Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

He stopped and waited for everyone to go ahead without him. "Why? Besides the fact that the prince disturbed your sleep and whatnot?" He leaned against the tree as he listened to her.
"Alright smart one." She crossed her arms. "It seems you don't have time for me anymore. My blood is aching to be drank and your to busy? Or flat out avoiding me?"
Xredos chuckled and said "I'm sorry. The royal family has been busy causing us servants to be busy. I mean there's going to be a trial and two possible weddings." He ran his finger along her neck and whispered "you know I can never say no to your pure, delicious blood."
"and I with you." she was happy and started to drift off to sleep.

"I have never gone down without a fight and I don't plan on going down this time without fight either." she let a little of her demon blood take over her.
Eris stroked his cheek. " Then come to me. I miss my boys. I'm all alone in my room with so much blood running throughout my vains. Don't you think you deserve a break?" She asked and smirked.
He smiled softly as he drifted off to sleep as well.

Xredos snapped his fingers and said "Usassiel!" He watched Usassiel follow him and Xredos smirked, his fangs obviously protruding from his lips. He was starving and needed a good night of feeding.
Sephrith had used a mirror spell to see how Demonia was doing and when he saw where she was sleeping he smiled and ended the spell then he reported what he had seen to Duanna and they both smiled and laughed.

"If I can find the leader then they leave us alone, thats how its been in the past."she looked around "have you missed me so much that you want me dead lilith?" a cat demon walked into sight and lilith dropped her sword and looked like she was in shock.
Eris smiled and vanished back to her body. She cleaned up everything that was used for the spell. she changed to something a lot more revealing and that she didn't mind getting bloody. She tended to enjoy how kinky and messy they got but the clean up was hell.

(I remembered you saying something about the kink so i added it in there. )
Nettle looked at the cat demon that stepped forward. Her eyes darted between him and Lilith. She stayed silent, it was usually better that way.
"Kit...but why...? This isn't who you are..." she couldn't move her body and Kit walked up and he took a handful of lilith's hair into his hand and smelt her hair "You still smell the same way as always" he waves his free hand and a guard grabs Nettle "Still protecting the weak I see, you going to burn another city just to free this one as well, my precious demon hunter." he smiles.
Xredos pushed her onto the floor, getting ontop of her with amazing speed. He licked her neck, scraping his fangs against it. Usassiel grabbed her leg and licked down her thigh where he sunk his fangs into it. Xredos ran his fingers up Eris's body. "I love it," he whispered. He sliced open her arm where Usassiel immediately started feeding off the cut. Usassiel started to chuckled and Xredos got off her so Usassiel could sink his fangs into her neck as well. While he did that, Xredos grabbed her wrist and sunk his fangs into it.

King Axoret was woken up by the sound of someone pounding on his door. He groaned and asked "what do you want?" Xeliran realized that his dad had just woken up and Exiriya chuckled, realizing as well. Xeliran said "we have two prisoners with us. They attacked me directly and I want you to put them on trial." King Axoret groaned once again, looking over his sleeping Demonia. He honestly didn't want to get up.

An arrow hit Kit in the hand that held onto Lilith. Ash stood there and he demanded "release them this instant!" He growled angrily at Kit.
Nettle felt a hand grab her and she turned her head to look at the strong grip and then up at her capture, but she didn't resist. She looked back at Lilith and Kit following their interactions silently. It was hard to breathe with panic kicking in. Her chest rose and fell quickly. Her eyes widened seeing an arrow fly through the air. She squeaks involuntarily frightened by the conflict in front of her.
She woke up to the noise and heard what was going on and she put on a sleep robe and she kissed him "come on, we need to take care of this." didn't really think about that she said 'we.'

Lilith suddenly snapped out of it "Let her go. Let the girl go and I won't resist and I'll come with you quietly..." Kit looked at nettle "Sounds like a fun trade. I'll think about it on the way to the castle."
Axoret groaned and said "fine fine." He slipped on a robe as well and walked out of the room. He narrowed his eyes at the two prisoners and let Xeliran dragged them ahead. Exiriya held onto Semira's hand as he followed them.
Eris was use to the pain of their bites and only gasped softly. " Have you missed the taste of magic on you tongue?" She asked lifting Usassiel's head up and licked the blood off his lips. Her eyes were glowing as magic was sucked out of her body and into theirs. She loved the pain and occasionally took her arm or neck away to tease them. 
Semira looked up at Exiriya then back down. "Where are we going?" She asked glancing aroun.
Nettle looked down startled when Kit turned to look at her. She wanted to shrink away and disappear. She willed herself to get smaller. Her heart raced furiously in her chest realizing their destination.
Xredos loved being teased by his beloved food. He sunk his fangs into one side of her neck while his brother fed on the other side of her neck so they both were feeding on it at the same time. Blood dripped down Usassiel's chin and he went up to kiss Eris which he then afterwards bit her lips, causing it to bleed. 
Exiriya said "to the trial room to see if they are innocent." He laughed slightly.
Demonia followed, she wanted to stay next to Axoret and never leave his side.

they are made to walk towards the castle "I'm sorry that I got you wrapped into this...if I had know that it was Kit that was patrolling I would have hid you somewhere..." looks at nettle then the ground.
Nettle tripped over her feet as she was shoved forward roughly. She looked at Lilith when she spoke and quickly turned her head forward finding it to have been a mistake. It made her uncomfortable to see the girl with her eyes on the ground so upset. She kept her eyes forward as they were forced toward the castle.
Lilith tried her hardest to get Kit to let Nettle go."what the hell happened to the kit that I use to know!" kit glared at lilith and then slapped her sending her to the ground. "Talk to me like that again and you'll die by my hands." Lilith picked herself up off the ground "I knew I shouldn't have let my heart fall for a demon...all they do is betray..." Kit pulled a dagger from his side and put it to where her heart is "How about I cut it out then you won't feel pain anymore." he smiled and Lilith looked away.
Nettle looked up startled by the threat. "Please don't hurt her" she begged frightened. She swallowed feeling her heart pumping quickly. She could hear her shaky breath struggle to get out of her mouth. "Please" she pleaded with the demon somehow thinking this situation was partly her own fault.
Kit looked at nettle "keep talking and I'll hit you next." Lilith sighed "You don't need to ask him to stop, he's treated me like this since his darkness took over him...he even hurt our son...that person that I said that I need to see is my son...Kit threw him across the room one day when he got home and our son has been in a coma since then..." Kit smiles "his body made such a lovely sound when he hit the wall." Lilith started to get angry
Nettle whimpered cowering in fear. She fell silent quickly ending up pressing closer to the guard that held her. His gaze sent chills down her spine realizing this might be the first glimpse at her new life. It wasn't going to get any better from here. Her heart sunk in her chest.

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