Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Nettle startled to run out of breath. Her muscles ached from running so long. She felt the need to collapse. She took in deep breaths and sweat built up on her forehead. She forced herself to keep moving.
After twenty minutes of forcing her to run, he yelled "stop!" He stood up. He showed her the rope and said "climb." King Axoret walked in and asked "do we really have time to train her?" Prince Exiriya smirked and said "she has potential. Plus, you can sense if Xeliran is in danger. He's not at this very moment. Now just let me have my fun." King Axoret rolled his eyes as he walked out and went to find Demonia once again.
Nettle looked up at the rope. She brushed out her skirts hoping he didn't look under them. She grabbed the rope and slowly began to pull herself up with her best effort. She made it a third of the way up before she slipped and fell to the ground landing on her back. She cried out in pain staring up at the ceiling winded again. She didn't think she would be able to get up this time.
Duanna looked away as Xeliran tried to fight them on ended up on the ground. She wanted to help but she didn't want to end up the same way. "When will we be able to see our families again? I know my mother is worried but my little brother might be worried to death about what has happened to me..."

Demonia touched Nova's clothing and had it change into armor "You and I are going to go look for your sister." Nova shook his head "I think it best if mama stays here so the you won't be bound to Hell and I think daddy would agree."
Exiriya scowled angrily but said "do it again." A soldier walked in and said "were ready when your ready." Exiriya shook his head and said "no. Were putting our attack on hold. I must train her. She has potential and I will not let her slip away from me." The soldier seemed shocked but he nodded and quickly left.

Michael told her "you will see your parents soon enough." William laughed and said "stay quiet for us." He walked out with Michael following. They locked the door so they couldn't leave. Xeliran stayed beside Duanna. He clenched his fist. "We need to get out of here." He went to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. He pounded his hand on the door. He saw a window and tried to open it but the window was locked. "Damn it! Their smart." 
"I would," said King Axoret as he approached them. He had a smirk on his face. "The army is on hold while he trains that human. He is really determined that she can be trained but I don't know." He frowned a little. "She was in rough shape when I saw her."
Nettle stared up at the prince and pushed herself to her feet in exhaustion. She stumbled over to the rope gripping onto it and pulled herself toward the top getting a bit further up the rope before falling to the ground.
He let out a deep sigh and said "that's enough. Were not getting anywhere." He leaned against the wall. "Maybe you can't be trained..." He seemed to be able to sense her exhaustion.
Nettle breathed heavily letting her chest rise and fall. She coughed needing water, but was certain no one was going to offer it too her. She wiped sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand then closed her eyes tightly trying to keep her vision from spinning.
He handed her a bottle of water. "I don't have time to train the untrainable." He walked out of the room and said "prepare the army! I'm ready!" He walked off.
Nettle took the water and sat up drinking until the canteen was empty. She wiped her mouth on her sleeve. She laid on the ground hearing the faded footsteps march out of the castle. She was certain that her failure would lead to sealing her fate as a slave.
Duanna sighed "I should have brought a few of my powders...and my mom is to far for me to sense her so I'm not even able to to transport us home..." she was starting to feel useless.

Demonia looked at him and smiled "Well I have to go when you do, Duanna is my daughter and I am worried about her, so I am going and that's that." Nova looked at the his mom and the king and then left the room thinking that this would be more of an adult conversation so he didn't need to be there.

Lilith watched Nettle and the training she was going though, she wanted to get the girl away from this place but she could see that the girls fate was already sealed, she walked over to Nettle once the other had left "If you had let me help you back them when I had returned to help you and get you away from those guards you would be able to pick up a sword and not some crummy dagger. You might have even learned how to defend a little."
Nettle sat up glaring at Lilith. She shoved the girl away from her. "You can't leave the past alone can you?" she pushed herself to her feet. "What's the use dwelling on what can't be changed!?" she shoved past Lilith leaving the training room.
Xeliran smiled softly and said "its fine. I will protect you. I promise. If anyone is going to Hell, it will be me." He went over to the bed and laid down on it. "Mine as well get comfortable since were going to be here for a while."

"Then I'm going with you. If your going to be sent to Hell, then I'm going with so we can send all of eternity with each other." He kissed her deeply. He would risk losing everything for her. He didn't care anymore.
Lilith sighed, she had been told that she had always had a problem with letting the past go but in her mind when it's the past you live for it all then its all you know. "sorry...its just hard for me..." she was talking more to herself that anyone else.

Demonia looked shocked, she wasn't use to anyone being so deeply in love with her, she kissed him back "I would have a king by my side if that happens." she smiled
Theaphonora heard the whole conversation. She followed tot he training rooms but stayed on the outside, staring through the windows. "Ahhh... A little elegant human like her doesn't necessarily need to fight. "Well I'm coming as well. Don't get a jiffy." She muttered, picking at her razor claws.
Nettle turned to face Lilith. "Stop complaining all the time. Why do you think you have it so bad? You were so sure you were going to be killed. Look you're still alive and living at the castle? You have it so good. Don't say your life is hard."
Exiriya walked back into the training room but when he saw Lilith, he growled. "What are you doing here? I'm in no mood to deal with you!" He unsheathed his sword. He looked at her like a wild animal.

King Axoret said "lets join the army then. They should be in the ready position but lets make sure." He walked ahead.
Lilith started laughing "You have it wrong, I'm not living here. I was lock away in a cell and got out, I went and saw my son and then came here because something pulled me here. Once everything is done their tolerance for me will come to an end and if I don't run at that time I will be killed or made a slave." she then turned to Exiriya "Put your sword away, your father knows that I am here."

Demonia nodded and followed, Nova trailed behind them.
Thea just poked her head through the window. "I might as well tag along." She grinned, razors poking out of her jaw line. "And the kidnapping of the prince wasn't the event I was talking about, Nettle. But since I had been so blind to not see this happening, I am sure to give a theory that the people whom had kidnapped him are users of the darker magics." Theaphonora stated, her puffy smoke cloud flailing above her head.
Exiriya growled and said "yeah well, if your going to be here join the army. Be useful. We need to get our Prince back and your sister Duanna back." His eyes flashed at Nettle but he turned his back to both of them. He walked into his room and said "Semira, Xeliran has been kidnapped. Come on. Your joining our war. We need as many people as we can get."

Axoret got outside and saw the soldiers hanging around as they waited for the word. They bowed as Axoret came outside. "Lets wait, my love."
"Only reason I am going is to make sure that my mother doesn't die by anyone's hands but my own." Lilith walked out of the room and outside and saw Demonia, she glared knowing that she wouldn't be able to attack her right now.

Demonia giggled and hugged Axoret, Nova started slicing at the air at an invisible opponent and then held his hands up in victory as he struck them down, Demonia giggled more. "Hey mom did you see that? I cut down my enemy!" Demonia smiled "How many did you cut down?" she found it good to encourage him when he was acting like that.

Duanna looked out a window and and a few silent tears ran down her cheek, she worried about what would happen to her family
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Vladimír rolled his shoulders, letting himself loosen up and prepare for flight. He craned his neck to look over the edge before leaping off of the side mountain. The dragon dove down towards the ground, his wings tucked firmly against his side. Air tore at his face and eyes, causing him to lower his interior eyelids. His vision was blurred somewhat more, but at least he could see without having to squint against the wind. Once the ground became visible through the clouds he opened up his wings and began to glide towards the castle, where the King and Queen were waiting outside. The massive dragon roared a greeting as he landed; the ground shaking beneath his feet. Vladimír folded his wings against his body and lowered his belly to the ground. He also set his head before the Royal pair, and began to purr deep in his throat. This was one of the only times that you would ever be able to see him like this. 
Evelyn rested her hand on the hilt of her sword, sighing into the wind. A loud roar vibrated through the air, startling her slightly. The King and Queen had just come outside when and enormous dragon drifted into the courtyard. She had to jog out of the way to avoid being hit by its wings. Vladimír. She though, recalling the stories that she had heard throughout the kingdom. It was said that he obeyed only the King and Queen, and was cruel to anyone else. I guess that the stories are true. Evelyn relaxed her shoulders and backed up out of the range of the beast. She was a Royal Guard, meant to protect the prince. This was her first day on the job, but since the prince had been kidnapped, she didn't really have anything to do.
King Axoret laughed a little. Nova was cute. He then looked up to see Lilith. He walked over to her. "Did my son recruit you?" He smirked, crossing his arms. "Your in quite a predicament I see." He laughed. He narrowed his eyes at her. He saw his dragon.

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