Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Demonia looked at them both her eyes still black as a starless night, she smiled and said nothing then a chilling, strong wind blew by and she seemed to vanish as if she were dust or a trick of the mind, the bodies of the dead seemed to vanish with her and the wind, just as quickly as she had vanished from one place she appeared behind Axoret, and wiped her arms around him kissing him on the cheek, her lips were cold as snow and her once warm body was cold as death. "I hope you didn't worry about me to much." she smiled, a cold gust of wind blew through the town and into the castle just around the same time as she had appeared.
Vivian looked annoyed "fine..." she turned and begin to leave, she continued to walk toward the castle. She didnt care if she had any help, he mission was to deliver a letter to the king of avriel and she wasnt going to let anything stop her.
axoret felt a chill run down his spine and he whispered "you feel different." He turned around so he could kiss her. "You look different somehow." He kissed her even deeper.

"Yes. I am not like my brother or father. My word is good." He put a hand out for her to grab onto so he could pull her onto the horse.
Kit pointed his sword to her neck. "As i said I am a guard, you continue towards the palace and I will have to stop you with my blade."

Demonia enjoyed his warmth and kissed him with the same passion hoping that the warmth of his lips would stay on her's for a while. "With a kiss like that I may learn how to control this side of me so that I can have more. I'm just happy that you like the way I look, taking the spirit of death into ones self is a dangerous task but if push comes to shove this power will be useful."
Vivian looked at Kit unfazed by his blade being to her throat "I have a mission to do and that to take this letter to the king, not even i know what the letter is i know as much as you do"
Xeliran wrapped her arms around his waist and said "hold on." He smiled softly as his horse galloped off.

Axoret smiled as he kissed her once more. He ran a hand through his hair. "I love you no matter what you look like. I don't care about your appearence. Just promise me, you don't do something as dangerous as this again. What would you do if something went wrong?"
"I promise." smiles and kisses him back "And that's why I needed somewhere away from people, only way anything could truly have gone wrong is if someone tried to interrupt me. That would have been something my father would do, just glad he wasn't around to do so. This is the first time I have had no problems, he has stopped me every time making the power control me instead of me controlling it." she sighs.
Semira felt safe in his arms but her fathers intentions still scared her. She shifted and turned her attention towards her mother. "Are you staying for dinner?" She asked and Semira looked up at Exiriya as if asking.
King Axoret kissed her once more before saying "I must find Exiriya because if were gonna need my army, I need him to lead it because he's the only person I trust." He left the palace and threw himself on Shadowmere. He let the horse run off.

Exiriya smiled softly and said "well... I have to be home by tomorrow so I guess I can stay for dinner." He smiled but just then someone knocked on the door. Exiriya answered it and when he saw his father, he was alarmed. "Dad, what are you doing here?" King Axoret looked at the people in the house and dragged him out of the house. He closed the door and said "the rebel army from hell attacked our kingdom but the angel and demon attacked them. I think they slaughtered the entire army. We need our army. Whatever they are planning its big. Bigger than the rebel army big." Exiriya looked away and said "I will leave after dinner. I promise." He walked back inside and said "hey, Semira. I was planning on spending the night here but turns out, I'm leaving right after dinner. You know how work is."
In the short time he was gone her father had slapped her across the face and was standings over her ready to strike his crying daughter again. Semira looked over at Exiriya and reached for his hand but her father kicked her again.
Exiriya growled in hatred, slipping the knife out of his boot and throwing it with perfect accuracy. It hit him in the throat. "Don't you ever lay another finger on her again!" He yelled. He ran a hand through his hair. "you know, I may not be the crowned prince but you mess with my girl, and you will die by my hand."
The man fell back and Mary ran to his side. "How dare you!" She hissed and took the knife to Semira's throat. "A lover for a lover then hm?"
"No!" He stepped forward but was afraid that she would cut Semira's throat. He didn't have any other weapons on him. He then looked down and said "you would let your husband beat your own daughter. You are officially under arrest." He smirked coldly at her and said "maybe next time you'll think twice about messing with the prince of Azriel." He walked over to her and whispered into her ear "just be quiet and I can make it worth your while." He licked her cheek, slipping the knife out of her hand.
Nettle felt his arms around her and shifted uncomfortably. She lifted her head looking over the top of the horse out in front of her as they took off. She felt her nerves tremble startled by how fast they were moving. She had never been on a horse before.
Zafon was now sitting on the roof of the castle, he heard everything that demonia said, he looked annoyed, he sighed in an annoyed. "even with the power that she now has...she still cant sense me..guess i'll sit back and watch how all this plays out"

Takashi looks at Kit "Kit what are you dont point a sword at a lady"
He felt her tense and said "relax. I'll protect you." The horse went faster as he rode down the trail. The horse didn't seem to care about their well being.
Nettle looked up at the castle towering above her head. She felt an uneasiness settle over her realizing they were heading inside. She wasn't sure what to expect or what would be expected of her once they entered or if she would ever be able to leave. She gripped the horses' mane with her dirty hands for dear life.
Mary leaned up to kiss him. Semira growled again. "You never lick my cheek..." she said sounding more pitiful then angry.
Xeliran let out a light laugh as he got to the stables. He got off and helped her off. Once she was off, he locked his horse into the stall. "Come on."

Exiriya smirked as he kissed her and without hesitating, he stabbed her in the leg. He ripped it out as he pulled away. "Your nice so I won't kill you. I will just cause you pain beyond your wildest dreams."
Nettle accepted his help gratefully sliding off the horse onto the floor. She smoothed out her dress not wanting to ruin it so soon. She watched the prince lock the horse in his stall and waited patiently for him to tell her what to do next. She shifted her weight not sure what to expect. It had been an entire day of unexpected.
Semira's jaw dropped. Mary groaned but laughed at Semira. "What? Am i a better kisser? Jealous? " semira turned to face Exiriya and kissed him. She took a moment then pulled away punching him as hard as she could. She grabbed the knife and stabbed her mother repeatedly and continued even after her mother was dead.
Xeliran said "lets go see my dad. I'll give you a little tour on the way." He offered his hand to her.

Exiriya yelled "stop!" He pulled her back and threw her against the wall. He walked over to her and looked furious but instead of hitting her, he started kissing her. He pinned her there so she couldn't fight.

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