Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Eris nodded and left. She returned almost an hour later. She had a worried look on her face and she sat down. She didn't seem to speak much and she was nervous.
"With all due respect, Lady Duanna, I should be taking care of the matter from now on. It's my duty to take care of such matters," he said, staring down at the princess without blinking.
"If it's my father my mother will want him brought to her alive, you should know that. She will want him unharmed." Hoping that he understood, she never really liked him all that much, he always gave her the creeps because he showed no emotion.
ooc: Sorry. Lost power for almost 2 hours. ><

Xeliran sighed and watch her storm off. In the training room, Exiriya was beating on the siblings and enjoying them scream out in pain as they struggled to continue. Eriath had given up at this point and Exiriya had given up on beating her. Serien continued his pull ups while being whipped by Exiriya.
Eris looked away. "Promise me you won't be angry..." she said softly and looked down at him. 
Semira found the training room and growled at Exiriya. "This is what your doing?! Beating people while i rot in a human jail?!" She yelled angrily.
Demonia waited in a room and was singing to Nova. The language wasn't known but it still sounded calming and loving, she had to find some way of keeping calm even as Nova's body grew cold and his lips turn bluer. A few servant had stopped in the hallway to listen to Demonia sing, they knew that if they were caught not working that they would be in trouble but they couldn't help but to listen to it.
Exiriya spun around and cracked the whip at her feet. "These are our prisoners and this is what every soldier must endure before joining the army. Its to teach them strength and to become immune to pain. If they break, they will be as good as dead on the battle field." He narrowed his eyes at her and then asked distantly "why were you in jail and is there a possible chance we can talk about this tonight? I'm working."
The song started to echo through the halls of the castle and the kingdom itself. A lot of the violence outside would have stopped just to listen to it. Demonia had really never known that her voice could make people stop in there tracks, she just knew that it made her kids happy when she sang, she did it as often as she could to keep a smile on their face when Hell was having a hard time controlling the kingdom.
"Then I shall bring him in alive," he said, seemingly ignoring most of what he said, especially the part about bringing him in 'unharmed'. "And as much as Her Majesty may want that, she also would not wish you harmed, m'lady."
Eris took Zurtho's hand placing it on her stomach. "I'm pregnant. That's why I'm hot and hallucinating. Unfortunately for you it only gets worse... are you angry?" She asked and touched his cheek.

Semira crossed her arm. "I know you did not just crack a whip at me! How dare you. I put up with you this long and you still don't know how to treat a woman. Even if she is about to marry you! "She pulled off her ring and shoved it into his hand. "Until you learn some respect for me! Especiallyin my time of need! You ddon't deserve to even see me anymore! Have fun playing with your soldiers because they are the only one you have anymore!" Semira was in tears by the time she was finished and ran off wiping them away.
Exiriya slipped the ring in his pocket, threw his whip to the side, and ran after her. He pulled her close and kissed her deeply. He leaned her against the wall and whispered "I'm sorry. I have my work as well. You startled me was all."
Duanna sighed "I can care for myself." Sephrith looked at Duanna "I am sure your mother has taken your brother away from the Hell and to the surface world. Herbs are easier to find there than they would be in our world. Its best that we return to keep an eye on the castle" Duanna looked annoyed "Fine lets go." let Sephrith lead the way back to the castle.

Demonia had started to wonder if Axoret was busy or if he was on his way "If I knew where a healer was I would take you to them..." she started to wonder if one of the two high elf siblings had healing powers. "If I knew how I would give up my life for you...just to keep you alive and safe...."
At that moment, King Axoret walked out of the palace with two soldiers. "How are the new recruits doing?" One of the servants bowed before saying "Exiriya is being tough on them but what else is new." Axoret laughed.
Semira growled at him as she looked at him. "You crack a whip at me! You brought this on yourself! " she struggled to pull away from him and growled. "I hate you! You never loved me like i do you! You only care for your toys and work!" She growled and hit his chest.

Eris blinked. She took a moment to realize he was happy. "Y-your not angry? But why? Do you realize how much hell you will be put through? " she asked seemingly confused.
Some of the servants were still standing in the hallway outside of the room that Demonia is in, they wondered if she would start to sing again. She walked out of the room still holding Nova and then saw all the servants standing outside the room and she started to yell at them telling them to get back to work. They quickly went on their way but Demonia was slowly losing her composure, she didn't know what she would do if she lost Nova.
Nettle found a path that led out of the market. It seemed to head out into a clearing where there was a field of grass. She followed along seeing trees pop up every now and again. She kicked at a pebble sending it flying finding it easier to breathe now that she was away from the village and it's people. She walked along and then felt a looming shadow over her. Her eyes moved up from the ground and stared at the massive wall of the castle in front of her that seemed to go on forever. Her view had been obstructed by the hill, once she had moved around it, she had found herself face to face with the castle.
Eris smiled and hugged him before a knock on the door caught her attention. "Ugh... always at the worst times." She said and walked over to the door. She opened the door a crack and slammed the door again. "Eris... Is that anyway to treat me?" A voice asked from the side of the door as then kicked it down. Vladimir smirked at Eris then at the other man but he lost his smirk. "And who are you?" He asked walking in and looking around slightly. Eris stood behind Zurtho with pure terror in her eyes.
Exiriya grabbed her by the throat and hissed "I told you not to deny my love for you. I love you more than anyone in the world but if you didn't want me to think about work all the time, you should have thought twice about falling for a prince. If this is a break up then good bye." He bit his lip hard as he said the words. His lip dripped red crimson blood. It was obvious he didn't want to break up with her but he didn't want her to suffer anymore. He said "I love you so much which is why I must do this. I can't watch you suffer like this." He walked off.
Demonia started to shake as she felt Nova become heavy in her arms and become colder "No please stay with me..." tears started to flow down her cheeks. She never thought she would have to see one of her children die or do so in her arms.
Axoret saw her crying out and ran over to her. "Demonia! What's going on! I thought you went back to Hell for a bit!" He saw Nova and his eyes widened. He picked the sick boy up and asked "what's wrong with him?"

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