Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Semira groaned and turned her back. "Fine! Leave me! But you better come back cause i'm not moving until you do!" She said jokingly as she looked back at him.

Nadia wiped her eyes. "This is my fault! I should have been here! I should have helped!"
Xeliran laughed and said "I don't know if I should be relieved or nervous by that very thought. Can you get her? I don't trust the angel that is working with a demon under his own free will."

Exiriya smirked and replied "I always come back, don't I?" He grinned at her before walking out of the room.

Ash shook his head and said "none of us could have expected that attack. People leave us alone. No one in the right mind would attack us directly. But... what are we going to do? We can't live in the palace and living in the city makes me nervous. The children aren't strong enough to hold their own either." He frowned a little as he looked at her.
Nettle stared at the scaled claw and made her way past it slowly with caution. She lifted her skirts as she climbed the steps slowly to the top. Her head peered out of one of the huge windows. She stared at a large scaled beast that clung to the side of the castle. Her eyes widened and she pulled her head back inside stumbling backwards against the opposite wall gasping in astonishment.
Demonia closed her eyes then opened them "She'll be here soon." Duanna appeared with Nova at her side "You called for me mother?" she looks at Xeliran and Axoret "Am I needed for something." Demonia nodded "Xeliran would like you to accompany him to meet Michael, I thought it would be best for you to go since you are the purest of hell." Duanna smiled at Xeliran"I would be happy to go with you if you wish me too."
Xeliran bowed to her and asked "are you OK with risking being sent to and trapped in Hell for all eternity?" He wanted to make sure she was was OK with the risks before they went on a quick suicide mission. Michael was considered a threat and will always be until he backs down or until he's dead." He let out a deep sigh.
"If it can help my mother be happy than I am more than willing to be bound to any place if it is in the cards then it shall be." she smiled showing that she had no fear of being sent and bound to hell.
Duanna followed close to him looking very confident in herself, she had been taught to never show fear. Demonia watched as Duanna walked away and looked worried. "I hope they'll be okay..." Nova kept close to his mom even though he wanted to follow his sister.

Duanna smiled as they walked, she started to look at her sword wondering if she should leave it somewhere or keep it at her side and then lay it on the ground while they spoke to Michael.
Xeliran flung open the door and saw Michael standing there, looking like a normal human. His eyes narrowed at the site of Duanna and he hissed "demon! But... she smells different." Xeliran stepped in front of Duanna, protectively. It was then that Michael raised his hand and Xeliran fell to his knees in pain. He watched Xeliran writhe on the floor in agony. Michael said "you may be purer then the rest of your family but I can still send you to hell, dark elf. Don't test me." He lowered his hand and Xeliran calmed down, panting. He laid on the floor for a few moments.
Duanna step forward "Please don't do that again, he was just worried that you may harm me. I don't see any reason to harm him just because he wanted to protect someone." she kept her voice calm and steady and then laid her sword on the ground to show that she did not want to fight him "And yes I am a demon, my name is Duanna Dragonfly, princess and heir to the throne of Hell, my mother is Demonia Dragonfly and the smell that is on me that is different from other demons is the smell of Heaven."
Theaphonora's nose twitched, as the scent of a human filled the air just about a few feet away from her. Thea's black cloud puffed in a different pattern as she turned to see a human cringed, retreating back to the lower parts of the tower. 'Why are humans afraid of dragons that live here?' She questioned in her mind. "Hello...?" She called
Nettle heard the dragon speak, well it had to be the dragon, there was no one else here. She stepped forward slowly staring at the huge creature. She had never seen a dragon before. She had heard about them in stories her father used to tell to her as a child. They usually tended to stay away from people due to people wanting to slay them for-- for what she wasn't actually sure. "Hello.." she greeted in return in a shaky voice.
Takashi walked into the castle with vivian and kit and looked around as they walked through the halls, once they got to where they were going, vivan and takashi stopped, vivian looked away while looking annoyed "fine.." takashi looked at vivian and smirkes then looked at kit "I'll just going to hang with her" once takashi said that, vivian had glared over at him.
Nadia sighed and looked around. "We must begin rebuilding immediately. Ash send some hunters out for food tonight and gather all the females. We must take care of the children first. " Nadia said and had the girls care to the children. Nadia looked back at Ash. "I want you to help but stay near. We don't need anymore unwelcome visitors. "
Ash nodded but as he was about to do so, a few fairies came flying over. One said in a high pitched voice "our home is destroyed and our leader wounded. We need help!" She was crying as she said this.
Nadia turned. "Ash stay with everyone and guide them! " Nadia followed the fairies to their leader. She wasn't very good at healing but the least she could do was try after they helped her.
Michael smiled softly and said "I would prefer not to hurt you so I'm sorry about this." Someone hit Duanna and Xeliran in the back of the neck. Xeliran struggled but then collapsed on the hard floor. William stood there behind them. "Tsk tsk tsk. You will only get in the ways of our plans to eradicate evil." He threw Duanna over his shoulder while Michael picked up Xeliran. The two got out of there as fast as they could before someone noticed them.

Violet laid on the ground, badly wounded. She was unresponsive. One of the fairies says "she was crushed by a tree. We were able to ask a kind elf to help us get her out from under the tree. You know, fairies aren't known for their strength. Please, can you save her. The only reason she got hurt was because my friends and I were being stubborn and wouldn't come when she told us to. She forcibly grabbed us but didn't see the tree. We tried to save her but it was too late."
Nadia did the best she could to bangage all the wounds but as for her being crushed Nadia was clueless. "I can help her. " A voice spoke and after a while exposed herself as Eris. With a slice of her hand and a few words whispered to the wind the spell was done. "It will be a moment before she can fully recover but she'll live."
Violet opened her eyes slightly, her damaged wings flapping in response. The other fairies looked at her sadly. She asked "are the children safe?" She was kind of in and out of consciousness at this point.
Demonia looked around "I think we should go check on Duanna and Xeliran...Duanna had a flash of panic and then it stopped." she became worried...Kit had found the Axoret and then saw Demonia but thought he would speak to her later. "My lord I am sorry to bother you but there is a girl here to see you, she has a letter." Kit was kneeling before him.

Lilith saw the angel and demon run by with Duanna and Xeliran, she smiled at the thought of the panic her mother would be in.
The two boys brought the two into a cabin on the very edge of the kingdom that no one dares go to. They tied them up and locked them in the guest room. Michael flung himself on the couch. William walked into the kitchen asked "what do ya want?" Michael thought about it and said "just get me a root beer." Will rolled his eyes as he grabbed a root beer and and a beer for himself. "You know it won't kill ya for letting loose."

Violet seemed relieved and replied "I've been better. A little sore but thanks to you, I feel better. "I need to see my dad... Make sure nothing happened." She struggled to sit up but couldn't. She finally gave up.
Duanna woke up in a matter of minutes after they get to the cabin and looked around noticing that she was tied up "Excuse me, what is the meaning of this?" She kept her voice calm but loud enough to be heard. "We were trying to hear you out and this is how we are treated?"
Xeliran slowly opened his eyes and immediately started to struggle in his bindings. William walked in with a beer in one hand, cigarette in the other. "Morning sleepy head. I wouldn't struggle if I were you." He leaned against the door frame. "We only kidnapped Xeliran cause he was in our way. You, on the other hand, were there so we had no choice."
Duanna sighed "Why do this? What is your plan? My mom is going to be so worried about us...and you could have knocked me out and left me behind...if we had talked this out we could have come to some agreement, I am sure of it..."

Demonia looked all over the castle, jumping from shadows to shadows and then appeared next Axoret. "Duanna and Xeliran isn't here..." she looks worried

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