Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Nettle explored the market trying to remember the road that had taken her to the castle. Her goal was to avoid that path like the plague. Although she had taken into falling into the trap a few more times. The streets were like a maze. She had never encountered streets that weaved and crossed. She wasn't used to the way the structure of the market worked, having avoided such places most of her life.
Duanna sighed "You can't hold her hand forever. Maybe if you had been there so many years ago you wouldn't be trying so hard to make up for lost times." talking abou the time that Zafon had left Demonia in a tower then went out to a war without so much as a goodbye to here. "As much as I am worried you can go on your own." the dragon that she had taken landed outside but she wasn't on it.

Demonia meditated and the plants around her slowly started to die and she started to feel bad but smiled as she felt a surge of energy and marks that looked like vines started to coil around her.

Kit shivered "I have felt that power once before and Lilith almost died by those hands..."
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Zafon looks away as he clinches his fist, he hated it when the past was brought up "fine..." his voice was low and had a slightly annoyed tone to it, he walked over to the window and jumped out it, his wings grew and he flies off to where demonia.

Takashi looked at kit "i'm going to go check it out" his wings appeared
Kit waved as if it was nothing "Its your funeral, you be my guest at meeting the Queen of Hell."

By this time animals that lived in the ground were coming up and trying to find places to hide and Demonia nearly wept at the sight, she hated hurting the place that she loved my than her own world. Demonia had shadows come out from the surrounding area to build up a barrier around her to keep her safe until she was done.

Duanna picked up Nova and walked out of the office, Sephrith leaving Axoret and Lilith in the same room. it was obvious that they didn't care what happened to her.
Axoret looked at her and said "you realize your trespassing. Your lucky I'm not in the mood to play with you. Just wait till Exiriya gets here
Princess Nadia did not respond so Axius decided to leave the area. Maybe she was just to busy with the hole in the wall, even though it was she who approached him. He paced the halls again, looking at the stuck up royals.
Zafon soon got to where demonia was at, he landed on the ground then looked over at her, he sighed and looked away "...." he knew he had no right to stop her because of all the years that he wasnt their, but he wanted to make up for all those years leaving her in the dark, he sighed looked back at her "just...dont go pushing yourself beyond your limits this time..." he looks down then turns away, he puts his hands in his pockets and begins to walk away.

Takashi's wings vanishes "um...i changed my mind.." looks away trying to be cool about it.

Vivian walks passed takashi and kit while on her way to the castle. Her hand resting on the hilt of her sword as she walked.

Takashi's sees vivian and noticed by her scent that she was a vampire "hmmm, female vampire" smiles.
Semira stoked his cheek gently as she looked at her father. "What no hug?" He asked and opened his arms steeping closer. Semira jumped back and hid in Exiriya's arms.
Lilith sighs "I'm only here to make sure my mother doesn't lose her mind again. My mom has spent more time on earth than hell and no I may not be the oldest sibling but I can still say that I think I know my mother more than my brother and sister does. Hell you could even lose her to what she is trying to do but any ways I think I will just hang around here until I know the outcome of my mother." she smiles and starts to leave the office.

Kit laughed "Down boy I think she might be off limits."
Exiriya hissed, holding Semira close to him. He smirked and said "can you go make us all some tea 'dad'?" He said out mockingly but also wanted him to get away from Semira.
Takashi looked at Kit "nah, i dought it" walks over to her and puts his hand on her shoulder "hey their cutie, hows it going"

Vivian glared at Takashi then grabbed his hand, she flung him over her and slammed him to the ground "get lost idiot..." her voice was low and cold.

Takashi flinch in pain when he hit the ground "ouch.."
Kit laughed "I told you she was off limits. Do you know anything about body language and I don't mean what is the first thing your eyes land on when looking at a girl..."

Duanna wondered the halls and saw Axius, she smiled and curtsied to him in a manner of saying hi "Good day sir." Nova was walking beside her and just looked at him.
Nettle headed around corner after corner. She came to a stop dropping onto her knees feeling tired. She rested her chin on her knees. She closed her eyes almost falling asleep sitting up.
Vivian looked at Kit then at Takashi as he slowly got up "do one of you know the king of the land..i need to speak with him"

Takashi stands up and dust himself off.
Kit looked curious "And may I ask why you need to speak with him? He is very busy as of right now and I don't think he wants to be bothered too much."

Demonia finally came out of the barrier and started towards the palace, she had to be careful or the energy that she was putting out could kill the plant life around her and weaken the strongest of trees, she didn't look too different but her hair was longer and black, and her eyes were completely black.
Xeliran rode through the town on his horse but when he saw a weak, human girl sleeping by a tree. He stopped, curiously. He ran a hand through his hair. "Hey kid. Its not safe for you out here."
Nettle lifted her head rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. She stood up slowly looking at the man on a horse. She thought about running, but he was on a horse. "It's not really safe anywhere is it?"
Zafon kept and eye on Demonia but from a distance that way she wouldnt sense him.

Vivian sighs in an annoyed away "i have a letter for him and that all you need to know"

Takashi looks at vivian and smirks "oooo, vampire chick's got a bite"

Vivian glares at takashi "your about to figure out that i have something worse then a bite..."
"Not these days. What's your name, kid? I can probably offer you shelter at the palace." He gave her a kind, warm, welcoming smile.
Kit looked at the girl "I am sorry but as a guard I can't allow you to see the king on such vague information."

Demonia walked to were the rebel army had been slain to see what was left, she had a few things that she wanted to collect before returning to the palace.
"Yes. My name is Prince Xeliran and I am the crowned prince." He smiled softly. "The palace is the only safe place."

Michael and William were still there. They were covered in blood but seemed unharmed. Michael smirked and asked softly "what are you doing here?"
Nettle pressed her palms against the tree behind her. "the the prince?" she stammered startled. "What do you want me there for?" she asked nervously, few face flushing of color.
He watched her movements and said softly, careful not to scare her anymore "I just want you to be safe. I promise I won't hurt you or let anyone else hurt you. You have my word."

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