Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Semira rolled her eyes and sat up. "It so was your fault you started it! And what you don't want to kiss me anymore? I thought you hated me why so gentle?" She asked with a smirk just seeming to like his reactions.

Eris slapped both of the vampires leaving claw marks on their cheeks. "You two are in deep trouble! And as for you Xeliran the Elsiniath siblings are after the throne. They told me to tell you that now why am i here i was tryingto be lazy today. " Nadia approached Eris seeming rather nervous. "Is what you told me true? If you lie to me i will murder you!" Nadia demanded showing a side only Ash has ever seen. Eris looked away seeming to have a hard time answering her but nodded slightly causing Nadia to break out in tears. "Did you kill him? Did you kill my father?" Eris nodded again making Nadia cry harder.
He smirked and asked "do you prefer me rougher?" He smirked as he said teasingly "bye." He walked off.

Xeliran brought Nadia into his arms. He let her cry in his arms as much as she wanted to. Xredos said "so that's why he insisted on letting them come with us..." Xeliran then released Nadia as he slowly stepped back in fright. He looked around and started to ask "who are you? What are you doing? Stop yelling!" He fell to his knees screaming for the voices to stop. Xredos ran over to him and yelled "my lord! My lord!" Eriath walked out, a smirk playing on her lips. "Wow. Most pathetic prince ever. He couldn't even sense that his head was being invaded." Serien started to laugh as he stood beside her. "Aw poor you~ Your little daddy was murdered?" He said mockingly. Eriath looked at them with narrowed eyes as she pointed her hand at Xeliran, enjoying him scream in pain.

Exiriya heard the screaming and stopped in his tracks. "Something's wrong... I hear Xeliran screaming. Do you hear it?"
Axius was in the corner of a servant room. His hood was up, and he was holding a noble up against the wall with one hand around the man's neck. His other hand had blue electricity around it, swirling. Every time the man went to speak, Axius would shoot the electricity towards the man. But if he were to yell, Axius would only do it with more power. The man kept on trying to say 'I'm Sorry' over and over again, but with no avail. Axius had a smile on his face while it happened. The electricity slowly died from his hand and smoothly he drew a knife from its sheath. He pressed it against the man's neck who became silent. It was the kind of silence that happens before death. One could sense it, some feared it, and those like Axius could not live with out it. He slowly pressed the blade into the man, and dragged it across. As the man died his energy drained into Axius like gold colored energy.
Eris hissed. "Why am i always in the mix of thing i don't want to be in! Must i fix everything?!" She hissed and slapped Nadia. "That's enough crying I'm trying to concentrate! " She hissed and removed her blindfold. Her white eyes glowed a soft purple and she block Xeliran's mind off.My dark My sweet he will be fine go after them now!" She ordered as Nadia had vines restain the two.

Semira looked up at Exiriya and nodded putting on a long coat and running to where the screams came from.
Demonia kissed Axoret back "Is there anything that I could do to help if that happens?" she smiled enough for it to show her fangs "Hell has an array of poisons including poisons that can kill within minutes, some making the mind go mad and most of the people who take it kill themselves before the poison does. Its so fun to watch." she giggles but its a little darker than it is normally.

Lilith looked around and saw the town on fire "Damn it! Seems as if they knew I was here...Nettle I'm sorry that I brought you into this..." she started to hear foot steps coming towards them.
Xeliran slowly got up and he yelled "w-wait! I recognize these two!" He studied their faces and then said "there the elven nobles that ranaway millenniums ago. They are considered dangerous but... I would like my father to figure out what to do with them." Eriath looked at them all with hatred and yelled "go ahead! Kill us! I dare you to!" When Exiriya approached them, Eriath smirked as her pupils dialated. Exiriya stopped in his traps as he stared at Eriath. He unsheathed his sword and cut both siblings down from the vines. Eriath tickled his chin lightly and said "what a good little slave." Serien yelled at her "come on! We have to go!" He was in the tree already but just before Eriath could follow him, Xeliran tackled her to the ground. Serien yelled "Eriath!" Xeliran put a knife to the elf's throat and said "surrender and release my brother or I cut her little throat." Serien dropped down from the tree and put his hands up. "Eriath..." he whispered. She sighed and her eyes went back to normal as she released Exiriya from his trance.

"I'll just give you a fake story and you'll go by it. Simple enough." He kissed her deeply.
Semira check on Exiriya worried that they had messed him up in the head. Eris growled and stomped off. "And i don't even get a thank you!" She hissed to herself but Nadia called after her. "Eris! Thank you. I finally know the truth." Eris bowed her head to the wood elf the gave the vampires a glare. "When you are free i expect you to find me unlike last time! And you Exiriya can burn hell." She spit in his face and left before he could do anything. "Ungrateful bastards."
She smiles "alright, I hope you know that you are the only man that I will ever listen too but there will be times that I fight against what you say." falls into his kisses.
Exiriya looked at Semira and asked "what happened? Whoa are they?" Xeliran rolled his eyes as he was tying the sibling's hands together. Serien hissed at them "you'll regret this!" Xeliran didn't seem to care as he dragged both of them off back to the palace. The vampires, and Exiriya follow Xeliran off, protecting him.

"Heheh and there will be times where I'll get pissed off at you for not listening to me." He kissed her again.
He smirked and asked "isn't that a good thing?" He kissed her even more and then moved onto her neck. He loved her more than anyone he's ever met and never wanted her to leave his side again.
(Ooc well all off wolf's characters are going to the castle and all of mine are scattered around town xD It depends on who you're after.)
"I wish I had met you sooner..." smiles as she forgets about the men of her past, with every kiss she felt like her body was on fire even though it normally had a chill to it.
Nettle spun around trying to figure out where the footsteps were coming from so she knew which way to run, but they seemed to be coming from all sides. Her heart raced knowing she needed to do something quick or there wouldn't be time. Her eyes wandered to the branches in the tree. It seemed to be the only place to hide, it wasn't a very good hiding spot either. She fiddled with her fingers nervously realizing there was no way out.
Lilith hugged Nettle "No matter what happens I promise that if we do get captured that I will save you even if it kills me I won't let you become a slave."

"I love you too." she smiled and never thought she would tell those words to anyone again and tears of happiness ran down her cheeks.
Nettle felt Lilith's arms around her. She pushed them off shying away uncomfortably. She stared at Lilith not wanting to get her into trouble. "It's okay. I've avoided my fate long enough." she rubbed her arm sadly.
He pushed her onto the bed as he got on top of her kissing her and laughing a bit. He smiled softly at her and told her "I don't think I can live without you." He kissed her passionately.

Afterwards, he laid beside Demonia on his stomach. He pretty much had given everything to Demonia. He might even stop sleeping around with his slaves and servants for her. He never thought he would admit that to himself but with Elyra, he hadn't slept with her in centuries and right now, he just gave himself to Demonia without thinking twice about it.
The man's body fell limp into Axius arms. This is the worst part of the job. Axius lifted the man's body, and said a quick blood removing spell on the area. He then walked out of the doors with the body over his back. He walked up the stairs calmly, and got a few stares not that anyone could see his face anyways. Axius dumped off the body back into the man's bed and pulled the covers over the man. Sweet Dreams. Axius left the room and once he was sure no body was following him he took of his hood, and walked into a room with a decently large gathering of people.
She smiled, she had never felt like that not even when she was in love in the past. "I think I have finally found my forever love." she sighed "I never thought I could feel that way."

Lilith looked down and saw that they were surrounded "I swear that I will get you out of slavery..." she was tired of seeing those that she help have things happen to them.
Nettle looked around feeling a sense of panic rise in her, but she forced it down clenching and unclenching her fists by her sides. She swallowed "Don't make promises you can't keep."
He smiled softly and said "I'm glad." he pet her a little and then kissed her gently. "I will never hurt you. I promise you."
"After that I know you won't, nothing in your actions said you would hurt me willingly." she kissed him and smiled "You must be a god to be able to melt the heart of hell."

Lilith drew out her sword trying to figure out who was in charge on those that had them surrounded.

(OOC: About to make a character profile for the person that found lilith and nettle)
He let out a soft laugh and said "no. I'm just a normal dark elf who has the heart of the devil." He snuggled close to her. "I'm happy to be with you like this."
Eris returned to her room. She sat of the floor and began a spell that made her spirit leave her body. Eris was invisible to everyone unless she wanted them to see her and her body was practically dead. She decided to target Xredos first and only he would be able to see her. "Do you know why i am mad?" She asked suddenly appearing in front of him.

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