Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Usassiel! Funny seeing you here my sweet." She said which was normal that she called him sweet and xedos was the wild or dark one. She rested her hand on Usassiel and turned her attention back to Ash. "I am friends with the king yes. And Nadia's father to."

Nadia snatched Ash's sword and hit Eris across the face. "Who are you!" She demanded and shoved Eris into a tree holding the knife to her throat.
Usasiel immediately unsheathed his sword and held it to Nadias neck. "Release her or I cut your pretty little neck." Xredos walked out of the shadows and said coldly "that's enough. The king needs us. We better not let him wait. You know he'll be furious."
Nadia stepped away and lowered the sword. She looked away and eventually dropped the sword.

Eris smiled softly and looked at Xredos. "I don't even get a hello? I expect to see you both later when you are free." She rubbed her her neck and looked at Usassiel. "Thank you my sweet. I look forward to seeing you later on." She smirked and turned to Nadia. "You boys can take Ash But Nadia is mine until i find who i want." She took Nadia by the hand and pulled her away. "Ash!" Nadia yelped slightly as she was dragged away but if he chased them they would already have vanished to Eris's home.

Semira looked around the castle and sighed already missing Exiriya and she didn't even know if he had left yet.
Xredos smiled softly and replied "sorry. We've been busy." He smiled as he watched them leave. Ash had screamed "Nadia!" But knew it was too late. Instead Xredos had grabbed him and dragged him off.

When they got to the palace, they brought Ash to Axoret and the two talked for a few moments.

Xeliran saw Semira and said "heard about your engagement to my brother. I obviously don't approve. Why?"
Demonia dried herself off and changed into black dress with gold outlining. Her skin had a slightly pinker tint to it since the water was turned into blood it had given her pale skin some color, she left her hair up in a bun and then wondered around the castle looking for the library.
Zurtho walked through the forest with his new armor partially on. It was a mottled green, black, and grey in order to blend in well with the back ground. He waked towards the elven city perhaps to find some one.
Semira sighed. "Why what? Why are you dating Nadia? Why do i love your brother? Why did he propose?" She crossed her arms and looked away for a moment.

When Eris was done 'speaking' with Nadia she went to go visit the king her old friend.
Zurtho decided it bet to return home, and take off the armor. So that he did and then entered the castle to check if the king received his armor or if any other developments have occurred with royal family's love life.
After a long convincing of Ash, he finally said yes and Axoret grinned. He seemed to be happy about his answer. Ash nodded slowly, sitting on the desk a little. "I'm only saying yes because its the right thing to do. I don't care about your happiness at all." Axoret laughed.

Xeliran looked around and kissed her deeply. He reluctantly pulled away. "I will always love you. I hope you know that. I just... Don't want you to be with Exiriya because he's like my father and you know how my father treats my mom. I'm scared that once he gets bored, he will kill you so he doesn't have to deal with you anymore. I don't want to lose you like that."
Eris looked at the man who just entered the catsle. She smiled at him and crossed her arms. "And who might you be?" She asked curiously.
Demonia sighed as she feels that she has become lost "I shouldn't have wondered off alone...I've taken so many staircases and turns I really don't know how to get back..." she cursed herself for always wondering around, since she was small she had always had a problem with getting lost. "This is possibly the reason dad put me in a tower..."
He walked around the castle, but saw relatively few people. It seems they all never find each other's illegitimate romances, because they are all so obsessed with their own. He eventually saw a female who addressed him and smiled to himself, but remained emotionless on his face as it might cause his death for looking wrongly upon royalty. "I am Zurtho, Forge of the King. And yourself, if may know?" He bows as he speaks to her.
Jun, dirt poor. Slave, abused, and thin. Only a while ago, he realized that he would make an attempt to run into the royal area. He heard of the dragons and the people who had tried to escape, all ending up dead. But Jun had planned this, and although he wasn't in shape. But he was running, to only get food. He bolted toward the royals and on the way, screamed. "FOOD!"
Eris laughed softly. "Oh manners are so rare these days! I am Eris Vial princess of the south blood relm." She said with pride.

Semira touched her lips. "If you love me why are you letting him take me away..."
Zurtho stood back up, and replied, "It is nice to meet you, princess Vial. And I've only heard of the blood realm, is that where there are witches of sorts? Forgive me if I am mistaken, I only know so much of the lands beyond our borders."
Xeliran smirked as he lifted her chin. "Because I can't have you." He clenches onto her chin in frustration. "I'm scared though." He dropped his hand in defeat. "If he makes you happy then I can't complain. Your happiness is the only thing I care about."
Demonia sat down on a window ledge trying to see if she could see where she was and sighed "Well the appears to be problematic, seems we have tripped into a portal. I wondered why this part of the castle looked so rundown...its my own home..." she tries to retrace her steps "Once we found the portal we'll have to close it from the other side and then we'll need to get a few item to make sure that the castle has no more portals..." she finally found her way back after realizing where she was and she looked around to make sure no one was in the area then she pricked her finger with the end of her dagger and put a few symbols on the wall to make sure that the portal closes and then said a few words. she placed her hand on the wall and sighed once it was solid. As she made her way back she bumped into Eris, once again not looking where she was walking. "Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going."
"Yes but not limited to. You usually see vampires and blood demons. I am one of the last of my kind." She walked over to him and gently touched his cheek. "So what brings you here?" She asked taking her soft hand and touching his rough burned ones.

Semira wiped tears from her eyes. "I can't marry him... your right if he falls for ssomeone else I'm nothing anymore... but he warned me not to doubt his love..."
Xeliran looked at him and asked "what does that even mean?" He shrugged, leaning against the wall. He let out a deep sigh. "But there's also the question what if he really does love you? I mean if he didn't love you at least a little, he wouldn't of proposed."
"I-I came to show King Axoret his new armor - but I'm sure he could find it by himself." He said slightly nervous and stuttering only the first word before resuming his cool and confident demeanor through out the rest.
Axoret approached the group and narrowed his eyes. "Why are you all crowding my hallway?" He demanded. He let out a low, deep growl. "I suggest you clear it before bad things happen."
Eris turned and bowed her haid. "Hello my king long time no see huh? I'm sorry i disappeared on you!" She said and waited for permission to hug him.

Semira groaned. "But what do i do now? Piss him off? I already do that and he loves me for it." She sighed and crossed her arms sitting on the floor.
Demonia walked over to Axoret and kissed him on the cheek and then giggled at his growl. "That was so hot. Can you do that again? It makes me think of a wild beast." she giggles some more.
Jun realized these royals were jerks. He would normally keep his mouth shut, but these men pissed him off. He yelled again. "JERKS! WHY DONT YOU CARE ABOUT PEOPLE DOWN HERE, SCUM?" He yelled as loud as he could, and his voice suddenly grew hoarse.
Axoret frowned and heard the noise outside. He walked out. His guards tried to stop him but he shrugged him off. He stares at the child and said "you got balls kid but... You should know that what your doing is illegal and you could lose your head." He smirked.

Xeliran sighed and said "I'm not telling you to break up with him. I don't know what I'm telling you..." He frowned.

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