Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Zurtho swallows once, seemingly a lump in his throat. "Yes, it is down in the marketplace." He turns and begins walking slowly until he sees she is following and then he quickens to a normal pace.
"I see, I will not force you to go with me so please return to eating your food. if it makes you feel any safer you can eat outside. I see that you have little trust, I can understand that feeling, after my father died by my mother's hands I ran to live in the woods nearby but back during those times most demons and things that we know of so well today were just tales told to keep children scared. I'd have to say that it must have been a few hundred years later that those demons crawled out from their shadows and took this world..."

The sky was still black and ravens started to land on roofs.
Eris took his arm and looked at her surroundings. "I like you. Your different but like all men at the same time... " she looked up at him but quickly looked away again. "What are you thinking about? Besides weapons? "
Nettle walked back over to the plate and picked up the plate. She looked up into Lilith's eyes then turned walking out of the small cottage. She sat down in the grass placing the plate in her lap eating the meat more slowly like the girl had suggested. Her eyes wandered up every not and again looking around her to make sure no one else was nearby.
"Whether or not the King would agree to this." He eventually reached the Forge, and opened the door for her. His slaves were running the shop for him quite well.
Lilith cleaned her plate when she was done eating and set the clothes out on a line above the fire to dry, Lilith pulled a few things out of her bag and found a needle and thread and started to stitch up a few holes while the clothes were on the line.

Demonia went through the town cleaning out the souls that were trapped. She hoped once they were gone that she could think clearly. The sky started to clear up as more ravens appeared.
Nettle finished and set the plate in the grass. Her eyes wandered up toward the sky. She hugged her knees thinking over the request she had received from Lilith. She had only known running and hiding and living day to day? She knew it was only matter of time before she was caught. She had already slipped up today. If the girl was genuine, she was offering her a way out. There was a slim chance she was telling the truth. A slim chance is better then no chance, right?
Lilith pulled out a blanket from her bag once she was done with the sewing and laid it down on the bed, the wooden frame was dust but the mattress was still good enough for rest. Lilith waited inside not wanting to be too crowding on Nettle.
"We are not doing anything wrong. You are protecting me on the way to your shop. Now... i kissed you. That would cause problems." She smiled touched his cheek before turning away and looking around. "You shouldn't worry so much... the king what would he have to not agree about? Are you taking an intrest in me?" She asked running her fingers over the cases.
"The king can be quite particular with his rules. Only he knows their exact interpretation." He watches her move around the basic sword cases, so he was not worried about any damage. Those swords were made to be very tough.
Nettle looked out over the horizon trying to settle her small debate she was having within herself. She brushed her fingers through her hair muttering softly to herself. She had stayed when she should have ran and nothing had gone wrong so far. Maybe it would be okay. She walked back inside deciding her mind was made up as soon as she accepted the rabbit.
Lilith looked up and smiled "Your clothes are almost dry, I patched up the holes as well. I think I'll go out and hunt for some fish later so that there will be something for dinner, would you like to join me when I go?"
Eris turned sharply. "You avoided my question. " she hissed but soon reverted back to her normal smile. "The king isn't here though is he. Besides after this we may never see eachother again. I will return home to my kingdom and you will continue to serve the king and never give me a second thought. That's how it was last time i met a commoner. You see i have learned that have these heart melting moments but when i leave you won't even write a letter. " she moved closer to him and rested a hand on his chest to feel his heart beat. "So what is wrong with having fun if you don't even care about me?" She asked looking up at him.
Nettle shook her head. If she could remain hidden in the house, she thought it might be better. There were many places she could hide in and never be found. She rubbed her arm shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot. "Why are you being so nice?" she asked confused.
"I have not even known you for a day, I could not know my feelings. And a letter? You believe I know where you live? How I am to send a letter if you do not tell me? And if you just leave, how to I know if it even mattered to us"
"It has always been my goal to help people, my father, his wife and my two human siblings died because I wasn't strong enough back then...I swore I would get revenge and help every human that my path crossed." she tosses a wanted poster of herself to the ground "I'm not the safest person to travel with but I can assure you that as long as I have a breath in my body you will never be harmed and you never serve anyone. Hell I'll even teach you to use a sword if you want."
Eris stepped back as if weighing her options. "I was wrong... you are not like all the other men. Are you wanting to know me better? " she asked as she borrowed a pen from the slave and wrote down her address and that of a inn. "I will be staying here until my dagger is done. I'm trusting you and that is something i don't do often... i also don't play with commoners very often but that was broken to... I should get going. It's late..." she handed him the paper and looked away seeming a bit nervous herself.
Nettle looked at the wanted poster then up at her savior. She smiled slightly lifting the corners of her mouth. "Thank you" she replied softly feeling grateful for all the held the girl was offering. It seemed truthful. She hoped it wasn't just her being optimistic.
"You're welcome, I'm sure if the king knew that I was the demon slayer he would have killed me then and there, its a name that I have gained, lets see a few weeks ago I killed a family of shapeshifters for their treatment to their servants and a child of a servant had asked me to help so I did." sighs "so how long have you been out here?"
He takes the piece of paper, reads it, and tucks it into his pocket. "Are you sure you will be safe walking there? It is a couple blocks away."
"As long as I can remember" she replied honestly. "My father taught me all I know." She brushed her hair behind her ear. "Let's hope the king never finds you." she replies biting on her lip nervously.
Eris smiled. This time it was more of flattery then flirtation. "If could accompany me i think i would feel safer." She said and took his arm once more. Eris blushed softly at the fact she was showing more of her true self. She sighed and enjoyed the feeling of his warmth next to her.
"From what information that I have gathered my mother and the king is getting married...he won't ever be able to kill me or you if we are found anytime soon. My mom has a soft spot for kid, hell she might have just knocked my siblings out knowing that she wouldn't be able to kill them with her hands so I guess she set the house on fire to free her hands of there blood..." she gets in her bag as she sees that a bandage on her leg is soaked in blood and starts to change the wrappings "This cut was bigger but the king had done this to me, I tried to kill my mother and this was my reward for failing..." the wound doesn't look like there is any signs of scabbing, it just keeps bleeding.

Demonia sighed as she had collected all the souls in the area and the ravens had vanished, the air some how started to feel cleaner and less heavy than it did before. "I can finally hear myself think." she smiles.
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"From what information that I have gathered my mother and the king is getting married...he won't ever be able to kill me or you if we are found anytime soon. My mom has a soft spot for kid, hell she might have just knocked my siblings out knowing that she wouldn't be able to kill them with her hands do she set fire to the house..." she gets in her bag as she sees that a bandage on her leg is soaked in blood and starts to change the wrappings "This cut was bigger but the king had done this to me, I tried to kill my mother and this was my reward for failing..." the wound doesn't look like there is any signs of scabbing, it just keeps bleeding.

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