Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Yes, it was, Eris," He said with a smile on his face. He had not been inside here before and has looking around the room. He could smell food, which reminded him of how long it has been since he had last eaten.
"The white rose group was made by a church I use to work with, they always said when in need look for the white rose, they know my secrets so they know the things that I need." She starts to feel around on the wall as if looking for something.
"I noticed you seemed to put work before anything else so i wanted to cook for you while i had you here." She took his hand and sat him down at the table before placeing a plate of steak and potatoes in front of him. "Enjoy."
Eris sat across from his. She began eating her own food but she looked up at him after a while of silence. "Zurtho will you stay with me tonight. We won't do anything i just don't want to be alone. " she said and took another bite as she waited for his answer.
"In every room in these Inns there is a hidden room normally has a bed or chair along with books since I am going out I thought you would feel safe in the hidden panel the good thing is that I and the builder of these places are the ones that know of the room so I know you will be safe while I am gone." hits a hollow panel on the wall and smiles as she presses upward and the room opens "Here we go, you can never be too careful." she smiles.

Demonia looked to the sky "Yesterday I cleaned out to souls of the dead from the city and it seemed that there was less killing today and the air feels lighter." smiles
"I'm being hunted. I didn't want to tell you but... i guess it's betterif you know." She said and wiped her lips.
Nadia blinked and looked away. "Um... right... seems like it's a relief to you huh?" She asked feeling a bit awkward on this topic.
Lilith smiles and places what is left of the stew in the room. "Well I couldn't trust everyone that runs these Inns. no matter what happens even if you hear a scream I want you to stay in this room, alright."

"When you serve places like heaven and hell the dead know this and they beg for help and release from this world. Their emotions were effecting the way I was thinking...I'm just happy that Lilith wasn't one of the souls that I helped yesterday. Did she seem well when she left your care?"
"My father... he wants me dead... " she sighed and finished eating. She waited until he was done and cleaned up trying to avoid the conversation. She thought about lieing to him but couldn't bring herself to do so.
Lilith smiled, closed the panel and left the room, she wondered out into the village and went to another building nearby and in a few hours she returned and opened the panel. "Sorry that it took so long they had to find everything then make sure that I was better. Told you that I would come back." she wasn't sure if Nettle was worried if she would return or not.
Eris looked away "i betrayed him on accident but he think i did it intentionally. " she said and washed the dishes. 
Ooc I'll pm you
"If you wish, we can." there is only a scar where her wound was "Are you sure you don't want to rest here for a while. Just wanting to make sure since we won't be staying at inns very often."
Nettle looked around the room. "I've never stayed in an Inn before." she replied uncomfortably shifting. She held up the book. "What are these scribbles?" she asked pointing to the words on the pages.
"Those would be words, maybe I should do more than just teach you how to fight. Everyday I'll teach you how to read, spell, and some math, that is if you would like me too."

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