Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Takashi laughs "look man calm down, I was just saying I have never seen you care for anyone, I can see that you have feeling for this girl..thats way I'm saying you changed"

Misaki comes back with a tray of food and water "her you are miss" she sits the tray down on the deck next to the bed.
Exiriya looked around and shrugged. "Do you see me busy?" Xeliran did walk over to him, however, and whispered something to him. Exiriya asked "are you sure?" Xeliran nodded. Exiriya leaned against the wall and said "well, their no threat now are they?" Xeliran shook his head and said "father told me to just let you know. You do lead the army after all. We need to be prepared for a war though." Exiriya nodded and said to Xeliran "let dad know that I'll be away. I'll be back by tomorrow though." Exiriya fell to one knee and said "don't worry, my prince. I will protect you with my life. My life if is in your hands. I will fight to the death." He stood up and walked off. "Come on, Semira."
Several hours later Nova ran to where Axoret office is "Hey mister, I was looking outside and I could see that my mother was wondering back into the village and has someone with her. I just thought you might want to know."

Demonia had blood running down one side of her face and a few cuts on her arms and legs but the person with her looked worse than she did, they had there hands tied together and shackles on their ankles.
Axoret stood up and said urgently "show me the way." He had sheathed his sword and slipped his gun into its holster. "There has been a threat in the kingdom so stay close to me. I won't let anyone touch you."
Umbra led the way understanding what Axoret had just said and Nova stayed close.

Demonia was making her way through and her prisoner smiled "So this is what the world looks like?" his face was covered in blood and he kept messing with the binds on his hands but Demonia didn't seem to notice "Yes, this would be the world that I have fallen in love with and some of the people and things that live here." Demonia was leading him to the castle, the person almost had one hand free from being tied together.
When King Axorer met when them, he slipped his gun out of his holster and pointed it at the prisoner. "Good thing your here. Come back to the palace and I'll explain what happened while your gone. Nova, stay close." He held Nova close to him, protectively.
Demonia smiled as she saw him "Alright" seeing that Nova was safe she wasn't too worried about it being too bad, Nasir who was the prisoner with her slipped one of his hands out of his bindings and pulled a dagger from his pocket and put it to Demonia's throat. "You let your guard down little queen." he smiled as he thought he thought he had the upper hand. "I didn't need to have it up being so close to home." Nova went into his dog form and growled at Nasir "Put your dagger down or I rip you to pieces!" showing once again how protective he is of his mother.
Axoret shot him in the leg without another thought. "Move and I blow your brains out. Don't think I didn't notice you messing with your bindings when I came over. He smirked but then sensed something. "We have to get out of here. I've been in the city too long and their aware of my presence. Nova!" He whistled and Shadowmere came running over to him. He tossed Nova onto the horse and whispered something to the horse. He told Nova "don't worry. He will bring you to the palace." He touched Nova gently and their touch glowed for only a second. "If anyone hurts you, you will be protected. I promise." He kissed Nova's forehead before he hit Shadowmere. He watched his nightmare run off. "Demonia... bind him!" He ordered.
She smiled and did a magic binding on him quickly, Nasir looked pissed, Demonia had kept things so simple in hell he really didn't know what Axoret used on him to injure his leg. Demonia looked around then started making her way to the castle, Quicksilver had been following behind Demonia and Nasir the entire time and he seemed tense, he wasn't sure what the danger was but being an animal he could sense it.
Xeliran came over to them on a horse. He slowed the horse's pace as the horse walked beside Axoret. "Exiriya is leaving. I ordered the soldiers to take the prisoners back to their cell. He told me they would be back by tomorrow which I assume means their going to see his fiancee's parents." King Axoret looked at him and Xeliran sighed before saying "I saw someone wandering way too close to the palace. Could it be a demon? Or angel?" Kingd Axoret smirked and said "either way, it only proves the fact that their somehow working together to destroy our kingdom. Apparently, I need righteous indignation or some shit like that." He laughed.
Demonia now looked concerned but kept calm "Demons. angel, working together?" she giggles "That would be a first, anyways should I contact my daughter and tell her to have our army ready?" Nasir smiled "Maybe in the process of taking this kingdom down they'll kill you in the process." Demonia pulled binds making him fall to the ground and she began to drag him towards the palace "I am really going to enjoy watching what happens to you." she looked at her horse and smiled "I am almost tempted to tie you to my horse and have him drag you to the palace.

Nova was now inside the palace with Umbra and looked worried and waited for them to return.
Axoret nodded and said "that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I guess now that its in the opponent, I mind as well tell you. So one of my sources was attacked by a demon. It wasn't a demon that killed him. It was an angel. My other source got away and told me. They are no threat at the moment. They are keeping away from us. I don't know who they are but their smart. Their not ready to start a war against us. Another one of my sources said that one of our allied countries had been taken down by them. There was no blood shed, no death. They just said that they surrendered. Whatever they are planning, its not good. I want your people to stand down for now. We need to figure out what their planning."
Demonia smiled and wondered about something "I would love to meet these two. I wonder if one of them was the one that mentioned me during the trial of those elven siblings..." as she walked into the palace Nova hugged her and she giggled and Nasir looked annoyed and mumbled something about demonia's people may stand down but his was sure to come.
King Axoret smiled as he dragged Nasir away. When they got to the basement, Serien went to the cell bars. "New inmate, I see?" He licked his lips but Axoret punched his cell. Serien backed off laughing. Axoret checked Nasir for any weapons and when he found them, he took them away. When he found all the weapons on him, he through him into the cell. He looked at Serien and growled. "When my son comes back home, your training intensifies." Serien laughed sarcastically. Eriath was shaking in the corner. She seemed to have gotten sick. Axoret smirked when he saw her and Serien stood in front of his view. Axoret smiled and told him "I'll check with Queen Demonia and ask her if I should give your sister some medicine." He went upstairs.
Nasir looked pissed "Demonia will be blaming herself later for capturing me...

Demonia was looking in a mirror and winced as she cleaned the wound on her forehead and Nova watched, growling every time she winced, he wanted to tear into Nasir for hurting his mother, she smiled at Nova "I am fine, it's just a small cut." she started to tend to the the other cuts on her arms and legs.
Serien smirked and looked at his sister. He whispered something to her. She chuckled and Serien said "you can touch the king and queen right? She didn't put any curse on you like she did to us?" The two started to laugh but Serien sensed something inhumane. "Who's there?" He demanded. It was unfamiliar to him. A man walked out of the shadows with another man. The man with horns that were slightly hidden by his hair stepped forward. "My name is William and this is my leader Michael..." His eyes narrowed at Nasir and explained "we saw that the annoying king took you in his possession. We tried to trap him so we could take you with us but alas, he fled as quickly as he could. He could sense us better than we thought. We could free you and the two over there." He pointed to the siblings. He smirked at how protective the brother was over his sister. "Such children. You have lived for so long yet you act like children. But... make a contract with us and we can promise you strength and power. You will help us overpower the king." Michael stepped forward and said softly "I don't want the innocent to die. I just want corruption to be gone." William rolled his eyes and shrugged him off. "Yeah yeah. Well then what will it be?"
Nasir laughed "As long as there is a hell, corruption will always be around but I have my reasons of being captured. My army will soon arrive and destroy as much as they can." he smiles

Demonia changed out of her battle armor and into a dress. Nova smiled "Mama looks so pretty when she wears her dresses." giggles
William and Michael exchanged glances and William said "once the army comes, our plans will be destroyed." Michael nodded and suddenly appeared in the cell. He grabbed Nasir by the throat, four beautiful white angel wings appearing. "I will not let that happen." William unsheathed his sword and said "better make a contract with us or thousands of your soldiers will be dead by morning."
Nasir laughed more "Good, then I can say it was all Demonia's doing then I hope all the hell born join me in taking down the queen and her world and if you kill me then my army will still attack." Demonia had wanted to talk to Nasir so she had made her way to the dungeon and Nova followed her.
Michael released him and said "its pointless. We have to stop his army." William nodded but then sensed someone coming. He demanded "who's there!? Come out!" Michael materialized out of the cell with his sword in his hand.
Demonia walked in and smiled at them "My name is Demonia, Queen of Hell, but I am sure you already knew who I was." she was keeping nova close to her as any protective mother does.
Serien stood up after talking softly with his sister and he smirked. "I agree to your terms. No one will die. We want to make a contract with you!" William and Michael nodded at each other. William unlocked the cell. He approached Serien, putting his hand on his forehead. He watched him scream in agony. He watched tattoos appear all over his body as the contract came to a close. Serien's eyes were completely black before turning completely normal and the tattoos faded. He went over to Eriath and did the same thing. Both children smirked as they felt so much power flood through their body. Michael smiled softly at Demonia. William joined him and said "they already had a marking on them so I had to use more power than I expected to get rid of it. I'll be fine but I suggest that we retreat." Michael nodded. They disappear with the siblings.
Demonia said a few things under her breath, she hated to lose people that she had marked. Demonia picked up Nova and left the dungeon, she knocked on Axoret's office door wondering if he was in there.

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