Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

She stopped at her door and turned. " Thank you for walking me... I will come by tomorrow so we can talk more about the details of the dagger..." she leaned up and softly kissed his cheek. "Good night." She slipped away into the darkness of her room and leaned against the door. She felt her heart racing against her chest and she smiled happily.
His cheeks were warm and blushed ever so slightly as he wished her good night and started walking back to his shop.
"Why won't he be able to kill us?" she asked confused. She looked down at the cut noticing it for the first time. She knew the likelihood of a wound getting infected out here. That was probably why the girl wanted to go to town. "Why would you want to kill your own mother?" she asked as more questions formulated in her head. She hadn't understood anything the girl had babbled on about.
Eris peeked at the night sky through her window. She waited until her heart beat calmed before she took a bath and went to bed to sleep. She could hardly sleep reviewing the events of the day.
Zurtho looked through the ores in his store checking the quality, and then examined a few swords made by the forge hands. He sent back a few, and put some on display. He checked the cases and leather work progress, and then made his way to his room. He nearly collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.
"Sorry...when I think to the time my mother killed my father all I have wanted was revenge, she killed him all because he wouldn't hand me mother is the ruler of father was trying to protect me from the hatred that would take over me if I had gone there...I'll just be quiet now...I ramble a lot when I get angry and I don't normally have company so talking isn't something that I do too well...." she sighs and ties her bandage tight. "And the king wouldn't be able to kill us because my mother would stop him even if it meant giving her life."
Nettle shook her head "She wouldn't care what happened to me." she answered. "But I don't get it. If she wants to protect you? Why do you want her dead?" she asked still unable to follow the entirety of the situation.
"She protects all kids not just me. Stories of my mother tells of a time when my she was so dark that use to abuse, torture, and kill kids but one day she was lost in her own kingdom and a child helped her to survive, a nicer side came out of her at that time and she hasn't been able to hurt a child since then unless they make her angry. And I want her dead because she took my happiness away from me..." tears start to stream down her face "Father was the nicest person I had ever known and she took that away from me."
The next morning Eris stretched in bed. She took a moment before actually realizing it was time to get up. She stood and brushed her hair. She pined her hair back into a ponytail and placed a black lace blindfold over her eyes this time. She wore a red corset that was covered with black lace. She slipped on her favorite leather pants with her black boots. "I'll have to do this quickly. I promised him I'd come by." She said to herself and grabbed her old rustic dagger.

(Later on...)

Eris entered his shop. Her hands had a large gash in the palms and there were a few other cut on her face, chest and legs. "I think i need a doctor..." she said softly and almost breathless.
Zurtho had already awoken, dressed, and was working when Eris entered. "What happened?" He said seeing her cut up body, and leading her to a chair.
Nettle sat down by the fire listening to the girl. She hadn't mean tot pry and make her upset. She resolved to be quite for the time being. She was tired anyways. She brushed her unruly hair behind her ears. "I think I'll be going to bed now."
"alright, i'll stand guard while you rest and if anyone comes here i'll just lead them away or kill them if they are a demon." she walks outside

Demonia was laying on the roof of a house in the town as she had fallen asleep there and would be sleeping in.
Eris looked up and him and smiled even with much blood loss. "Depends. What happened to my hands is i have the worst dagger around and i guess it got dull so i had to tear my skin open. The rest was my enemy. She was cheating i swear it! But i still won so..." she looked at the torn flesh of her hands and frowned picking at the rust that got in her wound. " I feel really tired..." she muttered softly fought to keep her eyes open.
Nettle brushed her hands over her face sitting up. She looked over at the stove watching Lilith cook. "What's that?" she asked wondering what she was doing.
"I'm cooking a stew, found another rabbit and snuck into a garden, found some carrots and potatoes so I thought I'd make a stew for breakfast." she smiles "Did you sleep well?"
"its just about done" stirring it around "I cut a few slices of bread for you and put them on a plate. wasn't sure if you like honey but I found some" points towards the table.
"Who did you fight?" Zurtho asked as a slave who was trained in medicine treated her needs. He needed that slave because they were working with weapons after all. Zurtho gently washed Eris' hands and bandaged them.
She turned her head toward the table then back at the girl cooking. "Do you eat like this everyday?" she asked surprised how well off the girl was.
Eris didn't struggle but made noises of pain every once in a while. "A thief. She stole a enchanted charm from me a while ago... I'm weaker without it. " once they had helped her she attempted to stand but seemed unstable as she did so. "Sorry to bring this burden on you..." she gave him a few gold coins knowing it wasn't required but refused to take it back. "So Is there a certainplace we can go to talk?" She asked seeming a little better now that she wasn't bleeding out.
"ooh.. um yes of course." He says as he grabbed her to support her and keep her from falling. He walks with her slowly back to his room. He closes the door behind her, and sets her down on his bed. He pulls a chair up to the edge, "What did you want to talk about?" He said. His eyes looking at the cuts on her body, he was obviously still worried.

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