Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

She cut up the rabbit into strips of meat and laid the meat onto a flat rock that she had placed on the coals and poured Nettle a cup of water placing it on the table "if you want you can have some bread while waiting for the meat to cook, though I do hate that I had to steal it in order to have any..." sighs
Nettle looked up at Lilith when she spoke of more food. She took the cup and held it to her lips drinking until the last drop was down her throat. She set the cup down and wiped her mouth on her dirty sleeve. She nodded "I would like some bread." she relied meekly not noticing the sigh. She was too preoccupied with the thought of having food to fill the ache in her stomach.
She cut a slice of bread and handed it to her. "You know while the rabbit is cooking I could wash your clothes for you, sorry if I am coming off as being a little to nice but I have crossed my path with several humans that had to live in the woods to escape what ever would happen to them." pulls out some spare clothes from her bag and places them next to Nettle. "Just in case you want a pair of clean clothes."
Nettle snatched the bread holding with her dirty hands she took a huge bite chewing on it quickly. She looked up slowing her chewing when she asked about her clothes. Nettle looked down at her dirty ragged looking dress she had worn for the longest time. She hadn't ever thought much about her appearance. It wasn't as important as finding food or water or surviving. She looked up at the new clothes the half demon had set in front of her. She swallowed the bread in order to speak. "I would" she nodded wondering what it would feel like to put on a fresh pair of clothes. She took another large bite of the bread hungrily.
Demonia laughed at the little boy "I've tried but every time that I have I just come back and what I'm about to do next you can struggle all you want it only makes it more fun for me." she grabbed him and then sunk her fangs into his neck.

"Well once you finish the bread you can change and I will wash your clothes, I'll also mend them for you if there are any holes." she smiled at Nettle
Nettle wasn't able to smile back. She saw the warmness in Lilith's face, but she hadn't smiled in so long. She wasn't sure she was capable anymore. Taking the last bite of the bread, she licked her hands until she was sure there were no crumbs or traces of the bread left. She stood up looking at the clothes and then glanced around trying to find a private place to get changed.
"GAH!!!" Argh!" Jun gagged as blood come out of his mouth. It splattered around him as the woman bit into his neck. The pain overpowered him, and he coughed up more blood. He fell into the pool of blood, making a little splash noise. He grabbed the woman's leg, and he made a little smile. "Its... Not over..."
Nettle pulled her dress off and folded it up carefully, setting it beside the new one. She picked up the new dress looking it over before pulling it over her head. She tied it up nice and tight before spinning around. She looked down at the bright colors of her new dress excited. It was nice to wear something so clean.
she wiped her mouth once she was done "Leave my fiancee alone and I won't cause you more pain."

Lilith walked back in and put the water on the table and flipped the meat over. "Do you feel better in clean clothes?" picks up the dirty ones to take them to the stream to be washed.
Nettle nodded looking at Lilith. "Thank you." she replied not sure what she could do to repay the girl. It was beyond her knowledge why a stranger would help her. She could get in trouble for aiding a runaway slave,
Lilith smiles "You're welcome, if you wish you can follow me to the stream so that you won't be in the house or alone." heads back to the stream.
Jun wouldn't go down losing. He had lost so much already, and he needed to win somehow. But he was too weak. Lying in a pool of blood, pathetic. He coughed more blood. "Why.... GAH! Urgh... The blood..." Jun closed his eyes, and he lay in a pool of blood.
Sephrith appeared behind Demonia and saw what she had done "Demonia I think you've done enough..." bends down to heal the boy and she laughs "I say if he dies let him, it will be so much fun to torture him in hell." she smiled as she saw a rose mark start to form on the boys neck. "Look at that my mark has formed on him, he should feel honored to have such a thing on him. The mark of pain and hatred."
"I have hatred. For you..." Jun pushed his body upward. "This mark is a sign that I was bit by the queen of hell." Jun's body was red, because he lay in blood. He went for another kick.
Sephrith stopped the boy "If you wish to live I suggest you stop, Demonia doesn't attack kids but her darkness is the one that is more than happy to kill one. what you are seeing is the face of Hell not the Queen." whispering to the boy and hoping he understands that they are not one in the same.
"Selfish royals. I only attacked you because none of the royals care about whos under them. Kids die because of you. I won't attack if you give me food for the poor people." Jun stood there.
"If demonia was herself then she would be more than happy to do so, I know her and there has been time during food rations that she has let her people have more food than what is given to the castle. She always made sure that families with kids got the most. When Demonia comes around if she does become the queen to this land I can assure you even if it means that she has to sneak food out for the town she will but families will come first and people wholive alone will come second." Demonia was trying to listen to what was being said "What are you telling him?" looks more pissed since she doesn't know whats being said.
"Do you have a master? If not your best bet would be Demonia, she has a soft spot for kids but something must have made her angry to bring hell half way to the surface. Rest here for the night it might be cold but when demonia returns she will allow you to rest with her but she'll make you take a bath first so you won't get the bed dirty. Once she is herself you can speak with her and she may help you." sephrith stands up and looks at demonia "I was just telling the boy it is a foolish thing to make you angry, that is all." Demonia sighed "As long as you didn't say anything else then that's fine."
Sephrith looked at the kid "Well kid looks like you are on your own now. I tried to help you but you just pushed me at the one side of Demonia that I don't like and hate never liked." he vanishes and demonia looks pissed "so what did he say about me?"
"Your actually nice. Hard to believe. You have a soft spot, hard to believe. You know, I've realized something. I look more powerful than I look." Jun walked over to the window, and smashed it. He waves, and jumped out.
Axoret walked out of the shadows and demanded "you let him get away!?" He growled, angrily. Xredos stood beside him and said "shall I still plan the boys trial?" Axoret nodded and replied "yes. And hunt him down as well. He couldn't have gone far."

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