Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Demonia smiled and watched him as he fell "He has my mark, he won't be top hard to find. They are like a tracking device for my prey." she sat down in a chair and sighed. "When they get away its only fun for me. I thought you would be pleased with everything I had done to the boy, it's not an easy task to do when part of you is screaming, telling you to stop. Hell even kept the boy from touching you but not even so much of a thank rude..."
"That little brat attacked me. I was going to let him live after teaching him a lesson but after that stunt he pulled, I think execution is the best bet." Usassiel walked over, frowning. "He's just a kid." Axoret shrugged him off and said "you've killed tons of kids under my order. Don't stop now."
Eris sighed softly. She ran into Xeliran who seemed distracted. "Xeliran remember me?" She asked. She watched him grow up but left when he was still very young.
Demonia's return eyes returned to brown "No! You can't just go and kill a little kid! I have made them suffer but killing them is going overboard! In all my years as ruler of hell I have never once killed a child...I have had to collect so many souls of children over the years, seeing them die and killing them is to much..."
Xeliran smiled and said "long time no see! I wish Exiriya was still here but he went to England for a few days. I remember when we were children, he would always bodly make fun of you and metaphorically kick you when your down." He laughed a little.
Eris looked away. "Yes well ot takes longer for witch's to become powerful! " she said and crossed her arms. She was like a daughter to the king and agreed with his evil plots but she would always turn to Xeliran when she was hurt or angry with Exiriya. However back then she always looked at others in the eyes but now the soft lace blocked the connection she had with Xeliran. "I wouldlike to speak with you... catch up.
Demonia looked at Axoret "Just so you know I will never stand by and agree to the killing of a child!" she made her way past him "Until our wedding I think I may return to hell...I'm not sure that I could watch the killing of a child and do nothing to stop it..."
Zurtho stood by and watched the king decide the child's fate. Zurtho was jut a commoner so did not speak on the matter thought many things, That boy should have never spoken out let alone i the royal palace to the king of all people. If he is not killed it would be a breach in the rules, and who is to say other slaves will not try the same thing. Then there was Demonia... It is a shame. The Queen of hell can not even take a life with out weight on her conscience.
Zurtho saw Demonia walk by and simply nodded a response as she had given him the dragon scales. Other then that he was quite disappointed in her reaction.
Demonia walked outside and looked around, slowly wings started to form on her back. They almost looked like a dragon or bat wings, she stretched them out and then took to the sky. She had always gone flying when she was having problem adjusting to a new place, she remembered times when he father scolded her for doing so, she smiled at the memories playing through her mind and when she was high enough she closed her wings and started to let herself fall.
Zurtho watched Eris, and the king talk for a while. It was moments like these when he wished he was a noble, perhaps that could be payment for the armor? The hall way echoed quite an amount so he was able to hear everything they were saying with good clarity.
Zurtho could hear Eris speak of why she had left."I couldn't take his stupidity any longer! He always said i wasn'tbbeautiful enoughto be a princess! So of course i left. I planed to never rreturn but it seems i got bored... and i wanted to visit again... but as always i am ignored. I will speak with you later Xeliran i need to go shopping. " She walked down the hall and ran right into Zurtho's chest. "Ah! Sorry i didn't see you!" She sighed and adjusted the lace again.
The bump did not really shake him much, as he pretty much remained still. "It is my bad I should have moved for you, Princess."
Demonia spread her wings before she hit the ground and landed down gently, she headed towards the town everywhere she turned in the town she saw another starving person and people seemed to die every corner that she took. She was becoming annoyed with it all, she could feel the souls of the dead tugging on her dress and soon the sky started to turn black. She realized that the reason she was why she was flooded by so many emotion is the souls were causing her to be stressed and feel misery.
Eris smiled recognizing his voice. "Your the one with the rough hands!" She said with a smile and touched his hand just like she had before."Can you make me a blade? Or do you only work for the king?" She asked somewhat playing with his hand and enjoying the fact they were much bigger then her own.
"I could but that depends upon what type of blade you want." He nods. He does not play back, but allows her to do so.
"Surprise me! I want a dagger though. Light weight. Fast." She smiled softly and moved to his other hand before entwining her fingers with his. She looked up at him with fascination. " I've never seen one quite like you... your a dark elf but you're stronger. Yet you choose to be gentle or do nothing at all. Does my touch bother you? Or does the soft feather touch make you happy?" She asked expecting a real answer and not something he thinks she wants to hear.
Nettle watched Lilith listening to her words. She thought about racing off and going back into hiding, that was her plan. She had been taught from a young age not to trust anyone. She had already pushed her luck with this girl, but something made her stay. She sat in front of the fire watching the meat cook painstakingly slow.
"Your touch makes me nervous as being a commoner I am not supposed to involve myself with the nobles and royals." He says in a calm voice. His mind already started searching around for ideas for the dagger, but his eyes remained fixed on her so he did not seem disrespectful.
Lilith came back once she had the clothes clean and she checked on the meat and smiled and placed two plates on the table, she gave Nettle more on her plate "I hope you like it" she smiled and started to eat what she had on her plate.
Nettle sat down at the table. She had never sat at one before. It felt quite odd not to have the food in her hands. She looked at Lilith who was eating with some utensils she didn't know how to use. She picked up the meat piece by piece putting it her mouth with her bare hands. She chewed on the rabbit forcing it quickly down into her stomach.
"I understand that you must be hungry but you can make yourself sick if you eat to quick. Look I am going to a town that is a few miles away and I was wondering if you would like to come with me. As a demon hunter it is my job to help humans and you seem like you are in need of a big sister." Lilith would have felt bad if she hadn't offered Nettle a chance to live instead of just surviving.
Eris laughed softly. "Your not involved with me... unless your heart skips a beat when i am close to you." She leaned forward and whispered in his ear softly. "I want to see your shop. Take me there?" She stepped back letting her hand part from his. She pushed her hair back and waited for him to escort her.
Nettle looked up from her plate looking at the girl surprised. She wasn't sure what to say. It had made her forget about her food, which was not an easy thing that slipped her mind. Lilith had been honest and kind so far, but would it hold out? It seemed like a trap, following her to a town. She was used to avoiding those. She quickly stood up out of her chair frightened stumbling backwards knocking the furniture over. "No.."

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