Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Axius was not disappointed by the trial, as he only enjoyed killing when it was at his hands. If he were the executioner though, he might have had to over rule the verdict. Lucius smiled at the outcome, but kept it hidden so that the people around him did not expect him to be strange. They exited into the hallway, and Axius opened a portal around a corner so that they could warp away from the crowds. "I really hate travel by dark magic," Lucius said as he stepped through. They emerged in the Royal housing area of the castle, "Oops.." 
Zurtho had left the trial as well, and was now walking the halls of the upper levels where the dormitories (or bed rooms as humans commonly called them) were.
A dragon attacked the palace, breathing fire at it. Servants screamed as the palace was set on fire. Exiriya and Xeliran both ran out of their rooms to see their home was on fire after being attacked by an unfamiliar dragon. Serien soon woke up when he heard the familiar roar. He groaned in pain but then grabbed his sword. He ran out of the dungeon and started to kill guards. He smirked as he watched the demons in agony. "Die die die!" He yelled. "You dare hurt my sister!" He growled in hatred. His hatred for demons grew more and more by the day. Especially after being attacked by one and knocked unconscious. His sister was still unconscious but he he didn't want her to get hurt. 
The king whistled and Shadowmere came running over to him. He looked over to see his palace on fire and he bit his lip. He didn't know what to do. He jumped on Shadowmere and let her run off after Sephiroth.
Eris was upstairsin the castle and fell to the ground when the dragon broke through the walls. She looked around seeming startled but kept calm and walked through the halls alarmed.
Lilith kicked a wall and it might have been close to where Axius and Lucius was "this is really annoying...I can't find my way out of here..." and then she heard the dragon. "Shit..."

Sephrith saw the dragon and rode as fast as he could towards hell knowing that demonia has always been able to control dragons and Sephrith rode up to the castle seeing demonia on the steps of the castle. "Demonia!" he had noticed how her eyes looked and then looked at Axoret "Get her to snap out of being worried about Nova and she can help with the dragon attacking your kingdom. I have never known her to not calm a dragon down"
Axius muttered a swear under his breath as a dragons screach echoed of the walls, and then twirled around quickly as the wall behind them was broken down. Axius' arm glowed with power as he awaited what would emerge. Lucius spoke aloud, "The hole is to small for a dragon; it must be something else," as he drew his sword and twirled it around before getting in his stance for battle.


Zurtho unhooked his battle axe from his back, and ran outside to see what the noise and commotion was about.
Serien smirked as he ran past her, killing a guard in cold blood. He laughed but then stopped when he saw Lilith. He walked toward her. "You say you hate demons but you have the smell of one all over you. Its disgusting. I hate hypocrites. My mom was one and so was my dad. I would have killed them but my sister stopped me from doing that." The dragon landed beside him and nuzzled him, happy to see him. "Hey babe. Thanks for coming to save me. Eriath is still lying unconscious in the dungeon but she's safe for now." The dragon started to growl at the sight of Lilith but Serien stopped him. "Don't worry. She's no threat, isn't that right?"

King Axoret jumped off his horse and ran over to her. He slapped her in an attempt to get her out of her trance like state. He yelled "my palace is on fire because its under attack by a dragon! I need your help or thousands of people will die!"
Eris returned to her demonic for and spread her wings before jumping through the window. she landed right in front of the Dragon and hissed. "I am a very pissed off witch right now so surrender or give me a honorable fight! I have wings to so it gives me a better chance then any!"
Lilith looks at the two "Sorry I was trying to find the way out and was upset of being lost so I kicked a wall...I didn't mean to kick it down though" she smiles sheepishly, she looked pissed after being told she smells like one "I am half, my mother is the queen of hell and my father was a human demon hunter." she growled back at the dragon looking pissed "and I see you as a demon since there are human slaves her and I am sure many of them have died thanks to your dragon.

Sephrith looked shocked "I would have kissed her if I were you...she'll help but she'll be angry now." demonia glared at him and then made a high pitched whistle and a group of dragon flew over and hovered above the castle. "lets go." a dragon landed next to her and she climbed on and had it lead the way out of hell.
Axius and Lucius step through the broken down wall and see the dragon calmly sitting next a high elf, as well as a woman Lucius identified as a demon halfling. They did not put down their weapons but did not strike, they were wondering what in Azriel was going on.
"I don't care about humans either because they rejected me when I needed them most. My sister and I had no home and were dying on the streets. We were like 14 then but they didn't care. It was all because we were different. They shunned us and now... the only species we like are dragons because my sister controls them." Speaking of his sister, she sleepily walked over to them. When she saw the dragon, she smiled and ran over to him. She hugged the dragon. When they saw the girl who went by Eris though, Serien just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Axoret got on his horse and said "my people are in danger. I have no time for kissing and hugging and being all happy right now." He rode off.
Eris growled slightly. "Um I'm trying to make my life a bit more interesting the least you can do is knock me out or something. " she said crossed her arms seemingly waiting.
Serian looks at Eriath and she shrugs. She walks up to Eris and elbowed her in the back of the neck, knocking her out. Serien chuckled in amusement. "How adorable..."
Sephrith sighed and reported to duanna what was happening.

Lilith laughs "Two controllers of dragons, this will be a fun fight." she hears the roar of more dragons in the distance. "Seems my mother is bringing her army." she sees a hole that leads outside. "I have no death wish to die by dragons." she jumps out the hole and kit watches and goes to stab the dragon from behind thinking he will be rewarded well if he kills it.

Demonia flies over the kingdom and makes another high pitched whistle and the ones following her shake their heads to get the noise out of their ears but the one she is on was use to the noise.
The dragon flung his tail at him in annoyance. The stab didn't seem to do much except piss him off more. Serien looked at him and asked "what are you doing, kid?" He approached Kit and pulled at his ears slightly. Eriath laughed.
Nettle looked up seeing at the huge structure of the castle as they neared the towering walls. She felt an uneasiness set upon her. She felt helpless and small compared to the site in front of her. She felt her heart sink all the more when she was separated from Lilith and taken to the slave market.
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"I was trying to get a reward." he said smiling and then makes his ears vanish when he hears the whistling "I swear that queen loves to do that..." Demonia jumps down and into the room where she sees the dragon "I leave for a few because my son is sick and then you call your dragon to destroy the place I have fallen in love with." she draws out her sword and it becomes engulfed in what appears to be white flames. "How about we take this fight else where or I have my dragons come in and pull yours out of here"

Lilith knocks out the guards that is near Nettle "Hey girl whats up?" She smiles "Told you that I'd save you."
Nettle looked up at Lilith. She shied away from her nervously. "Leave me alone. You've gotten me into enough trouble." she quickly sputtered at the girl thinking she might be blamed in someway for knocking out the guards.
Serien growled and said "he's only here because he's saving us." The dragon shifts into a small lizard like dragon and he wagged his tail. He seemed to be in a playful mood at the moment. Eriath hugged the dragon. "We can take this outside but he's just a baby. He thought our lives were in danger." Serien stood in between them and said "you don't want to kill the dragon or else you'll be harming my sister as well. Her dragon is apart her. Please spare both of them."
Lilith sighed "Fine then...even after all these years of protecting your kind and returning to save you I get the same thing..." she walks off and drags the guards with her.

Demonia sighs "then let me bite you both" she smiles "you have tried to harm my new family and in order to make sure it won't happen again I wish to mark you. You wish for me to leave your sister alone but you do ill will towards others, so I think it only fair that I get to mark you." a dragon lands next to demonia and is care to not cause more damage.
Nettle sat down on her knees letting her hair fall into her face. She was too scared to do anything. She had never been one to fight, she had always ran from everything and everyone. She didn't think she could run anymore. She didn't have a purpose to run to. Running away wasn't enough. She felt alone and frightened. The slave market wasn't a good place to be, but it was a place. She couldn't say she had ever had a place before. Nothing had been stable before.
"What will this mark do?" Serien asked. Eriath stayed back and said angrily "don't believe her! She's up to no good! She's just another demon!" Serien held her close to him and said "I know she's a demon but I couldn't bear seeing you in pain." He kissed Eriath's forehead and said "your everything to me and without you, I'm nothing."
Demonia smiles "You harm my family and I will make sure it causes you pain. You will also serve the the king for ten years then you will go free but keep your mark. You return and to harm anyone in this kingdom and I will make sure that my mark puts you through so much pain that you will be begging for death. The mark is a sign that you crossed my path and I was not pleased."

Lilith flew away and dropped the guards in another area away from Nettle and then made her way to the church to see how everyone was and how her son was doing.
Serien looked at his baby sister and then sighed. "I'm sorry but we have no choice." He stepped foreward and said "do it." Eriath had fallen to her knees, crying for real this time. She was shaking in fear. "I don't want to! I'm scared!" She held her dragon close to her.
Nettle sat waiting, she wasn't used to this. She usually sat waiting for someone to pass by, not to approach her. It made her uneasy. She wasn't sure what to do at the moment. The guards were gone who had been yelling at her, just little things like by quiet and stay still, but at least it was something. Now she wasn't sure at all what to do with herself. If she ran, where would she go. Was she supposed to just sit and wait on the floor, but what was she waiting for?

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