Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Exiriya walks through the front door of the palace, sighing with relief to be back home. He had a cut across his cheek but for the most part seemed fine. Outside was a truck full of gifts which was probably for Semira. King Axoret greeted him and saw the cut on his cheek. "What happened? Did it not go well?" Exiriya let out a soft laugh and replied "of course went well. The princess was not thrilled and attacked me. Her attacks were pathetic. But anyways, her parents agreed as long as we trade with them." The king laughed this time. "I've trained both of you since the day you could walk and yet some princess decides to pick a fight with you? but yeah, we'll trade with them." Xeliran walked over to them and narrowed his eyes at Exiriya. He threw a punch at him and would have hit him more but Axoret held him back. "Woah woah woah! Stop!" Xeliran calmed down and Axoret released him. Exiriya wiped some blood from his mouth. "Is this about Semira and I?" Xeliran shrugged and said "you weren't here when I found out so I figured I'd punch you now and tell you that if you hurt her, I will make sure that you wish you were dead." He stormed off and Axoret chuckled. "He still cares about her even though I'm letting him be with Nadia." Exiriya shook his head and explained "I think its more of Semira is like a sister to him and me being the untrusted brother, he's afraid to lose her. Nadia, on the other hand, he's madly in love with. He thinks he loves Semira but I don't think he truly loves her. The way he looks at them is completely different. He looks at Semira like a really caring brother but what do you expect? They grew up together." Axoret nodded, understanding everything that was going on. Exiriya nodded back and said "I'm going to find Semira." He walked off.
Demonia wondered if she was being searched for, she thought about the things she had done and if she would get in trouble, for some reason she hated Axoret's anger but was in love with it as well and she sighed as she came to this realization.

Lilith found some paper and pen "come over here and I'll teach you a little bit of the basics" standing next to a table.
"the alphabet" she writes down from A to Z and says what each one is as she writes it down "this is the alphabet and its where we will begin in reading and writing." hoping she can teach something besides fighting and can teach it well.
Axius walks through the palace with his hood down, as he did when not on a mission or a meet. He looked around listening to anything that may be of use with his work, or would get his clan work. He had just gotten back from a job involving a mid-ranking royal, and a jealous low-level. He enjoyed it quite a bit, and had a smirk on his face as he walked the halls.
Eris looked at him and carressed his cheek. "I will explain another time my dear. I'm tiered aren't you?" She asked with a smile.
Lucius flew over the city, and looked down observing everything in it. His vision saw people's souls as well as their physical appearance, and was able to see people even under roofs, and through walls providing they were thin enough. Of course there were exceptions, certain demons could put up walls to hide their souls, as well as certain enchantments. This being while he also had normal vision.

Zurtho yawned, "I suppose I can not say no now can I?" He laughed.
Smiles and nods then points to every letter again and says what they are and giving nettle time to say them after her.

Demonia feeling a bit free since she had someone to talk to thanks nadia for listening and then spreads her dragon wings taking into the air, it was something or someone that she had sensed that made her want to take to the sky.
Nettle repeats the letters after she hears them, although the meaning of the letters were unclear. She chewed on her lip and kept glancing at the open door worried someone might walk inside. It was hard to kick old habits thinking everyone was out to get her.
Eris smirked and took his hand leading him to her bed. "Are you sure you don't mind? " she asked and walked into the bathroom slipping into her night gown.

Semira was laying across her rock. She was bored out of her mind whistled to the birds making them chirp back at her tune.
"Yes, I'm sure." He lays on her bed. He quickly looks away as she changes not to be rude. The inn was surprisingly comfortable and cozy.
Eris laughed when he looked away. "Such a gentleman. " she said and climbed on the bed laying next to him. She rested her head on his chest and sighed.
"Why are you laughing? Did you want me to look?" He said jokingly. The bed was soft and the pillows were plush under his head. His chest rose and fell smoothly with his breath.
notices "I can lock the door if you like." wanting to make nettle feel as comfortable as possible. "You know if you continue to travel with me we can always stop by the church that I use to attend, they run a human orphanage and angels are always protecting the church from demons but the church would be better qualified to teach you and I could stay there so that you would have one familiar face."
Eris smiled. "I expected as much from a male but obviously i was wrong again about you." She looked up " Do you think we will get caught? "
"Anyone... i am royalty after all... but i think im starting to fall in love with you." She said and cuddled closer to him when he put an arm around her
Demonia started to head back towards the castle but landed in the market and started to buy a few food items, she saw kids crying and hungry, she remembered a time when her streets looked the same, she started to hand out food to the kids and kept and eye on them as they ate. "I really couldn't care if I get caught, as for the adults they can fend for themselves..." she thought about the kids and when they would grow up and thought they needed to learn as well so she left them alone instead of protecting them while they ate and then walked to the castle, she heard a few of the children scream but she continued to walk forward knowing that the survivors will be stronger. She knew that if Axoret had asked where she had been that she would tell him without a second thought.

"Its fine," she locks the door "I just thought I would let you know, a place where you wouldn't have to look over your shoulder, a bed to lay in, food in your stomach, and clean clothes, but you would also have chores and you would need to help out when asked and I would stay around for maximum protection." lilith smiles "but you don't have to decide right away."
Nettle looked down at the paper. "I don't like to rely on other people." she admitted. "I mean if it's an orphanage that means someone could adopt me as well. I don't know if I want to be adopted."
Eris sighed and looked at his chest. " Not if you don't want... you know i am easily convinced by strong men...." she ran a finger across his chest and smirked.
"That's why I would stay there so that you won't be adopted, I already did." she has a big goofy grin "I'll let them know that I adopted you as my little sister but that they would be the best people to teach so that's why I brought you there."

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