Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"is it ok if I come in? I know that some of the new kids that stayed in these rooms are scared or have questions but are to friad to ask. Some of them even leave."
"My existence is simply to kill those who oppose and displease you. If I don't have that much, then I'd become a stagnant, dead thing, good to none, not even myself," he said, his words plain and flat as he simply stated the facts. "Were we to ever know peace, I'd take my own life. I'd never wish that sort of blood on your hands, Your Majesty."
Nettle nodded "I don't see why not." She sat slowly back down on the windowsill. She watched the small child enter the room. "I don't think this place is for me."
Eris laughed softly and took his arm. "Well then i can't stop you." She walked with him back to her room. She let him in and closed the door behind them. "For the longest time I didn't understand love. Now I'm in love..." She smiled and kissed his lips softly as she pushed him back on the bed. "I don't care if I will be executed. I love you Zurtho. " She whispered in his ear lovingly. Eris slowly pushed him back on the bed.
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She suddenly looks sad "As long as I am around it is a sign that peace will never be...I may have a father but the family of hell was created by the darkness in people's hearts, its what we feed off of, if that darkness ever vanished so would I."

"I see, many think the same thing and many have left. This home is use to people not feeling safe about their four walls so the doors open and they close but this couldn't be a safer or kinder place but not everyone sees it that way some see it as a prison. I have lived here for as long as I can remember and we have had things attack us but our home still stands and the attackers have always died or ran away." the child smiles and laughs
Nettle turned her head looking out the window. "It's a very comfortably prison, but it's still a prison. What happens when you aren't a kid anymore? have you ever thought about that? Once you decide to stay, there isn't no leaving. It's giving up what's out there. I'm not sure that's a good thing."
"Then I have nothing to fear. As long as you need protection, you'll have me. As long as I need to protect you, I'll have you." His eyes fall to the ground, sorrow flashing in his own gaze. "We have each other until the day all ceases to be, Queen Demonia." He closed his eyes and fell silent after this.
"We can leave at anytime, we never have to stay. the reason that most stay here is because they have made friends. We have a wall where we take photos of every adult that leaves and how old they were. We even have a wall of adults that came back to show what they had become. It our caretakers way of saying there is more to the world than our little home and when I grow up I am going to leave here and go exploring and whatever happens to me happens, good or bad!" They kick the air and smile "Nothing is going to hold me back from seeing the world, not even demons!"

She stands up from the chair she was in "I need to travel back home, I only came back here because I was told the town was being attacked but hell is where I am need right now, I think Nova was poisoned and if he was you can kill who ever it was or any group that did it."
"I shall accompany you whenever you are ready, Your Majesty," he says, opening his eyes and giving her the same blank look as usual as he castually brushed off the front of his jacket, the buckles on his bindings jingling.
Nettle turned looking out the window. "I don't like trusting other people to take care of me." she told the child. "I won't have anyone to take care of me out there. I can't trust that everyone here is looking out for my best intentions. No ones ever cared for me like that except my dad."
She leads the way to her dragon and this time leaves a note with a servant to let Axoret know where she has gone and then looks at Damian "Are you going to travel your usual way or do you wish to travel with me by dragon?"

"If you keep thinking that way then no one can and you will never know, but if you get to know people better then you might be able to one day figure out who to trust and not trust just by looking at them. If I were you I would wait until I was eighteen and then I would leave but thats just me." the kid turns to leave "I do hope you stay, mama doesn't like it when children leave because she always worries about them but she can't make you stay if you don't want to." they leave the room
Damian says nothing, the same strange silence he sometimes leaves when he speaks to others before he simply and cryptically says, "I will stay close as always, m'lady."
Nettle watched the girl leave. She stood up leaving as well. She headed back to the entrance pulling the door open. She looked behind her before walking back out into the unknown. She looked over her shoulder at the shelter every so often, but she was pretty sure she was making the right decision to leave.
Demonia had the dragon fly off to hell and land in front of the castle, she made her way inside to her sons room, she saw that Duanna and Sephrith was no where around and became more worried, she became more worried when she saw a slight blue tint to Nova's lips. It had been years since she had used any ability to help people but she she sat down and held Nova in her arms trying to share her energy with him to keep him alive.

Duanna and Sephrith was walking outside of the boundries of the castle, being made to by a group of rebels. "They're lucky that we can't kill them since their leader has the antidote..." Sephrith looked around to see if there was anything that looked familiar "I think we are being led to somewhere close of your father's home." Duanna got a pissed look but said nothing more.
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Despite not coming on the dragon and seemingly fading away as the queen had left for home, her bodyguard materialized from the shadows, staring down at Demonia and her son with a blank expression. It took a few very long, tense seconds before Damian finally spoke up. "It seems we have a situation on our hands, Your Majesty. Shall I deal with it?"
Damian nodded once, his form melting into a shadow and darting off without a word. His orders were clear.

A minute later that same shadow came slithering across the ground like a snake, tailing a group that was made up of Duanna, Sephrith and a crowd of rebels. Not waiting long to make his move, the wraith slid into their path before rising up into a solid form, staring down the group with that dead look in his eyes. "By order of Her Majesty, Queen Demonia Dragonfly, you're all under orders to die." His right hand twitched violently as he spoke though he didn't seem to notice. "Surrender. Any further attempts to harm the royal family will end in failure."
The two siblings stayed in their prison until finally, King Axoret approached their cells silently. He wore his black cloak that hid him so well. Serien asked in a bored tone "you letting us out anytime soon?" Axoret laughed like he just told a funny joke. "No. Of course not." He ran a hand through his long hair. Eriath stood up quickly and yelled "you can't just keep us in here!" Axoret smirked as he looked at them. "Yeah I can. You broke the law and you pay the price. Your lucky Demonia let you live." Eriath growled, angrily. A servant whispered something to him and he smirked. "Time for training." He unlocked the cell and dragged both of them out. Their wrists and ankles were shackled since Axoret didn't trust them not to kill him. He chuckled as he brought them upstairs and into the training room. "Exiriya will be your mentor. Piss him off and... well, I wouldn't want to be there when that happens. He will be the one to kill you. He's, surprisingly, scarier than Queen Demonia is. Now behave. He will be here soon enough." He walked off leaving Serien sighing.
Nettle was completely lost. She had never been in this part of the land before. She had always kept to her woods. She had no idea where to go and hot to get back to what she knew. She stumbled into a market place finding it full of people bustling about. This was a place she would normally avoid. She turned her head looking for a way to get out of the town and back into a more familiar environment where she knew how to stay safe. She saw no traced of where the community ended. It seemed to go on forever.
the rebels got into a battle ready position "We are taking thses two to our leader and no one will get in our way!"

Demonia carried Nova to Quicksliver and the slowly headed back to the kingdom "I hope someone there can help..." she slowly started to let her feeling ice over so that she could focus more on what was going on and what she could do.

Nasir smiled as he waited for his daughter and her guard to show up.
Damian just stared at the group blankly, not even seeming to acknowledge the two prisoners aside from his words nor did he seem reasy to take any action with his stance loose and casual. He slowly began to lift his hand, pointing an open palm at the ground as if telling them to stop. Only when half of the group felt the pressure around their necks as the shadow demon closely closed his hand into a fist that their own shadows had crept up along their backs and wrapped around their necks.
Damien lifted his other hand up, closing it slowly as shadowy fingers wrapped around the rest of the rebel's necks. "Her Majesty was quite clear: Death to those who defy her rule and lay hands on her kin." Both hands suddenly clenched tight as the air filled with the unanimous 'crack!' of a dozen necks being broken at once. His fingers loosened as the bodies hit the ground, Damian walking up to the two captives without a word.
Semira shook in fear. A human jail was the last thing she wanted. She was granted one call and immediately chose Exiriya. She didn't want to see him but she didn't want to face Xeliran either.

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