Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"I haven't been there yet, found this stuff at a farm nearby but once we are done eating we'll go to the town together." smiles and took the stew to the table, pouring it into bowls.
Eris sighed. "I have become very fond of you... but i need you to see what i hide from everyone. " Eris removed the lace from over her eyes. Claw marks ran across her eyelids and to his upper cheek. Eris took a deep breath before opening her eyes. He could see the dark purpule iris of her eyes behind the white blindness that covered them like a cast. "No one else knows... I'm a princess I'm supposed to be perfect i know... " she looked down and nervously waited for his response. "I can still see. They are just... hideous to look at." She said fighting back tears.
Nette looked over the food. She sat down at the table and began to eat. She wasn't as hungry as she had been yesterday, so she was able to take her time and enjoy herself.
Eris looked up with a curious look. "You don't think I'm unworthy of being a princess? Exiriya used to say that all the time. If he saw me now then... " She looked down again.
Eris suddenly hugged him. She smiled and pulled away but kept her arms around him. "You're so strange i don't understand you!" She said wincing in slight pain after her sudden actions.
"I'm sure someone with magic could make the scars go away, or even change the eye color.. I mean if I had to choose it'd be he scars but.." He let her hug him, and he gently patted her back careful not to hit any cuts.
"Not when the scars were caused by magic." She pulled away from him and smiled. "I um... i guess we should talk about the dagger..." she suggested biting her lip. "What idea's do you have?"
Eris looked away and lost her smile. " My Father sent me to the dungeon. Anyway about the dagger." She said shifting uncomfortable with the subjectbut it was obvious she was hidding something else.
He stopped after the dungeon and just remained silent. "Most of the time my clients already have something in mind."
Eris seemed to be already remembering the dungeon even after he had changed to the topic. She was staring into space with a terrified look in her eyes. Her breathing seemed to quicken and tears fell from her eyes.
As soon as he touched her Eris screamed. She shoved him convinced he was someone else. "Get away from me!" She yelled and ran towards the door.
Zurtho stepped back as she shoved him, and watched her start running. He had no clue what to do, about it. If he chased it would just feed her imagination that he was trying to trap and hurt her.
Eris was freaking out to much an couldn't seem to open the door and her mind thought it was locked. She sat in the corner crying as she watch him. "Please don't hurt me. I didn't know who she was i just wanted to help! Im sorry please please don't do this!" She begged hugging her knees tightly as she shook.
"I'm not going to hurt your, Eris." He said turning to face her, and then sitting down slowly so he did not seem as threatening.
Eris took a moment to catch her breath before she realized who he was. "Z-Zurtho?" She asked still seeming terrified but slowly getting up and starting to move towards him.
Eris stopped about half way to him and looked around. " Zurtho I'm scared... i don't know what happene. " she swallowed hard and rreturned to his bed. "What happened? Why am i so scared? "
Eris rubbed her head and looked at him. "I'm sorry to alarm you... i don't know how that happened. " she wiped her eyes and tried to regain emotional control. " Um... do you want me to leave or stay.... i uh... i don't know what to do. "
Eris smiled and let out a soft laugh. " i like the color purple... i need it to cut clean. Preferably one of those wave blades." She said and crossed her arms over her chest. "The rest is up to you."

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