Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Xeliran ran into the room and said "the rebel army has been attacked by an unknown force. My guess is the demon and angel army. Their winning surprisingly. Oh and by the way, they have been seen making contracts with citizens. Don't know if you want to do something but its getting bad."

Exiriya slipped a knife out of his boot before slipping it back in. "Good. This is all I need." He had a evil, threatening smile that he never showed Semira.
Semira grabbed his arm. "Promise me you will wait until he does something first. Or else you can leave and I'll do this on my own. " she was very serious and wasn't interested in negotiations.
He looked away and said "fine but if he touches you, I'm killing him." He seemed furious but there was nothing to stop him from doing something he'd regret.
"I am Axius Sicarius, noble of Azriel. Pleasure to meet you, Princess Nadia." He now made a full bow, seeing her as a potential client or informant. He would not treat her as one at first, for now he would just be friendly.
Zafon walks out of the forest and looks up at the castle, he suddenly grows wings then flies up into the air and toward the castle, he looks around for a opening into the castle then sees a big hole in the roof, he smirks then flies into the castle and lands, he looks around.
Demonia starts to leave the palace "Duanna look after Nova, I have to go for a moment." she walks outside and calls for a dragon and it lands in front of her Duanna follows her out "Where are you going?" Demonia smiled "I have a few bindings on myself that I need to undo." Duanna looked shocked "Mom I doubt it is going to come to that, that power won't be necessary." Demonia had the dragon fly off towards the forest.

Kit smiled at him "I know she can handle herself so I have no reason to worry."
Exiriya smiled as he walked ahead. He was like his father but maybe even scarier than him. He ran a hand through his hair.

Michael and William were skillfully attacking the troop. There was plenty of bloodshed. Michael was wounded a few times but he immediately healed it.
Duanna walked back inside and looked worried "Damn it old man where are you (talking about Zafon)" she bit at a few of her finger nails "we could really use you at this time, mom has gone off and I'm not sure what to do." Lilith stayed in the office room "Shocked that I came her on my own?" smiled at Axoret and Nova growled at her and Sephrith wondered what she was up to "You only do things if it helps in your goal to kill your mother so what are you doing here." she smiled "I'll only answer to one and you're not that one."
Zafon begins to walk the halls boredly, he looks in a couple rooms then suddenly sees lilith, he stops at the door way and looks at her from the corner of his eyes.

Takashi walks over to kit "then what are we waiting for...we aren't going to let them have all the fun are we"
Exiriya waited beside her, keeping his knife hidden just in case. He didn't have good intentions but promised he'd be on his best behavior.

King Axoret demanded "what are you doing here? Thousands could die and your just acting lime nothings going on!?"
Lilith smiled "Keeping an eye on my mother because if anyone kills her I will be the one to stop them not you, if anyone kills my mother it will be me." she gets right in his face "I can assure you that one day even with my mark that my mother will fall on my blade and then I'll be happy." she winced as Nova bit into her leg but she did nothing to touch him, she saw no reason to hurt him, he was only doing what he thought was right and that trying to protect their mother from his sister and then she saw Zafon "Seems like the party is just starting." Duanna walked up and saw Zafon "Hey old man didn't know you would be showing up." she pushed him into Axoret's office. "Hey dad, this is Zafon, first lord and the creator of Hell."

"Look I just have a bad feeling, I doubt there is any fun going on." Kit walked out of the pub
A woman answered the door and looked only 5 years older then semira. "Semira? Sweety you're home! Oh your father will be so happy!" She said happilybut glared at Exiriya seemingly checking him out. "And you are?"
King Axoret smirked and said "nice to meet you but... I am king and in my land, your name doesn't matter. You have no title here."

Exiriya kneeled down, took her hand and kissed it. "The name is Prince Exiriya, prince of the kingdom of Azriel. Its so nice to finally meet the mother of my beloved Semira."
The woman blushed and looked at Semira who had pure jealousy all over her face. The woman smirked challengingly and leaned down kissing his cheek. "Such good manners. Come in come in!" She opened the door welcoming them in. Semira crossed her arms and glared at Exiriya. "You never kiss my hnd!" She growled lowly.
Zafon looked at lilith fully and glared "lilith....i suggest you watch you tongue around me, as long as i'm alive, demonia will be living" he looked over to duanna as she walked up, he sighed as he heard her call him old man then push him into the office, he looked at the king and smirked "you may be king but same goes for you, I'm only here to stop what awaits this kingdom..." looks at duanna "dad..." looks at the king "i dont remember giving you permission to marry my daughter"
Duanna "Old man don't be starting stuff. Mom is happy with Azoret and if you ruin it for her then I'll hate you, so will mom and Nova so behave!" Nova let go Lilith and laughed, Lilith looked at Zafon "And I'll do what ever I wish, Old man." saying old man as an insult and not a form of endearment. Duanna sighed "Also mother just left if you are looking for her, she is releasing some of the seals on her so that she can get to some of her hidden power.
"Would you prefer I kissed your hand rather than your lips. Don't worry, I will pay you in fully tonight." He winked at her. And then leaned in to kiss her hand. He followed Semira's mother and said softly "such a beautiful house you have, my dear." He seemed to now be purposefully trying to piss Semira off.

King Axoret said "your threats are nothing to me. I love Demonia and nothing will tear me away from her."
Semira growled. "Oh please call me Mary! And my husband Keiran should be here soon!" She raised her voice as if to call him. The lazy but buff man walked down stairs looking at Semira. He smirked slyly obviously thinking about her in all the wrong ways. "Well look who couldn't stay away."
Zafon laughed at the kings word "well said, those are word of a true man, but all i ask is you treat her with respect" smirks "i'm tired of seeing my daughter hurt by scum, i hope that you keep to those words that you've said" he ignores what lilith said then looked at duanna "so..where did demonia go.."

Takashi sighs and follows kit "you know, bad feeling sometimes mean something.."
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Exiriya casually got in front of Semira, protectively but made sure that he didn't look like he was protecting her. "Good evening, sir. The name is Prince Exiriya. It is such a pleasure to meet you. I am Semira's fiancee." He bowed to him. He knew the man couldn't touch him so he glared at him a little.
Demonia landed in an area of the woods that didn't even seem to have any animals around and she sent her dragon away, she touched the ground "Please forgive me if I hurt you, I just need some strength from you. I am scared for the things that are happening so I wish to unbind my power." her hair starts to grow and she kneels down and the area around her seems to ripple almost like she was in a pool of water and her hair starts to branch out almost like roots of a tree and they begin to dig into the ground.

Duanna shakes her head "I really can't say...she just said that she was leaving to release some bound power." looks worried.

Kit sighs "I over react, its a habit that I have had since before I darkness became my main source of power. I am sure its nothing"
Keiran completely ignored Exiriya and approached semira."How has daddy's little siren been?" He asked with a smirk as he reached around to touch her face. Semira allowed it and held Exiriyas hand trying to keep him calm.
Zafon suddenly freeze's and looks out a window "damnit demonia..." looks at duanna "do you want to come with me to stop your mom.."

Takashi looked at kit "never hurts to go check" he suddenly looks toward then forest when he senses waves of strong power coming from it.

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