Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Semira looked for the ring and once she found it tears came to her eyes. "Exiriya it's perfect!" Semira cried and kissed him with deep passion. She pulled away again and looked at the ring. "Xeliran was wrong. If you were going to betray me you wouldn't have done this." She said and ran her finger over the engravment.
Smiles "Do I get to watch this one? I'd really hate to be part of another trial unless i'm watching it." hoping she gets to watch and smile if she likes the judgment that is passed. "I do believe your kingdom has woke up the old me because I really like the sound of watching her trail."

"They would have sold you into slavery...I swear if I could kill every slave trader I would." balls her hand into a fist.
Exiriya smirked, rubbing his cheek a little. "I have a feeling he's going to leave us alone. He still doesn't trust me but he's letting me near you." He chuckled.

Axoret shook his head and replied "you can watch." He kissed her lightly and asked softly "how do you know its not me bringing your other side out?"
Nadia smiled and kissed him back. "Today has been the worst day of my life. I got kidnapped by a witch and scared the hell out of by Demonia and Ash is no where to be found!" She said and groaned softly.
Semira gave a curious look but ignored it trying not to ruin this moment. She slipped the ring on her left hand and kissed Exiriya again. "I love hating you sometimes. " she teased with a smirk.
"Well you are part of this kingdom but you are all of my kingdom." kisses him back and smiles knowing that she gets to watch "So what will happen if they find your ex innocent? She might have more favor going on for her than I did."

"I would possibly be brought before the king and my mother." looks pissed "and have to beg for my life to be sparred."
"Hopefully out of the kings reach..." she looks around and sniffs the air "I don't like this...there's no breeze and I don't hear any animals..."
Xeliran chuckled and said "don't worry. I'm here." He kissed her forehead. "My brother's home..." He rolled his eyes and said "I still don't trust him with Semira or any women, that is."

He let out an elegant laugh and said "well, I got your engagement ring like you asked. That must mean something right. Your not like any girl I've met." He kissed her passionately.

"I'll be forced to remarry her and our engagement will be called off. So my only other option would to kill her myself and make it look like a suicide." He kissed her deeply.
Semira laughed softly at his words and kissed him back. "Your brother doesn't trust you.... why can't he let it go?" She asked and put the necklace on as well.

Nadia hugged Xeliran. "Have you met this new blood witch that is in town?" She asked before taking his hand and pulling him into his room.
He rolled his eyes and said "I know. He punched me earlier today but he said he would leave us alone for the most part but he threatened me if I hurt you."

He shook his head as he followed her into his room. "No, I haven't." He laid on his bed and asked "what's she like?" He looked at her, half heartedly.
"She's a royal!" Nadia pulled Xeliran on the bed and cuddled next to him for warmth. She began describing Eris as nd her encounter with her and the vampires.

Semira seemed amused by the fact Xeliran punch him and giggled. She looked up at him when she was done laughing and tried to come off as innocent.
"oh Eris!" He chuckled amused at the story. "I grew up with her and we were really close but now I'm so busy. I should summon her so she can apologize for kidnapping you." He kissed her playfully and asked "would that make you feel better."

"Its not funny! It hurt!" He pushed her playfully. Obviously, he was kidding about the fact that it hurt but he was just trying to make her feel bad for laughing.
Semira only seemed to laugh more at his complaints. She pushes him back just as playful but aimed for him to fall in the water.

Nadia smiled. "It's some of the things she said got to me... but yes i would like to speak with her."
He did in fact fall in the water and laughed, pulling her in the water with him as he fell in. He held her close to him and started to kiss her.

"What did she say to you?" He asked. He whispered to a guard to go fetch Eris for him.
Semira kissed him back. He could feel her tail forming as the fin brushed against his leg gently. She pulled back and looked down at the shimmering black scales.

Nadia shook her head. "Just some thing about my father " she said and sighed.

(I'll post as Eris next time)
"Your so beautiful..." He whispered to her. "I'm falling deeper and deeper for you." He got close to her again as he kissed her once again. "You should stop me before its too late." He kissed her again and again before he finally forced himself to pull away from her.

He looked down and said "don't worry. We'll have a good talking to her. Right now, my guards are looking for her so you don't need to worry."
Semira smirk when he pulled away. "You think i should? I'm enjoying myself quite a bit... besides don't you wantto kiss me? I am you fiancee. " she ttaunted trying to get him to fall deeper into lust.

Eris awoke to the sound of a knock. She barely opened her eyes and almost thought about staying silent so she could continue to indulge herself with Zurtho's warm body next to hers. When the man knocked again saying he was a castle guard Eris shot up with wide eyes. "Getting dressed calm down!" She shouted in almost a hiss as she rushed to put on her royal dress. She moved over to Zurtho and kissed him softly on the lips. "I will return to you soon my dear... don't miss me to much." She winked and grabbed her new dagger before leaving with the guards.
"I hate you so much," he said as he roughly went back to kissing her. His hands were all over her as he kissed her passionately. He smiled ever so slightly.

The guard said "you are being summoned by Xeliran. He hasn't told me why but he just said he needed to speak with you." Just then as he was walking with Eris, a sword went through his stomach. A boy(Serien) stood there. He ripped his bloody sword out of the guard's stomach and watched him collapse. He checked the body and found a bag of gold in the guard's pocket. "Hey Eriath... I got some money." A girl walked out of the shadows and smirked but then nodded toward Eris. "What are we going to do about that one? Kill her as well?" Serian looked at her darkly and said "no. I overheard them talking about taking her to the palace. Give them a message that the Elsiniath siblings are here to destroy the royal family and take the throne for ourselves." They started to laugh as they ran off into the trees with the money they stole.
Semira shoved him back and smirked darkly. "Sorry but you said you needed to control yourself and.... you seem to be getting a little wild." She teased and slid out of the water so she had her legs again. "Look what you did. Now we have nothing to cover up with... well you did until you fell into the water." She laughed softly and hugged her knees watching him.

Eris rolled her eyes. "It's not my problem ok. If i was forced out of bed for this?! I am going to be very pissed off." She hissed and cut her palm open to summon at least one or both of the vampire brothers.
Exiriya smirked as he got out of the water, tackling her playfully as he got out. He kissed her lips gently before getting off her. "Not my fault..."

Usassiel and Xredos both appeared with Xeliran and Nadia. "Sorry. He begged us to take them with us." When Xeliran saw his guard murdered, his eyes widened. "What the hell happened?" He demanded. He seemed angry as he looked at Eris, waiting for answers.

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