Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Misaki looks at her then bows her head "as you wish" she walks away to go get her something to eat.

Takashi looks at Kit and smiles "I'll try and talk to her about you but...I have to admit, you have changed a lot.." he take a drink from the second sake bottle.
Axoret smiled and says jokingly "I'll probably torture him until he gets boring. Then I'll kill him. I mean he did harm my future step son." Serien rolled his eyes and rested his hand on the boy. "Most high elves can heal..." His hand started to glow as he did so. After a few moments, he lowered his hand and said "it is done." He walked away. "My sister can't heal but that's because she was born to be our villages psychic. We have one every thousand years." He sat next to his sister.

Exiriya smirked as he wrapped his arms around her and whispered "come. Want to go into my room? I promise to make it up to you." He leaned in to kiss her deeply.
"Is that an offer or an order?" She asked and wiped her tears. She kissed him back and playfully bit his lip. Semira pulled away from him in a somewhat teasing way and leaned against the wall. "Besides. I doubted your love... shouldn't i have to make it up to you?"
"And how do you plan on doing that, may I ask?" He smirked as he trapped her against the wall and leaned in to kiss her but pulled away before he could. "No."
Nova has color and warmth return to his body and he wakes up and smiles "Hi mama," he smiles and notice her eyes are red then looks at Axoret "you didn't make my mama cry did you?" glares at him and Demonia smiled then hugged Nova "No but someone else did." she looks at Serien "Thank you." takes Nova out into the hall "Dear I want you to tell me what happened before you went to sleep, okay?" Nova thought about it "A man who said that he was a soldier for hell told me that one of the cooks had baked me a cupcake for being so good all the time, I went and ate it then I felt sleepy a few hours later so I went and laid down. Did something happen while I was asleep?" Demonia hid her anger and smiled at Nova "Just a few things but we will discuss them later."

Lilith stayed next to her son and waited looking sad.

Kit looked at him"And what is that suppose to mean?"
Semira smirked looking in his eyes. "Wouldn't it ruin the surprise if i told you? Besides moments ago you wanted to play with your soldiers more then me... So maybe i will just get another man to play with me." She mused trying to get him angry and jealous.
Takashi smirks and looks at kit "the kit i know would be heartless and not care about lilith's feeling" he takes another drink of his sake "for as long as i've known you, you havent cared about other peoples feeling"
Axoret walked out and asked "is everything OK?" He smiled softly at Nova, happy that he is perfectly fine now. He kissed Nova's forehead gently and asked "will you two be staying or leaving?"

"If I ever see you with another man, I will kill him. I won't let you be with him. Your the only women I will have and I will be the only man you will have. You will be the mother of my children."
Semira looked down blushing. "You can't tell me that... i am my own person. Besides you said you couldn't get me pregnant..."
Kit glared at him "Lilith was my fiancee, even if I have noting but darkness in my heart I have always thought about lilith even after I left her."

Demonia sighed "Someone put something into a cupcake that Nova had and I think the person that told him he was a soldier was Nasir. I am going to leave Nova here and go hunt my ex down" looks pissed
Ooc: I did?

Exiriya looked at her and kissed her deeply. He yelled a little "I want to raise a family with you. I have fallen madly in love with you and I don't even care anymore. I'll throw everything away for you.

"Of course. I will protect him with my life. Who's son poisoned Nova? oh and you know you can always bring him back here to receive a proper punishment. Exiriya always enjoys his whip. Reason why he enjoys training soldiers." He laughed a little to himself.
Demonia stood up "My first husband Nasir posed as one of my soldiers and then had one of the cooks poison Nova." Nova's eyes got wide "Wait someone tried to kill me...?" looks scared and Demonia sighed "I'm sorry that I didn't protect you better but you'll stay here for now on so I know that no one will hurt you again." She kissed Nova on the cheek and then Axoret on the lips "I hope you won't worry too much about me going off to face my first love alone." she giggles and her dress turns into a dragonscale battle dress.

OOC: If I vanish it because we are having an ice storm so power might go out and then my internet is gone.
"Eh I think you can handle it on your own." He smiled and said "plus, I have a lot of work to do. You know planning trials and weddings can be a tough thing to do." He smirked as he walked off.
Ooc: Yeah a while back.

Semira was blushing even harder then before. "I can't let you do that... you're the only one your father seems to like and he already hates me. What'll he say if i take you away from him... Besides I'm just a noble, we already stretched his kindness by him letting us get married. And I'm a crossbreed i don'teven know what'll happen if i get pregnant. " She spoke softly and stroked his cheek to calm him.
Axius this time was alone in the palace. Lucius had some business to go to outside of the city and a mercenary assassin would not have been greeted kindly there. So he tread the halls of the castle, and eventually making his way to where the dragon had burst through. The whole was rather sizable and there were many workers scrambling about in order to finish no doubt put on on sometime of death timeline by the psychotic royal family of this land.
Nadia stood behind the workers using vines and live trees to help the servants with their work. She looked over to see a gentleman standing there but she couldn't see him very well. "Um... excuse me are you lost?" She called trying to stay focused.
Exiriya kissed her passionately and whispered "I can do whatever I want." He kissed her cheek before walking away. "But your right. I shouldn't push my luck."

Axoret was back in his office, typing away at his laptop. He smiled a little.
Semira smiled. "And you still have to get my family's blessing before we go talking about children. Just take it one step at a time alright." She winked and kissed him again. "But i will take that invitation to your room..."
Nova had ran into Axius while playing in the hallway that the dragon had broke through the roof "Sorry sir, I was trying to catch my friend." Umbra landed on Nova's shoulder, Nova had been playing with ruble on the ground and jumping on and off of larger pieces, to him it was his own personal playground.

Demonia made her way to hell and Quicksilver, her horse, followed behind her. Her eyes were glowing red with anger from what Nasir had done, her hair had begun to dance like a wild flame and even look like fire from the way it had started to change into a fiery color.

Nasir was in the village that he and Demonia had tried to have a happy life in, he looked over her 'grave' that was setup so long ago when he had made her leave the village after finding out who she was, he turned and looked at the village that was now the rebel base, most of the people from that time of when Demonia lived in the village had been invited back the the kingdom of hell during Duanna's rule and most of them did leave back to the kingdom, the only people that served under Nasir were low class demon's and a few hell born, people who had nothing to lose if they fought Demonia or her army.
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He groaned and asked "do we have to? I mean they might figure it out when I became king. I am second in line after all." He grinned.

Axoret looked down and smiled kindly. He pet Nova's head and told him "its OK. I'm going to be your dad soon. You don't have to call me sir or anything."
Semira crossed her arms. "A whiney king at that. It's your choice. Visit my family or i will run off with another man." She said raising her eye brow.
Semira still didn't seem satisfied. "They are parent's! I would hope they gave you a little hell!" She rolled her eyes a bit but couldn't help but smile.

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