Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Demonia smiled and sank her fangs into his wrist taking in a little of his blood and then pulls away. "Don't worry I will spare you both the pain that normally comes with the mark" she smiles as she sees a small rose form on his wrist and then looks at his sister "Time for you to get your mark." She walks over to the girl and waits for her to stand "I could make it worse for you and have your brother serve your sentence and send you away, those are the choices I will give you, the mark or be separated from your brother for twenty years." by this time demonia's dragons had gone to the outer edges of the kingdom and found areas to lay down.
Eriath weakly stood up, and showed her arms to Demonia but they seemed to have already cursed markings all over them. She normally hid them. They were the markings her father gave her because she was the scum of the earth to him and was more demon than elf in his eyes. Serien kept close to her.
She smiles "well then it might be best to let you rest after this. My mark normally makes all others vanish and become removed but from time to time it has been painful for some but my mark will sense how much pain you are in and then will stop before you get to your limit. whatever remains after that will be there unless the master of the marks make them vanish." she does the same process that was done to the brother and then pulls away.
Eriath screams in agony as her eyes become completely dialated, filling her eye. Her full power flows through her but she soon collapses. Serien leans beside her screaming her name but she was unresponsive.
Demonia sighs and sees that the mark is on her "Sorry...but since my mark is on her it means that she is fine." She summons a dead servant "My servant will take her to a room to rest and I will allow for this one time that the dragon can stay with her as long as he stays small, you can follow but once your sister is resting you will come back here and find some way to fix the damage done caused by the dragon. I will even allow you to use mine so you can reach better. I will discuss with the king if you should get help. It would take to long for one person to do all of this."

Kit walk up in front of nettle and looks at her "Weren't you suppose to be a the slave market?"

(not sure if the first one of this posted, internet is acting kinda weird)
Nettle stood up quickly looking up at Kit. "I..well… I…uh…" she sputtered trying to get the words out, but she couldn't formulate what had happened. "I am." she finished not sure what he meant. The guards had taken her to the slave market when she was separated from Lilith. Lilith had somehow magically appeared and dragged them away leaving Nettle in the middle of the market by herself. The best idea she had come up with was to stay put. Apparently she was wrong.
Serien growled angrily and followed the dead servant as they took his sister away. He wasn't going to give up but he was afraid of losing his sister. He frowned a bit as he spaced out.
Kit pulled her up off the ground and led her towards the registry area for the selling of the slaves.

Demonia had her partner dragon take the debris out side to have it cleaned away and then she walked through the castle and was making her way outside to see if she could find Axoret to inform him what she had done.
Nettle stumbled after Kit trying to keep up with him. "Where are we going?" she asked looking at the registry area in front of her wondering what it was for.
Lucius and Axius left the castle not wanting to be even possibly involved with the dragon, so they made their way through the market place. Both had a hod up, but Lucius had a frown on his face seeing all of the sin ridden souls. They hear screams nearby but can not find it. They decide to walk around the edge of the streets, Axius wanting to kill, and Lucius wanting to kill rogue demons. They compromised to only attack those with mortal sin on their souls, and were in the act of a crime, which still was about 60% of the population, and an even higher percent of those who were in the alleys they were walking through.
He says a few things to the person in charge and then leads her to a line. "we are getting you sold. you will be auctioned off to the person who wants you the most and if no one wants you then you will serve the king." Kit smiled
Nettle looked at the line in front of her then up at Kit swallowing. She found it hard to keep herself calm. She was about to ask what she would be wanted for, but she thought she already knew the answer or maybe she just didn't want to know the correct one.
Kit sighs "Don't worry, I listed you down that you would be best in a family home. You would be required to cook and clean, I also let them know that you would work best if you were in a house where servants already work since I was sure that you had no experience in anything so I tried to get you something simple."
Nettle chewed on her lip listening to his words. They weren't much of a comfort, but they did help. "Thank you." she replied softly. She felt her hear race as they neared the front of the line. Her palms began to sweat nervously.
Kit looks down and then nudges her towards some steps "up there is the stage so people can get a better view of you and bid on you."
Nettle looked up the steps and back at Kit before taking a few shaky steps to the stage. She walked slowly to the middle and looked out over all the eyes staring back at her. She felt her body trembling nervously.
Eris groaned softly as she awoke. She ran her hands over her neck. She stood and noticed that her horns were gone and she sighed. "Not exactly what i had in mind..." she muttered and looked around at her ssurroundings.
Zurtho looked around and saw a dragon fly off. I guess that was worth the commotion. He rehooked his battle axe and looked for anyone who might be injured.
Eris took a moment to regain her senses. She stoid up straight and brushed dirt off her corset and pants. When she looked back up she gasped in surprise. "Zurtho! " she asked and ran up to him. She would have hugged him but didn't want to cause trouble. "What are you doing here?"
Eris smiled softly at him. "Ah, right well..." she rubbed her neck but flinched when she ran over a bruised bite mark. She was quick to hide it with her hair and lookedback up at Zurtho. "At least you weren't hurt. " she said touching his cheek.
Eris tried to stop him from looking for wounds. "N-nothing i can't handle!" She said a bit to fast and she turned his head to look in her eye's. "I promise I'm gonna be fine. I just got hit in the neck. A bruise is probably the only damage done. " she assured with a soft smile.
"Well then would you care to return home? Being out in the open is not good if you are to be hiding from your father."

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