Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Michael came in and ran a hand through his hair. "We took you Xeliran because when the king bows to us, we need you out of the picture so you don't take over." Xeliran stayed beside Duanna, protecting her.

Axoret growled and demanded "what do you mean you can't find them?? Exiriya!" Exiriya came to his side and Axoret said "Xeliran and Duanna have been possibly kidnapped. Set the alarms." Exiriya ran off.
Nadia shook her head. "You shouldn't move it may regress the healing proces. " she insisted and put a hand on her shoulder.
Thea's smoke puffed, her eyes sparked and her frame slightly turned towards the human. "Might it be your first time encountering a dragon?" She asked, a slight grin across her face.
Nettle nodded her head. "Yes" she responded finding herself frozen to the floor. The dragon's gaze locked her into position and for a moment she thought it was it's magic holding her in place, but it was just her fear. She didn't think she would ever be the kind of person who froze in the face of danger.
Duanna looked slightly anger and then calmed herself "This is a foolish thing to...what you are doing could hurt people. Look I just have one then to request, even though my mother is queen of hell please don't bind her to her world, you have no idea how my mom can be when she is in love." she looks down and smiles thinking about the time Demonia was in love with Lilith's father "My mother is so nice when she is in love and her views change...if you two had waited a few years to attack I can tell you that Azriel would have seemed like a different place."

Demonia looked worried but then noticed how Nova was starting to cry so she picked him up "Its fine, your sister knows how to handle herself and I am sure that she is safe, your sister never goes down without a fight." Nova wiped some of his tears away "I'm more worried about big brother." Demonia starts to laugh "I don't think you should have to worry about him."
"Oh, that explains it." She stated, her webbed tail shifting positions. "Just to let you know, not all dragons look like me. I'm very rare.... I haven't seen my kind in ages." Theaphonora chuckled. "Heck! They might be in the Cosmos." he dragon got up, size expanding, her four webbed limbs folded downward, as she sat facing the human. "I'm Theaphonora."
Nettle watched the beast shift positions which made him look like she was expanding in size. She stared at the beast opening and closing her mouth trying to remember how to formulate words. She swallowed trying to force saliva into her dry mouth. "I-I-I'm Nettle." she introduced herself in return.
"Hello Nettle. Now, what might you do for a living?" She asked so suddenly, the puffing smoke expanding in curiosity.
She wet her lips shifting her weight finding she could move again. She thought over the question realizing the dragon was asking what her job was. "avoiding becoming a slave." she replied flatly. She didn't know humans could have any other job? The ones she came across were running for their lives or were being dragged into a new one.
"Well obviously." She chuckled. "Let's just say I work part time with the nobles. Sometimes, thy call me in for magics they need for battles, projects, or even potions for expeditions." Thea proudly stated, yawning, exposing her large razors.
Nettle swallows staring at the large pointed teeth in front of her. "Theres some sort of commotion downstairs involving the royals. I don't know what it is. I usually avoid conflict." She told the dragon.
"That's smart, I must say." Thea responded. Much of her conflicts was about land and ow magics are to be used. Conflicts involving Physical contact, she avoids most.
Nettle fiddled with her fingers in front of her stomach. She nodded looking down at her hands. "The king said I can stay here for a week. I don't know what's going to happen after that."
"Why? Are you a foreigner?" She asked. Interest growing upon the young human's words. "Are you in some sort of trouble?"
Nettle shook her head. "No, I've lived in the kingdom all my life, just not at the castle." she stared at the dragon confused wondering where she got that idea. "The prince said he would keep me from becoming a slave although I don't know why he offered that."
"I would have an idea of the future, but it seems to be clouded with dark energies I have not yet to look past." Thea grunted, her smoke puffing largely.
Nettle watched the Thea speak, but she didn't understand the words. "I guess there is a lot of dark magic at work." she agreed getting a bit of what she said.
"It depends. See, my job is important, I am the Dragon of the Void, I am to protect the Cosmos and predict the future. I am capable of catastrophic energies, but I have yet to wield the dark magics. And I predict yes, there will be a catastrophic event, due to my research on the dark magics. These magics usually cloak upcoming events that I cannot look past. At least, not just yet. I am still learning a few spells and such." Theaphonora stated, a concerned look upon her face.
Nettle stared at the dragon unsure if she believed the creature could look into the future. "What of me? Will the event effect me?" she asked trying to figure out the dragon's words.
"It will affect all of us, my dear Nettle." She murmured. "We just have to be ready for it. And I do not know what it is to be, or when it will happen." Thea said.
"If you please." Thea said, laying upon the tower, gazing at the village's activities. "I guess it's quite important."
Violet frowned and said "my father might be in danger. I cant lose him. He's all I have." A tear ran down her cheek.

William smirked and said "we have two different reasons for teaming up and doing this to your kingdom. Were just able to work together peacefully." Michael chuckled and gently touched Duanna's cheek. "We won't hurt anyone. Not under my orders." He smiled softly and kissed her forehead lightly. He stood up and asked "can I trust you two?" William growled, afraid of what his plan is.

King Axoret laughed and said "Prince Xeliran has been trained since he could walk. You don't need to worry about him." He ran a hand through his hair, smirking. He kissed Demonia."This war will begin sooner than I thought."
Nettle raced down the stairs and ran down the hall knocking on the prince's door. "Prince!" she called "Prince!" she stepped back wondering why he wasn't answering. She spun around trying to decide where to look for him.
Duanna face became red from the kiss even though it was on the forehead, she had never been kissed by a guy, she hid her face slightly behind Xeliran and then peeks out a little. "Ummm....Yes, you can trust us."

Demonia looked down "Maybe we should wait on the war. What if that is what they want, sure anyone that falls on the field I can make rise and fight until they are dust but I want to see if we can come to some sort of arrangement, they have our kids and thy could hurt them if we attack..."

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