Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Who? Xredos? He cares about you but I mean, were the kings guards not yours." He kissed her cheek gently. "I think he's just worried about our king. No need to worry."

He grinned as he watched the two siblings get dragged away by his guards. King Axoret stood in the center of the room and said "there is no need to kill those that can be helpful to us now is there but if they refuse to come to our side, you will enjoy watching them die by my hand." Everyone cheered at that.
She giggles and a then umbra lands on her shoulder with a letter in his mouth and she takes it and opens it and reads it, she leaves the room quietly and smiling but then she gets to the hallway and looks upset and runs to get something, umbra follows behind her.
Eris sighed "he doesn't have to be such a jerk though. Sometimes i feel so invaluable to you boys it hurts." She said with a soft sigh.

Semira gripped Exiriya's hand tightly seeming slightly scared. She soon couldn't take the events and cheering so she just ran off to his room. She locked the door and climbed on the bed cuddlingwith the covers. ( xD i find it funny that she thinks she can lock Exiriya out of his own room)
Usassiel kissed her lightly and said "don't worry. Your as valuable to us as the king is."

Exiriya followed after her. When he got to his room, he noticed it was locked. He easily picked the lock and walked in. "Hiding from me?" He asked.
Demonia grabbed a few things and then started to head out of the castle she was too worried about something to let Axoret know what she is doing.
Axoret noticed that Demonia was gone from his side but didn't think it was that bad. He followed his guards as they dragged the siblings out of the room.
"If i was i would have ran home." She muttered and pulled the covers over her head. "I just want to disappear! " she said with a soft sight.

Nadia went to Xelirans room to see if he was ok after that attack.
Exiriya straddled her and gently slipped the covers off her. He touched her cheek gently and said "I will always be by your side no matter what. Don't disappear because if you disappear, you will only hurt those around you."

Xeliran was laying on his bed. Now that the trial was over, he just wanted to be alone. He cuddled into the pillows.
She whistled for Quicksilver and as he ran next to her she jumped on and had him go towards hell as fast as she could get him to go.

Duanna was looking over Nova who had broke out in a fever. "Duanna there is no reason to worry, your mother will be her soon and she'll know what to do." duanna looked at sephrith "I know...but it just worried me that he isn't waking up..."

Kit had sent some guards to take Nettle to the slave market and then led Lilith to castle and had a wanted poster in his hand of Lilith, "I'm sure the king will be happy to see that you are the demon killer that has been whispered about so much."
A soldier stopped them before he could enter the palace. "No entrance. King's orders." He kept a straight face as he looked at Kit and Lilith. At that point, Axoret had dealt with their new prisoners and was walking outside. When he saw Kit, he looked at his guard. "He works for me, idiot." He rolled his eyes but then smirked as soon as he saw Lilith. "Oh how I love you so much, Kit. Thank you for bringing Lilith to me. I've been wanting to see my new daughter so badly." He was obviously making fun of her and acting totally innocent but then he broke out in laughter. "You going to beg for your life, Lilith?" He lifted her chin to force her to look at him. He then looked at Kit and said "bring her to the dungeon!"
Semira pulled away from him and tried her best to curl up in a position so he couldn't touch her face anymore. "It won't hurt if you forget about me. I don't even belong here. I haven't seen my family in ages because of Xeliran and i feel more scared then ever. "

Nadia sat on the end of his bed. "Do you mind if i cuddle with you. I think we both could us someone right now." She said and rested a hand on his shoulder.
Kit smiled "Yes sir, also I am not sure if you are aware of this but Lilith is the one that is called the Demon Killer." holds out the wanted poster and then Lilith spit on Axoret's shoe "I will never beg for my life, I demand to speak with my mother!" Kit grabbed Lilith by the hair and made her walk towards the dungeon "If I see your mother I will have to thank her for this power that I have now." she smiles. "My mother will come to help me...she won't let me get tortured..." wasn't so sure after the way she treated her mother when she tried to help her from dying.
"Next vacation I get, were going to see your family!" He smiled at her. He didn't seem to be lying. He actually seemed to be serious about that.

Xeliran said "why is our kingdom so messed up? I mean people get sick pleasures out of watching people be killed. Its disgusting." He spat a little in disgust.

Serien and Eriath sat in their cell, annoyed that they were caught but happy they were still alive. Eriath knew she had to get out but she had to wait for the right moment.

Axoret wandered around the town in search for Queen Demonia. He was worried about her big time considering she just up and left like that. He knew something was up.
Semira shook her head. "I can't. I can't face them again. Not like this." She pushed her hair out of her face and stood seeming to avoid contact with Exiriya.

Nadia laid next to him. "This is how the dark relm is... there is a bit of it in all of us. You just need to see something beautiful to bring you joy. Come to my kingdom. Think of it as a getaway. " she smiled softly and kissed his forehead.
Some of the villagers were speaking about a blur of fire go through the village and into the woods and then people became quiet when they saw the king.

Demonia ran to Nova's room "Mom, nova isn't waking up and I'm scared that it might be more than a fever, I should have contacted you sooner." Demonia looked at Duanna "How long has he been like this?" Duanna looked at the ground "Since yesterday afternoon..." Demonia started to check Nova trying to see it there are any signs that someone may have done something to him.

Lilith was brought to a cell, she had been cussing and fight the entire way there and when she was thrown into the cell she looked at kit "Go to hell, its were you should be!" kit smiled and kissed her then left. Lilith kicked the wall of her cell "Damn king, thinks he can do anything he wants!"
Exiriya smiled and said "I think its time I've introduced myself." He touched her cheek ever so slightly. "You can face them. Your their daughter and I doubt their anything like my father."

Xeliran let out a sigh and said "I want to runaway from everything..." He kissed her cheek. "But I can't."

The king narrowed his eyes at his townsfolk but rolled his eyes as he continued on his way. he wasn't even going to ask.

Serien started to chuckle and looked over at Lilith. "You want to kill him as much as we do?" The two siblings looked at each other and started to laugh. Eriath said "we could use her and not even have to hypnotize her." She smirked and asked "you want to help us destroy the royal family and take over the throne?"
Lilith looked at them "the king I don't care about it the lady that he wishes to marry that I want dead." her nails start to grow and become longer.

There was a kid that was playing with what looked to be one of demonia's earrings.

Demonia looked worried as she couldn't find anything wrong with him besides his fever and him not wanting to wake up "Did you check the cabinets for missing poisons." Duanna nodded "We are searching the castle from top to bottom..."
Semira pushed his hand away getting angry. "You don't know them! And don't touch me! I don't want to be here anymore! I don't want to be near evil and cruelty! " She yelled seeming to start freaking out and breathing a lot heavier.

Nadia smiled. "It's not running away as much as just a vacation. "
Serien smirked and said "we can do that too. My sister here is a psychic and can forcefully manipulate people." Eriath's eyes dialate and the guard unlocked their cell. She said "go unlock her cell as well." The guard unlocked Lilith's cell. Eriath elbowed him in the back of the neck, and he fell unconscious. Serien offered her a hand and smiled. "ready to start killing?" Eriath chuckled and said "I saw the Queen leaving and the King left soon after her. The princes are too distraught to give a shit what were doing."

Exiriya was trying to calm her down by yelling at her "stop fighting me!" He kissed her deeply.

"Royalty doesn't get vacation," he replied simply, shrugging at the facts.
Semira struggled even more and failed until she kneed him in the side. "Just go away! All off it just leave me alone!" She cried and ran out of hus room trying to make it to the front doors before he could stop her.
Lilith left her cell and then sighed "Sorry to do this but I consider you too demons at well." She lets her demon blood consume her to the point that she still has her mind and then holds her hands up "I hate using this power on someone other than my mother." she start to make the area around the two have less and less air hoping to suffocate them to the point of passing out.

Umbra flew and landed in front of the king then cawed at him.

Demonia sat down in a chair not sure what more she can do. "What did the doctor say?" Duanna kept quiet "What did they say!" Demonia raised her voice in worry "That is heart is slowly beating less..." the fires in hell roses as Demonia's anger flared up. "Sephrith go find Axoret and bring him here." whispered and sephrith left the room and took demonia's horse back to the kingdom.
Exirya fell to his side and coughed a little. "Damn it..." He laid there, knowing Semira needed her space so he let her run.

Both siblings collapsed and Serien said "w-were not those... demons. Were... high elves. Y-You will regret doing this." He finally fell unconscious with his sister. Growing up, they were taught demons were evil, corrupt creatures and were both trained to kill them. He always got offended when he was called a demon in this land.

Axoret immediately recognized the bird and asked "where's Demonia?" He knew something was wrong.
Lilith stopped and looked sorry and put them back in there cells "I'm sorry but if you're not human then you are a demon...just like I am one as well..." she left and headed started to head out of the castle but was to angry when kit led her in that she couldn't remember where she had came from.

Sephrith rode up and umbra flew off "Get a horse, now."

Demonia left the room and a shadow like darkness started to cover hell as she became mixed with emotions.
Semira cried just outside the front door. She hated it here. She could smell the death and pain surrounding this place as she stood once more running. By the time she was done she was lost. She was in a different place and could tell she wasn't even in the kingdom anymore. She panted and began walking toward the nearest town so she could figure out where she was.

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