Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Michael looked at William and said "untie them." William tried to argue but Michael glared at him. William quickly untied the rope around them. Michael said "you will be treated like normal beings as long as you dont try to escape or anything. Xeliran threw a skillful punch but Michael dodged, grabbed his arm and flipped him. He even punched him once more in the stomach to make sure he stayed down. Xeliran grunted and said "fine I'll do it your way!"

The alarms went off and the soldiers ran down the hallway. King Axoret said "they have my son but I don't think they want war. If they did, they would have killed a lot of people and Xeliran would be dead but he's not. I can sense him."
Nettle didn't see the prince, but she saw the King walking down the hallway with a bunch of soldiers. She raced over to his side. "Um King" she curtsied thinking that was the way she approached royalty although she wasn't completely sure. "You should know there is a dragon on the roof speaking of some bad omen to come." she interrupted him. She wasn't sure if dragons were a common occurrence at the castle and she hoped they weren't or she might be in a load of trouble.
King Axoret said coldly "I know but... The prince has been kidnapped. We must focus on getting him back. "Go back to your room..." He walked past her.
King Axoret slammed her against the wall with his hand around her throat. He smirked and said "he is the crowned prince. Do you really think its possible to be friends? I knew I shouldn't have sent him on patrol. Exiriya would have left you for dead."
Nettle yelped in as pain shot down her spine. She grabbed at his arm trying to pull it away from her throat as she choked for air. Her eyes widened with fear realizing she had tried to stand up to the king. Her heart raced in her chest terrified at the prospect of what he might do next.
King Axoret threw her to the floor. Prince Exiriya cane to his side and said "dad, we might have found something. They rode on horses but they abandoned their horses when they reached the outskirts. We can start in that area." When he saw Nettle, his eyes narrowed. "What is a human doing so far from her cell? She's a cute one but still." King Axoret rolled his eyes and said "Xeliran thought it would be good to let her stay here as a guest instead of a slave but I'm so attempted to make her a slave."
Nettle cried out when she hit the floor. She sat up slowly, but remained on the ground deciding it was best to stay out of eye level. She wrapped her arms around her stomach listening to the two speak of what might become of her.
King Axoret said "she wants to know the details of Xeliran's kidnapping and is determined to find out." Exiriya started to laugh but then eyed Nettle. "She can be useful to me. She is a full blood human, meaning Michael's powers won't work on her." He went over to Nettle and kneeled down so he was eye level with her. "You want to find out so badly who took our prince? Come with me and I'll get you armored up. You will come on our patrol and if we get into a fight, you will need to fight or get out of there as fast as you can."
Nettle swallowed looking up at the prince. "No please" she begged. "I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry. Please don't make me go." she looked between the two of them wide eyed with fright. She felt like a mouse being passed between two lions who were trying to decide which one was going to eat her.
"Well it's either be protected by me or be treated like a slave by my father. You are our only hope in getting my brother back home." He smirked, knowing she didn't have much option to go with him. He stood up and offered his hand to help her up.
Nettle stared at the Prince. "How do I know I won't be treated like a slave when I return?" she asked accepting the prince's hand. She stood up slowly with his help.
"Because the prince will hopefully be back by then. Listen, Michael's main ability is to return evil back to its world, meaning Hell. He can't return a human because they live in this world and have always lived in this world. You will be blocked off from his ability. The only one that is worrisome is William, who we call the devil. He's the main threat because he won't have a problem with killing you. I will do my best to protect you but I will give you a knife just in case. Come with me." He walked off.
Nettle followed the Prince listening to his words. She wondered if this kidnapping was the horrible future the Dragon had been talking about. "I'm not really the fighting type. I'm more the run and hide kind of person." she told the prince. "Maybe you want a different human for this mission. I'm sure you have many who are better suited then me."
Exiriya smirked as he brought her in the armory. There were weapons lining every wall but there were also racks of weapons and armor. He eyed her body and looked through the armors. He pulled out armor that was exactly her size. "Try this on." The armor was all black and tight fitting. He looked through the weapons and when he found a good, powerful dagger he handed it to her. "Here yah go."
Nettle slowly pulled on the armor. It weighed her down more then she thought it would. There would be no running and hiding while wearing this. She lacked the muscle to do much int he armor. She dagger her handed her was just as heavy. She wasn't sure she could lift it, let alone swing it.
"Come with me. I will teach you some moves so you won't get yourself killed. We have some time." He walked out room and across the hall into the training room. He smirked as he slipped off his shirt, getting into a ready position.
"Attack me with all you've got..." He smirked devilishly. He didn;t have a weapon but he seemed to want her to attack him with her weapon.
He grabbed her wrist, flipping her. "Weak. Predictable. Were gonna need a lot of work." He turned his back to her and yelled "run around the training room until I say stop. No cheating."
Nettle stared up at the ceiling wheezing for air having had the wind knocked out of her. She slowly pushed herself to her feet when she could manage to get air in her lungs. She stared at him as he gave a command. She turned obediently racing around the room. Normally she could run pretty fast, but normally she didn't have armor on. It slowed her down quite considerably.
Exiriya decided to stretch in the center of the room while she did her laps. Obviously, he had a lot of muscle so he could do a lot of different stretches. He could even do a full split without wincing. He looked so focus as he stretched.

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