Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Take you time on it... i also want you to visit me later on. I won't take no for an answer." She smiled and stood kissing his cheek again before she left.
Lilith smiled, she was happy to have company for once and not be alone "Just so you know there may be a moment when I ask you to hid somewhere...or if I can do a favor for someone and get paid I will request that you stay at the inn and not come out of the room. There's something that I need to do but don't want you to see." Lilith looked upset about what she had to do.

Demonia woke up and collected her new shoes from the cobbler and paid him and then went for a walk through the woods after buying some food and giving it to some kids and their families.
She nodded her head. "Yes." she agreed. She was used to hiding, she was good at it. It wasn't much a request in return for all that Lilith offered her. The terms were simple to agree too.
He stood up and walked to the forge. He searched through the ore stock room until he found one that wold make the blade a deep royal purple. He gave it to a slave who began preparing it fore smelting. He got the metal work for the handle and then the leather work for the sheath. He returned to the forge and started hsaping the handle, and then the frame. The wavy blade would be hard to get right but he could do it.
"Thank you we might even find some supporters there that will help. Its been a while since I have found any, seems the areas around here and more for rewards than helping others." she finishes her stew and cleans the bowl, she saw that there were some left overs and made a placed it in a small container and tied the lid shut.
Eris walked around the market. She bought food for dinner tonight but stopped by an alchemy shop to get ingredients for potions to sell. She returned home just in enough time to shower and get dressed for Zurtho. She began preparing both dinner and a potion to heal her cuts. She left her blindfold off this time letting her true self show through.
Zurtho eventually finished the blade, and finalized the stitching on the sheath. He began walking back to the inn with the finished dagger.
Demonia was walking through the woods and wondered what she was doing "I wonder if Nadia is around..." needing someone to talk to but if she had to she would speak to the spirits in the winds as she had done so many times before.

Lilith smiles and holds a dagger out to Nettle and then leads the way to the village
Eris had been humming a song her mother sang to her years ago. She rushed to the door when she heard a knock and fixed herself before opening the door. "Hello. Would you like to come in?" She asked and closed the door behind him. " Zurtho... you know i have to return home soon right?" She asked and took his hand happy she was healed and able to touch him again.
Lilith saw the village and closed her eyes "How odd and might be a good sign, more humans than demons." she smiles. "This might be a good sign for us.

Demonia started to whisper things into the wind and they carried away her worries and troubles.
Nadia walked up behind Demonia and touches her shoulder. "I heard you were looking for me." She said and smiled softly as she sat down.
"Yes I heard you say that." He said as he entered the room. He showed her the knife in the sheath, "As you requested."
Eris looked down at the dagger. She took it and gasped when she saw the purple blade. She ran the blade across her fingers slicing each one open with every curve of the beautiful blade. "It's more beautiful than i imagined! " she said surprised with the quality. "How much will it cost me?" She asked looking up at him.
Lilith saw something in a few feet into the village and smiled "We need to find an Inn with humans, this village will be able to help us very well." she led the way to an Inn with a white rose on the sign and handed something to a person as they walked in. The Inn looked very nice, nothing seemed run down. They were soon led to a room with two beds and Lilith smiled as the door shut. "We won't have to worry about demons to much here these people know of me and support what I do."

She smiled at Nadia "I wanted to thank you for helping Lilith..." sat next to here "And then I think the king made a mistake with falling in love with me...I am not a queen that he would want sitting next to him...before I came into the woods I bought a little food and gave away it to families. I wonder what the Axoret would say to me if he had seen what I did and then I tried to stand up against him when he decided that a child needed to die...I didn't even return to the castle I slept outside in the village on a roof." she sighed
Nettle looked out the window looking out at all the people bustling about. She turned toward Lilith. "Sometimes humans are just s bad as demons." she replied not find comfort in relying on others for protection.
"I feel the same with Xeliran. He's still in love with Semira and can't love me until he lets her go... your welcome to stay with me if you want... your kids are welcome to come by I'd love to meet them." She smiled and rested her hand on Demonia's. 
Eris smirked. "Your just giving me special treatment. And for that you deserve more then just a blades worth of gold. " she gave him a rather large bag of gold and when he looked down at it she kissed his lips softly.
He was surprised by the kiss and slowly his head looked up to meet hers. Hesitantly he kissed back, however he enjoyed it.
She smiled "thank you, I was thinking about returning home until I had sorted out everything...but if I stay here then I can still help those that are starving. I'm sure I will only make him angry but I can't watch families die from starvation..."

Lilith sighs "I understand but these people will be able to help me with my wound. if you like once what I need is done we can go back on the road."
Eris enjoyed the kiss as long as she could but eventually had to pull away and catch her breath. "Was that an enjoyable tip?" She asked with a smirk.

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