens and in that time of slumber she is at her most vulnerable and she can be killed permanently in that state. Any other time that people try to kill her she is reborn from the fires of hell but we almost lost her once when Lilith found her slumbering and her body without a soul...she started to fade away, it wasn't until her mother showed up and had a spell but it took her life in exchange of returning Demonia' do you still stand by Demonia and the love that you have for her?"
Semira bit his lip until she drew blood and pushed him back. "You ruined me! I was supposed to be with Xeliran! " she growled and walked over to him shoving him back until he hit the wall. "You tainted me! I wasn't supposed to be like this! I want get married and have a life but instead i fell for you! I'm not even a girlfriend to you!"

Nadia rushed to Ash and hugged him. "I think you should leave..." Nadia hissed and vines shielded Ash and Nadia from the queens view.
Axoret shrugged and said simply "I'm still here aren't I?" He stayed silent for a few moments before saying "when that happens, I will protect her. I would never leave her side and as for Lilith, I will show her what it means to suffer. She won't know what's coming for her."

Exiriya yelled back "I told you to stop doubting my love for you! Of getting married is so important to you than marry me!" He looked at her dead in the eye as he said this.

Elyra looked at them sadly and said "OK..." She ran off without even looking back. She knew she would never see him again but she was happy that h was happy.
Sephrith held out his hand to shake "Well then you have my approval." he smiles "Guess I have nothing else to worry about, I see that she is in good hands." Duanna sighs "Fine then I approve as well, you have to understand that we just want to keep my mothers heart from break more than what it is. Welcome to the family." she smiles and Demonia giggles.
Axoret smiled and said "I'm glad." He kissed Demonia playfully before pulling away and telling her "you should get your stuff."
Semira froze his words hit her like a slap to the face and suddenly she couldn't breath. she gulped and sat on his bed. "I wasn't doubting your love for me... I was seeing if i ccould ever have a family with you..." she looked away still shocked about his out rage. She stood and looked back at him a smirk on her lips. "Kiss me..." She said and opened her arms to him.

Nadia continued to comfort ash. "Hey lets go cheer you up" she said and stood taking his hand.
He practically pounced her his lips locked with hers and his weight crashed into hers, pushing her back onto the bed. He kissed her more passionately then he had ever kissed her before.

"How?" He asked her curiously but he knew she always knew how to make him smile when he was upset. He was happy just being here with her though.
"Alright, Duanna until things are finalized you are in charge of Hell." She gets up and goes to her room and Nova pokes Axoret to get his attention. "So um mister...are you going to be my dad when my mom marries you?" looking shy about asking and Duanna looks at Nova and sighs "Just so you know you are about the fifth person that he has asked that question too. The others didn't hold up so they left making my brother and mother upset every time but you seem different from them."
Axoret smiled at Nova and said "I wont ever leave you. I promise. I will be a proper father to you and your siblingsc cause I love your mother." He pet Nova gently and said "I will teach you to be a fine warrior when your older. I see potential in you and it shouldnt go to waste."
(Should semira and Exiriya fade to black?)

Nadia smiled and took him to her home again. She sat him at the table and thought for a moment. "So what do you like to do? Or want to do?" she asked trying to by herself time and get ideas.
(yes because of the site rules)

Ash smiled softly and told her "just being here with you makes me happier than you could ever imagine."

Semira sat up and looked at Exiriya. She bit her lip and sighed." Um... should we have done that?" She asked seeming nervous.

Nadia blushed softly and looked away. "How about we just hang out here then?" She moved over to his side and sat next to him. "Hey do like sweets? I need a taste test! " she said and quickly stood.
Sephrith smiled "I have been training him since he was five but only to the point that he gets bored. told him once he hits fifteen that his training time will increase." Nova growled at Sephrith in protest then duanna laughed a few minutes late Demonia walked back into the room with a few things "We may have to take the carriage" giggles
"What do you mean?" He asked as he kissed her neck playfully. "Your so beautiful," he whispered.

He laughed and told her "yeah. You should know that. We've been friends our whole lives." He watched her.

"Or..." He whistled and waited a few minutes before a beautiful black hose with a first mane, tail, and hooves came from the sky. The horse had pouches in which to carry stuff. The nightmare freaked out at the site of people she didn't know but Axoret calmed her. "Its OK. I'm here." He looked at them and said "not only is she fast but she's strong and can carry things twice her size. Just... Don't go near her or she will stomp on you to death."
Semira smiled softly when he kissed her neck and laid by down next to him. "You know... because we aren't married..." She said softly and kissed his lips. "I'm a siren, aren't I supposed to be beautiful? " she joked and rested her head on his chest.

Nadia laughed and began her baking experiments. She only made one and while that one baked she began aanother. Her face was covered with flour smudges and she seemed to be enjoying his reactions.
Smiles and sets two bags on the ground so that she kept her distance and Nova looked at the horse "She's as pretty as mama's flame horse, she has a wild look, well to me she does and i think that makes her look more beautiful." he smiles and demonia kissed Nova on the cheek and gave Duanna a hug "I'll send word on when you can visit. Lilith is hiding in the woods near the castle so once she is gone I will let you know." Duanna mumbles something and then looks at her mother "I don't understand why we can't just kill her. She hates you when she should hate her father and his family and yet you let her live." She looks down "Your sister may hate me but it is her hatred that keeps her alive and fighting also if we kill her she will only get what she wants and that is freedom of the physical world."
"I'm only prince. I can basically do whatever the hell I want. As long as you don't get pregnant and tarnish my family name. My dad will have to step in at that point. Anyways, I wasn't kidding when I asked you to marry me." He gently ran his fingers along her skin.

He sighed softly and said "I'm kinda afraid of your cooking. I'm scared your going to poison me."

Axoret smiled as he grabbed her bags and put them on Shadowmere. He then got on her and said "you should get on your horse. I'll meet you back home." He whistled and the horse ran off with incredible speed, disappearing into a mix of fire and darkness."

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