Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Thea wondered around the castle areas, poking in at windows, and one of them, she managed to whisper Nettle's name. "Why are you here? Aren't you leaving with them?" She asked.
Nettle had removed her armor leaving it on the floor of the training room. She lifted her head hearing a voice through the large window in front of her. "The Prince said I couldn't be trained." she shrugged looking at the floor. "When they come back, I'm sure they are going to make me a slave."
Duanna sighed "I am a speaker of Heaven and Hell now then if you don't mind I must tend to my brother. My aunt the queen of the Heavens would not be too please that you tried to kill me." she walked over Xeliran, her hands started to glow hoping that the spell that she was going to use would work. "Let me see if I can help him. I know some magic so I might be able to help him." she didn't want to get in the way but she did want to help. Demonia kept an eye on Michael and then looked at Evelyn "Can you hold the angel back?" was worried that she may not be able too.
"Well I'm absolutely not going to let that happen." She huffed. "Get out here, we're going to discuss things. And, we're going to help them no matter what." Thea hissed, moving away for her to get out.
"Don't worry Your Majesty," Evelyn winked at the Queen, "There's more to me than what meets the eye." She raised her foot and slammed it down on his chest, sending him back to the floor. Her eyes flashed a golden color as she glared at him. "You're a fool to try and take on the Kingdom of Azriel." She pushed down harder with her foot, digging her heel into his chest. Evelyn held her foot there for moment before setting it back on the ground. Her sword was still held up to his neck, but no longer touching him. "I wouldn't try me Angel." There was something dark in her voice, some hidden warning.
"Hand tight young one." She grunted, before a powerful thrust was set off in the direction of the king's location. They soared quickly, speeds picking up. "I'll try my best to keep the wind out of your face..!" Thea grunted, before an invisible shield glamoured in front of the being. Her speed then seemed to slow as a massive light shone just in front of them.

It seemed, that as they passed through the light, they appeared to be in the very middle of space in time. Somewhere sacred to the Void Dragons, the place they call the Cosmos's Sanctuary. Time sped up, as the glamorous rainbow clouds of the elements and matter were lost, once they entered the real world again. Just as they entered, a massive bang trailed, and the speed was now amplified to about 2,000-3,000 mph.

Like a jet, they raced above and below the clouds, and once she took sight of the king's location, she halted in a jiffy. Landing, her cloud sparked to life once more. "Wasn't it fun?"
Nettle's squeezed her eyes shut startled by the sudden height they gained. Her hair blew into her face and whipped about. She felt the dragon land and opened her eyes adjusting to the light before sliding to the ground landing on her wobbly legs. She stood until she gained her balance and looked around herself not sure how to reply to the dragon.
"Well, if you're gonna ride with me, might as well get used to it." She chuckled, and turned to face the king's party. "King Axoret!" She scoffed, a muffled roar at the end of the yell.
Suddenly William came up from behind her and whispered "stand down. Don't you dare touch my master again." His eyes were blood red. Michael smirked. Serien looked over at him and said "I thought master killed you..." William shook his head and said "that little stunt was just to divert everyone's attention away from me." He slipped his shirt off and tattoos were all around his stomach, chest and back. It was a powerful seal." King Axoret's eyes widened and fell to one knee, bowing to both Michael and William. "I should've known. That seal definitely proves heaven royalty. Only royalty from the heavens can create a seal that powerful." He looked up and said "but I thought heaven seals are extremely deadly to demons and humans." Michael smirked coldly. "Nope. Not this one. Admit your defeat." He was sitting up at this point. He then screamed "give me your kingdom!!! Bow down to me, slaves!!!" King Axoret fought against the desire to give him his kingdom. He might have bowed down to them but this was his kingdom. No one elses. Axoret said softly "are you the only person who can save my son?" Michael nodded. King Axoret looked down, tears in his eyes. "Please save my son..."
Duanna looked pissed "Royalty of heaven and you try to strike down a council member to your own domain?" she wanted to yell and scream but she kept herself calm and walked outside and found a dead tree, she released the darkness that was building up inside of her into it, Demonia stayed on her feet not even bowing to recognize them "Save our son and I will kneel before as a form of understanding of who you are."
"Give me your kingdom and I will." He had a devilish smile. King Axoret grunted but then surprisingly said "fine..." Michael started to laugh evilly, happy he got what he wanted. "I always get what I want." He walked over to Xeliran and he yelled "return!" Xeliran gasped as the life was brought back to him. He coughed. Michael commanded "bow to your king!" Xeliran didn't understand what was going on. Axoret bowed to him.
Demonia looked pissed and she bowed as well. Duanna returned to the room looking calm once more and walked over to her mother and whispered something in her ear, Demonia nodded in understanding, looking sad and Duanna went and stood next to Micheal and William, marks of her own started to spread across her body, they were not markings of Hell but they were known in some parts of Heaven to those that had met the council. Duanna looked at Micheal "I was given a seat in the council three hundred years after I was born. The queen of that had seated me there herself and others that no matter what year, no matter what ruler, I will always remain a council member to Heaven but I also had to give up my birth right as future ruler of Hell and I did so without a second thought."
Michael smirked and said "I thought you looked familiar..." He ran a hand through his hair and said "William... Lets go to the palace." When they were gone, Xeliran stood up and yelled "what are they talking about? We rule this kingdom!" Axoret shook his head and replied "not anymore."

When the two got to the kingdom, they went to the dungeon. The guard tried to stop to them but Michael yelled "bow to your new king!!!" The guard was stunned but fell to one knee, bowing. William took the keys from the guard and went to Nasir's cell. Michael said "we killed your rebel army for our own benefits but now that I'm king, we don't need you anymore." William unlocked Nasir's cell.
Duanna followed them and saw her father and Nasir laughed "You still furthered mine." he smiled and walked out not knowing Duanna was there. "So I take it I am free to go?" Duanna glared at him and then looked at Michael "Can you bind him to Hell or kill him permanently? He has tried to kill me and my family several times, I want to make sure that he never returns to this realm again."

Demonia stood up "Until we have a plan to have the kingdom returned to your father's hands everyone should come to Hell with me. I know that we will be safe there." Nova had started to cry a little, he was already missing Duanna.
Michael growled slightly at her, not liking her telling him what to do. He finally relaxed and told her "I could but then that meant dealing with him in Hell for all of eternity. Won't you prefer him staying in the human realm?"

Axoret frowned, clenching his hands together. He screamed punching a hole in a wall. "God damn it!!!" He walked out of the cabin, slamming the door as he left. The door broke with his strength. Xeliran winced. Exiriya then slowly opened his eyes. He grunted and slowly sat up. "W-Whats going on? Where am I?"
"Sorry I didn't mean to make that sound like a demand, I apologize and I think it best that I don't return to Hell. I said my goodbyes to my mother already. Can William kill him any hell born that..." Nasir grabs Duanna by the throat and starts to choke her and he smiles. "Every time I look at you all I do is see your mother's face." Duanna knew that her marking meant that she couldn't kill her father with her own hands since it would be seen as revenge and she will be bond to Hell forever, all she could do was struggle, trying to get out of his grip.

Demonia looked down and then called for her horse "I will send servants to lead you and your sons to Hell." She called out to Axoret almost not caring if he heard her "I'm riding to the kingdom to have a talk with Duanna." She got on her horse and waited a moment to see if he would say anything before she left back to Azriel.
Michael unsheathed his sword and sliced Nasir. When he released Duanna, he kicked him to the ground and got on top of him. He stabbed him but made sure it wasn't a kill. He just wanted Nasir to feel pain and suffering. "Never lay a hand on her again." Will was surprised that Michael protected her. He usually didn't care for family issues.
Duanna gasped for air as she fell to the ground and rubbed her neck, her hands were shaking, she knew her mother came back from death all the time but she wasn't sure if the same thing would have happened to her, her only fear was death but she had never been that close to it. Nasir let a scream out as he felt the pain and then opened his mouth to let out a few words "She will die just like her mother will one day." he laughed through his pain.
"Hand tight young one." She grunted, before a powerful thrust was set off in the direction of the king's location. They soared quickly, speeds picking up. "I'll try my best to keep the wind out of your face..!" Thea grunted, before an invisible shield glamoured in front of the being. Her speed then seemed to slow as a massive light shone just in front of them.

It seemed, that as they passed through the light, they appeared to be in the very middle of space in time. Somewhere sacred to the Void Dragons, the place they call the Cosmos's Sanctuary. Time sped up, as the glamorous rainbow clouds of the elements and matter were lost, once they entered the real world again. Just as they entered, a massive bang trailed, and the speed was now amplified to about 2,000-3,000 mph.

Like a jet, they raced above and below the clouds, and once she took sight of the king's location, she halted in a jiffy. Landing, her cloud sparked to life once more. "Wasn't it fun?"
Nettle's squeezed her eyes shut startled by the sudden height they gained. Her hair blew into her face and whipped about. She felt the dragon land and opened her eyes adjusting to the light before sliding to the ground landing on her wobbly legs. She stood until she gained her balance and looked around herself not sure how to reply to the dragon.
"Well, if you're gonna ride with me, might as well get used to it." She chuckled, and turned to face the king's party. "King Axoret!" She scoffed, a muffled roar at the end of the yell.
King Axoret got to the town, killed a few people but ended up hanging out in the park. He wanted to be alone. He has lost everything he worked hard for. He was giving up. He didn't know what to do. "Father, I failed you. All for my pathetic son."

"Her mother belongs to me. You will not lay a finger on them." He touched his chest sending shockwaves through his body. "You will burn in hell where your kind belong." He seemed to be sending Nasir to Hell. He leaned in, kissing Nasir. He was sending all his hatred and pain to Nasir as he used more than he needed to send Nasir to Hell. When he felt Nasir go limp, he stood up slowly. He turned to look at Duanna. He was covered in blood and looked more like he was a devil than an angel. He smirked as he touched her cheek. "Become my Queen..." It wasn't a request. He seemed to be flat out telling her that she will become his Queen.
Duanna looked at him and agreed, in Hell they were taught that if a royal member is saved by someone then they own the savior their life. "I swear to be loyal to you with every bit of my being as long as you never hurt my mother or Axoret and their family. That's all I ask for..." She stood up, she was trying her best to calm her trembling hands. Demonia killed the guards that were now loyal to Michael "Duanna! Where are you!?"
"I will never hurt any of them. Will, I make no promises but I will try to keep him under wraps." He smiled as he kissed her deeply. He pulled her closer to him. Will just rolled his eyes as he watched the two. He heard Demonia upstairs and said "miss ex Queen is here." Michael didn't seem to care as he continued to kiss her. He was very gentle and caring with her.
Duanna liked how gentle he was being and for a moment forgot about the problems that had happened and she kissed him back a little. "And don't call her an ex queen, she is still in charge of Hell." she looked at William as she said this and then she gently pulled away from Michael "I need to go meet her. She must feel like I have betrayed her..." Demonia was looking from room to room.

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