Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Lilith peaked into the room and saw nettle was trying to hear what was being said "you know that not exactly polite. When one is in a home not there own its best to keep to yourself and good to see that you have survived so far."
Nettle stared at Lilith not sure what else to do. She blinked her wide eyes stayed silent. It was always better to stay quiet, that way you couldn't say anything wrong.
"All I have to say is something might go down soon so you may just want to stay in your room and not get a need to wonder like I have unless you have someone showing you around or protecting you." she sighed and then walked away.
Nettle walked to the doorway looking out. She watched her walk down the hallway and turned to look at the Prince's room. She had seen him disappear inside earlier. She wondered if she should tell him what Lilith had just warned her about or she should keep her mouth shut.
Demonia walked up behind Nettle "Oh my, did you cross my daughters path and make her bitter? I have never heard her speak to a human like that, must be the years of harshness setting in on her. Don't take her darkness to heart, humans have pushed her away for years as much as she tries to help them they only blame her for there sorrows but so soon after falling on there hardest time they come into good fortune." Demonia keeps the chill out of the air so it won't touch nettle.
Nettle turns to face Demonia surprised by how many people had approached her with kind words today. Maybe her father had been wrong about demons after all. She was confused at what she meant by making someone bitter. She hadn't done anything to upset the girl, that she knew of at least. She was pretty sure that Lilith wasn't bitter at all. She didn't seem that way. "Demons are the ones who don't like humans." she stated in defense of human kind.
Xeliran walked into the room and said "oh Queen Demonia... Just the girl I was looking for but first, father says he wants you to be protected. I will try to keep him from forcing you into slavery. Demonia can I talk to you?"
"Alright," she looks at Nettle "I do hope we get to meet again and talk some more at another time." she followed Xeliran "So what did you need to speak to me about?" she smiles
Semira smiled when he licked her. She shifted and laid on her stomach. She hugged the pillow and looked away. "I would be happy... I want a child... don't you?"
"My only fear is that I'd be a shitty father. I mean I'm like my father and look how he raised my brother and I. My brother has been rejected completely by dad. It wasn't his choice to become the crowned prince. It was the counsel's. He tried to explain that Xeliran was his illegitimate child but the law says that his oldest child has to become the crowned prince. No exceptions."
Just as the beings faded, Thea did to, but her head was pointed to the kingdom at once, before the king would find a missing tool. When she arrived, a watch tower was her pedestal, and the feeble being landed upon it, her odd wings folded. Before you knew it, the clouded mist was poofing with a mystic aura, Theaphonora's might and strength was impossible to outmatch.
Nettle lifted her head hearing a strange sudden burst of wind and then again. Unknown to her, it came from the large beast's wings at it flew over the castle. She walked over to the window peering out wondering if there might be a wind storm approaching. She felt a jolt as the creature landed on the roof. Her head turned up to look at the tall ceiling wondering what in the world could have made that thunderous crash. The human brushed her hair behind her ear and exited her room, entering the hallway. She made her way toward the spiral staircase that led up to tower where the source of the sound had come from. She came to a halt seeing a claw against a windowsill. She stepped back startled trying to decide if she should run for help.
"So if I get furious, you'll keep me calm. I mean you've just seen me furious which I wasn't even completely furious since I was so easily able to calm myself down." He grinned at her.

Michael and William ran through the forest, not caring how much they burned. The wood elves were alarmed. Ash had to get the children to safety but also got two soldiers to find Nadia and keep clear of the angel and devil. He just barely dodged a falling tree. William smirked in pure delight but was also reminded by his annoying angel counterpart not to kill anyone. William rolled his eyes as he shot fire out of his hands, burning.
He smirked and said "just don't run away if I do yell." He kissed her playfully. He then slipped out of bed with a smirk on his face. He slipped on his clothes and turns to face her. "I have work as usual. The war is coming faster than expected.

Xeliran looked at her and explained "Michael and William are on the move. They attacked the wood elves directly. Ash sent soldiers to find Nadia but they couldn't find her so instead, they came to us to let us know that the wood elves home is destroyed. They have no where to go and I don't think we can house hundreds of elves and have dad be OK with it." He didn't want all these elves on the streets but he knew they couldn't stay here. He already let one stray cat into their home. "None were hurt, surprisingly but I don't think they want to kill us. Their not like Serien and Eriath. Their more organized. I think their trying to threaten and show off what they can do. But why? What do you think?"
Semira pouted. " you mean leave like your leaving me now?" She asked tilting her head a bit.

Nadia ran home. She had been away for so long. She actually didn't know where she had went but all she knew was her home had been attacked. She had failed them. She had failed them all. As soon as guards saw her they told Ash and tried to bring her to him but her rage with herself was to strong. She was broken and all she could do was cry as she rushed to help. The carnage making her even more upset as she tried to help them all at once.
"They want to scare us I think, it use to be something I did in my younger days and still do now from time to time, scare a person well enough and they will listen to what you have to say and might do what you want. I wish they would have waited until after I knew if I would be queen or not...I had so many ideas, I would have had to sneak past your father in order to act them out and some might see them as a way to make this kingdom better but I think it might have helped." she sighed and looked worried "I should have spoken to them when I collected the rebel army but a part of me had a fear of being sent to hell and never seeing your father again..."

Kit looked annoyed "If that letter even remotely threatens the kingdom then I will kill you." Kit leads the way to the castle.
Exiriya shook his head and went over to her, kissing her lightly. "Once Michael and William are rid of, things will calm down. Please understand. I must prepare the army for a possible war. Please don't be mad." Now fully clothed, he looked at her with genuine sincere eyes.

Ash was with some children who were crying. "No one has been hurt but the children are scared. I was almost killed protecting the children but I'm fine as well." He looked at Nadia and smiled softly.

Xeliran nodded and told her "until we know what were up against, we better not confront them directly. But why would they destroy the rebel army? That's my question. They could have used it to their advantage..." He leaned against the wall. "They could have been in the way of their plans," said a familiar voice. Axoret was walking toward them. "don't give up now. Michael is on our footsteps right now but he refuses to speak with me. He wants to speak with you, Xeliran because you have less corruption." Xeliran snuck a glance at Demonia with deep concern.
She giggles a little "I never give up, even if I have a sword in my chest I will still fight." she smiles at Xaliran "I am sure you will be fine. If you are worried or something I wonder if they would mind Duanna tagging along beside you? I know they only darkness in her heart is towards her father, anything beyond that is just worry, she is hell born but her heart has stayed pure enough that she is able to enter into heaven." looks annoyed that one of her kids can enter heaven.

Kit led her into the castle and kept a close eye on her "I will speak first and if the king says its okay for you to speak then you can tell him and present the letter to him."

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