Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Nadia shoved the queen back. "I cannot allow this at my home! As long as this girl is on my territory she us safe from you!" Nadia hissed as her vined wrapped around the knife and wanked it underground.
Ash stood up and yelled "no ones going to be killing anyone." He quickly grabbed her knife and then punched her in the stomach. He growled in hatred.
she grabs his fist and is only pushed back a little from the punch "I don't kill the weak and she is my daughter, she has her fangs extended meaning she has lost a lot of blood and need more. I am a mother first and a killer second now let me have my knife so that I can save her life! If she doesn't get blood soon she will die, I was going to cut myself not her!" Lilith glared "I wouldn't drink your blood if it was the last choice in the universe...I would rather die than drink from you!" Demonia took a few steps back as if Lilith's words had hit her physically.
Ash sliced his hand open without a second thought and gave it to her. "Only time..." He smirked and added "don't drink me dry though."
Zurtho placed the newly polished armor one a custom made manican. He had crafted other armor previously for the king, and thought it best just to have one made so he did not have to waste the king's time with fittings. It even had adjustable sizing in parts so if the king has few to many drinks the armor will still work well. He carries the armor strapped to the dummy on his back, and brings it into the king's chambers and sets it down. He sends a servant to make the king aware of it, as he makes a few last minute adjustments with the lighting and fit.
Nadia jumped and looked at Ash. She allowed. it but gave him a look that she was going to yell at him later for him. She gave the queen a glare. "You should go!"
Lilith was to weak to argue with anyone else, she hated to drink blood but she knew that if she didn't then she would die. she drank the blood and pulled away when she felt him starting to become weak and then wiped her mouth clean of any blood, her wound closed up most of the way "I'll be fine until I make it to the next town...thank you for the help." Lilith smiled at Ash and ignored her mother, Demonia looked at Lilith worried even after she had some blood but walked away hurt that even in her time of need she wanted no help from her, she summoned a dead servant that came out of the ground and had the knife in hand that was taken from her, Demonia put the knife back in its holder and the servant turned to dust. Lilith looked at Demonia as she walked away "I wish she would die...I wish she would vanish from my life..."
Ash suggested "then kill her. Put her out of her misery." He shrugged and said "I'll eventually kill my mom when Nadia isn't holding me back. Love you though." He kissed her happily.
Lilith pointed to a rose mark on her neck "Anyone that angers my mother gets this mark and even if I did kill her she would just come back to life three days later...Hell wants to keep her alive and so it was nice to meet you both but I have to leave before the king finds out that I am still around and either comes to kill me or send people to do it for him" she still has a slight cut on her leg.

Demonia returns to the castle, her eyes red from tears, she returned to the area where all the animals are and found the wolf, she wrapped her arms around his neck gently and started to cry more "I never thought being hated could hurt so much..."
"I will be fine, I thank you for all your kindness but I'm sure if the king sees my mother and she is upset she will tell him that I am still in the area and he may make sure that I don't live through the next wound he inflicts on me and since you have been kind to me I don't want to cause you any trouble so I think it best that I leave." she smiles "If there was a way to pay you back for your kindness I would."
Ash frowned as he looked at her but nodded slightly. "I'm sorry we couldn't be of more help to you. There's a town a half a mile from here. You can probably rest there. We wood elves don't leave the forest so we can't show you where it is but its far away from the kingdom where the king can't hunt you down." He stood up, brushing some hair behind his ear and said "come on Nadia. She's a big girl. We must see the crowned prince." He walked off.

King Axoret kneeled down beside her and asked "what happened? Did Lilith do something to you??" He knew that Lilith was the only person to bring a mother to tears like this. The wolf licked her trying to wipe her tears. He rubbed his face against her, whimpering in a way that sounded like he was crying for her.
"I just wanted to help her...she was dying but she wouldn't accept my help..." she tries to stop her tears "I'm glad I killed her's his fault that she hates me so much." her sadness starts to turn to anger and continues to pet the wolf as a thank you. "If I could kill him again I would." she sighs "I'm just glad that she excepted the help that was there before I was even if they thought I was going to kill her I am still grateful to them..."

"Thank you for letting me know, if our paths ever cross again and you need help I will do what I can." smiles and walks off.
"Who else was there?" He asked her curiously. He figured it was the wood elves if it was in the forest but you never know. He gently touched her cheek but noticed it was drenched in saliva so he pulled away in disgust. He didn't seem to like animals and he made it quite obvious.
She pulled out a handkerchief from her sleeve and wiped her cheeks then giggled "Just some friends, well after attacking me I guess its more of acquaintance status than friend. A friend wouldn't attack you maybe just hold you back but never try to hit you. Guess it's good that I have quick reflexes or my stomach would have a slight sting to it." she laughs more when she thinks about getting hit "I'd have to say that no one on the surface world has ever attacked me like that boy did, it really amuzed me." wanting to keep Nadia and Ash's name out of the conversation but didn't think about if she had said too much to give away who she was talking about.
"An elf with guts?" He raised his eyebrow and explained "elves are cowards. They hide in the forest to avoid all the conflict that happens in the towns." He ran a hand through his hair. "The only elves we know are Ash and Xeliran's girlfriend, Nadia." He rolled his eyes at the thought of the two dating. "I only allowed it because she was a royal. Ash, on the other hand, I hate. He's the illegitimate son of Elyra so yeah... were not on good terms considering i recently found out about it." He groaned at the thought.
"Well whatever race they were I am grateful to them, if not for them I would have lost Lilith. Even though she hates me she is my favorite. She attacks me twice while I am here and both times she didn't hesitate in trying to kill me" smiling and after making sure her face is clean she kisses him on the cheek and then walks towards the castle wanting to relax and thought a hot bath might help.
Axoret watched her and then let out a deep sigh. "Women are so mysterious sometimes." He rolled his eyes and followed her inside. He saw Exiriya and smiled gently. "Hey." He smiled softly. Exiriya shrugged and said "as well as I can be, dad. Getting ready to go to England, you know the usual. But... dad, can you organize a wedding while I'm gone. I proposed to Semira." Axoret's eyes widened and Exiriya rolled his eyes in response. "Not the best decision of my life but I did fall in love with her. She's not like the other women I've dated. For one, she's infuriating and we argue constantly and I just want to shut her up but for some reason, it just makes me fall deeper in love." Axoret laughed at that and said "I may not like the girl but if she makes you happy... I'll plan the wedding." Exiriya nodded as he walked off.
Overhears and giggles "I wonder is she would like any of my dress designs. I can't remember the last time someone wore one of my dresses for a wedding. I'll see if she wants to look at them later." she starts her bath and find her bags, she pulls out a few vials and adds a drop to the water from each one. She watches as the water turns red and then bubbles start to form, she undresses and gets in after putting her hair up in a bun and turns the water off once its to the level of her liking.
Ooc: Just got back from the wake... going to the funeral tomorrow :/

Axoret walked into his office so he could do some work but for the first time in his life, he couldn't focus. He was too focused on his feelings for Demonia. Usassiel walked into the room and smiled. "I just had a meeting with the head of the counsel. They want to have another trial. This one is for Elyra. If you can't find a reason to divorce her, they might force you to get back with her. If the reason is good enough, they will execute her." Axoret's eyes widened, shocked by this. He then said "I will try to convince Ash to testify against his mother." Usassiel bowed and said "I will summon him to your presence then, my lord." He walked out of the room without another word.
Nadia sighed but followed Ash to where Xeliran's castle was. "I still worry about people you know that!" She suddenly stopped and twitched her ears.

(Ooc was Eris accepted? )
Ooc: Yeah Sorry. I didn't see it.

Ash looked over to her and asked "what's wrong? What do you sense?" He unsheathed his sword, just in case it was something bad.
( i want to try to be more discriptive with Eris. It gives you more to reply to)

"I can't tell... somthing is blocking me! Thats never happened before!" Nadia moved behind Ash and pointed to where the foggy feeling was coming from.

Eris looked at the elves. She wore a lilac lace blindfold over her eyes. She could see the fear in Nadia's pounding heart. She pushed her long hair away from her vision that was already clouded by the lace. "I wouldn't suggest that. The second my blood hits the ground i will have two vampires by my side." She warned and steppedout of the shadows. "Put the blade down and i won't have to try to restrain a vampire from killing you for wasting my blood. Besides you know me don't you Nadia?" She touched her finger to the tip of his sword and she gave him a look that dared him to cut her. She had made a bond with those vampire brothers to protect her is she let them feed as a reward. Being a blood witch gave her more blood than an average species and the fact she was a witch gave them a high on the magic running through her vains. Eris was also one of the last of her kind left so she knew she was valuable.
He put the sword to her throat but then sheathed the sword. A smirked played on his lips and he said "let me guess, you know the royal family?" Usassiel appeared before him and bowed to him. "The king is summoning your presence so he can ask you to testify against your mother, Elyra in court. Ash narrowed his eyes at the boy. "And if I refuse?" Usassiel chuckled and replied "you don't want to refuse the king."

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