Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Nettle placed her grimy hand in his. "Your father?" she repeated suddenly feeling nervous about the whole situation. He had just told her about how 'unfriendly' the man was and now she was expected to go 'see' him. She wanted to object, but wasn't sure if she was allowed to.
Semira refused to kiss him but closed her eyes. She bit his lip until until bled trying to make him stop. She struggled even though it was pointless and soon gave in. She kissed him back and pressed her body against him.
Xeliran walked into the palace with her and went to his dad's offixlce. "Hey dad." Axoret turned to look at him and smiled. His eyes rested on Nettle and demanded "who is this?"

Exiriya smirked and said "you know you can't reject me." He kissed her once more. He didn't mean any of that with her mother. He was just teasing her.
Nettle stepped closer to Xeliran's side nervously frightened by the power that seemed to resonate in Axoret's voice. Her heart raced quickly as she cowered.
Semira jerked her head away from him. "I hate you! You said i was the only one! You lied now release me!" She demanded and struggled more.
Xeliran looked at her and said to him "I met her when I was patrolling. She doesn't seem to have a home but its way too dangerous for her to be in town at the moment. I was just wondering if she could stay here." King Axoret stood up, narrowing his eyes at her. He finally let out a deep sigh and replied "fine. She can stay but only for a week. No longer." Xeliran smiled, happily. "Thanks dad!"

"That kiss meant nothing!" He yelled back. "If I didn't use my seduction against her, you would be dead! I did it to protect you!: He released her and walked out of the house.
Semira let him leave. She didn't care anymore. It Seemed all she wanted was to make him watch her kiss someone else. Then she would be ok.
Nettle avoided the King's eyes, her head dropped to look at her feet. She shuffled them around comfortably while the two of them spoke. She had a place to stay for the week, but what happened when the week was through? And what was she supposed to be doing while she was a guest at the castle? She chewed on her bottom lip running through these questions in her head.
Exiriya started heading back to the palace, not waiting for her. When he got back, he sighed. He went to his room without speaking to anyone.

Axoret said "speak, human! What's your name?" He smirked. Xeliran stayed close to her, protectively.
Nettle lifted her head nervously. "Nettle" she answered meekly answering his questions after what felt like a much too long of a pause. She didn't have a last name that she knew of so she didn't give one.
Once semira calmed down she returned to Exiriya. She knocked on the door and sighed. "I'm sorry Exiriya... i got jealous... all my life i haven't been good enough and the one thing i did right was fall for you... but i felt like she could take you away from me." She turned and leaned on the wall. "I usuallyddon't snap like that so... am i forgiven?" She asked biting her lip.
King Axoret nodded and said "Xeliran take her to the guest room next to Exiriya's room." Xeliran nodded and said "come on."

At first it was silent but then Exiriya walked out in a change of clothes. "Why would I cheat on you with your mom? I was doing what was best. I didn't want to kill her but she stole my only weapon I had to protect myself."
"Well put youself in my shoes! Kf i kissed your father would you be pissed off or try to understand? " She said lookingup at him.
"Ew. My dads old. That's different." He smiled softly and said "plus, you would have to deal with the Queen of Hell and will probably be brutally murdered by her hands." He grinned.
Semira moved closer to him. " And you have to deal with me now." She shoved him back in his room and closed the door behind them...
Nettle turned following the Prince grateful to be leaving the King's presence. She stuck close to his side. Her eyes looked up at him as a ton of questions formed on her tongue, but she didn't dare speak any of them. She was used to keeping quiet and hidden. It was hard to break old habits.
Exiriya started to kiss her, smiling. "Your so beautiful..." he told her as he lightly grazed his fingers down her arm. He kissed her down the neck.

Xeliran walked past Exiriya's room and got to the room next to it. "Anything you need?" He asked her, looking at her with his soft kind eyes.
Nettle looked at the empty room then turned to Xeliran as he spoke to her. "No" she shook her head unable to think of anything she could possibly need. She avoided eye contact finding it hard to look someone straight in the eye.
"Alright. My room is down the hall. Come find me if you need me." He went to his room and silently closed the door after him. He was tired and just wanted to rest.
Nettle watched him walk down the hallway. She turned peering into her room. She rubbed her arm uncomfortably, wondering why it was they had offered a human a room at the castle. She thought the demons considered humans to be 'less' or something like that. She still thought this all might be a trick and hesitantly stepped inside deciding the leave the door open for quick escape.
Semira cuddled close to him. "What if you actually get me pregnant? Would you be happy?" She asked trying to cover her cold skin with his warmth.
Exiriya shrugged and said "wouldn't care. You are the love of my life. What would you do?" He smirked and licked her cheek lightly.
Demonia started to wonder the halls, the chill that followed her she tried to keep out of the castle but it wasn't easy to do. Lilith saw nettle and looked angry, she had never had disliked a human so much, she decided to avoid the girl.
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Nettle looked up hearing voices. She walked over to the wall pressing her ear against it curiously hearing voices speaking to each other in the room next to each other. She sat down on the floor listening silently.

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