Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Nettle walked over to the cabin and stood on her tiptoes peering into the window. She tapped on the glass softly. "Hello?" she called wondering why no one had responded to the dragon's thunderous roar. She looked back at Thea before pushing the window open and slipping inside as silently as she could. She tiptoed through the small house.

Michael said "I'll go with you. William stay." He glared at William. He nodded at Duanna, kissing her one last time before heading upstairs. When he saw Demonia, he said "you know this is still my palace right and I don't appreciate you killing my men, Demonia. Or should I call you mom now?" He crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. "As of now, were not enemies. Were allies. Double cross me and I'll have William kill you. I promised Duanna I wouldn't hurt any of you." 
Xeliran walked out of the cabin and then looked at Nettle. Exiriya followed him afterwards. Xeliran's eyes widened and he asked "what the hell are you doing here?" Exiriya rolled his eyes. Xeliran was supporting him since he was still really weak.
Demonia glared at him "You will address me as Demonia until I say other wise and I don't think my daughter would agree." Duanna looked down "Mother...he saved me from father and then asked me to marry him, you know our customs so you know that I couldn't say no..." Demonia glared and then slapped her "Have you lost your mind? Have you thought about how this will effect your it will effect me?" Duanna held back her tears "Mom when I first went to Heaven I was told that if I took your throne that I would become tainted, I enjoyed the way that I felt, the pureness that I had and I never wanted to lose it so I agreed to a spot in the council. My markings did hurt at first as it purged my body of the dark energy that had gathered inside of me but once it was done I knew that I would never truly happy in Hell, my goal has always been to make every place that I knew of a better one. I love you and brother but I knew that something was happening and it these would be my final days in Hell." tears had started to form in her eyes and Demonia was about to slap Duanna again when Sephrith appeared and restrained Demonia "I think you should stop now before Michael binds you to Hell. Forgive her my king, she is a servant to her own anger, let me deal with her so that you can calm Duanna down."
Xeliran smiled softly and said "sorry to disappoint but Michael and William prevailed. The kingdom is theirs now. Were going to Hell to hide from Michael and William."

Michael nodded as he held Duanna close to him. "Don't worry. I will never hurt you. I promise." He kissed her lightly. "She will understand our choice soon enough. She will understand that I do love you." He wiped her tears. "Don't cry anymore." He looked at Sephiroth and smiled softly. William walked upstairs and said "why are you doing this? Why would you ally yourself with them?" Michael growled and said "because I only wanted to turn this kingdom around. I didn't want anyone to die. I wanted to eliminate the evil that plagues this kingdom."
Nettle tilted her head confused. "So I'm not going to be a slave?" she clarified thinking maybe this might work in her favor. If the demons left, then maybe she could be free to come out of hiding. She hadn't thought the demons would ever loose or let the thought give her hope thus far. The idea started to build up slowly in her head.
"Nope the stupid angels took over apparently," Exiriya replied. Xeliran glared at him but then hugged Nettle. "Nope. You'll never have to fear slavery again. Sucks that we've lost all power but I mean, maybe this is what the kingdom needs."
Demonia struggled against Sephrith as she heard this and he drugged her out. Duanna seemed to look shocked as she heard him say that he loved her "You wanted to send me to Hell when you returned to the cabin but now you say you love me." she was slightly confused "Also this place would have changed if my mother would have been crowned queen, I wish you could see Hell, yes its true that torture does happen there but Hell has been called Heaven from time to time to those that doesn't know where they are...maybe one day once I make the seal you would like to see how my mother rules. It may become a culture shock to the royal family that lived here."

A dead servant walked into the cabin "Milords, are you ready to be guided to hell?"
"I was going to send you to Hell for my own reasons. You were a threat to my plans. I only do what I need to to get things done. Maybe I've been spending too much time with the demons. When I first saw you, your purity surprised me. I was caught off guard. I didn't know what to do with you."

Exiriya and Xeliran exchanged glances but then nodded. Xeliran said "of course."
Duanna smiled a little and then thought about something "If Axoret changes during his time in Hell could he ever have his kingdom back. He saved my mother, worried and cried for his sons, there is some good in him." Sephrith returned and bowed before Duanna and Michael "I made sure that Demonia could not step foot back in her unless given permission."

Demonia stormed through the town and Lilith jumped in front of her "Hello mother" she smiled and drew out her sword

The servant looked at Nettle and then the princes "Is she coming along as well? Also where is your father? I was told to lead you two, along with nova and your father to Hell."
Zafon sighed as he walked through the forest, Demonia seemed like she had everything handled at the moment, so he decided to leave things alone for the time being, he walked into a wide field like garden, he stopped walking and looked up to see Diva, he smiled, seeing her always made him happy. He began to walk towards her.
Diva smiled as she sensed him and then spun around and walked towards him and hugged him "I'm glad to see that you are safe, I had seen so many things and I was becoming worried about what was going on."

Demonia looked at Lilith and sighed "I really don't have time to mess with you right now..." Lilith smiled "What, are you tired and upset that your precious daughter betrayed you?" Demonia had to agree that she was, she couldn't even concentrate long enough to activate the mark on Lilith's neck, Demonia drew out her sword just to be prepared and ready in case she had to fight.
Nettle felt the (ex)-prince's arms around her pulling her into a hug. She tensed a bit uncomfortably, not sure how to react to the motion. "um…" She turned seeing the servant approach and ask if she was tagging along. "I'm not a demon" she shook her head. "I'm not going there. No way."
Michael thought about it and said "I might give it back to him when I turn this kingdom around. When I first stepped foot in this kingdom, I was petrified to see so many starving children. My first week, I saw so many people die from starvation or being killed. I knew I had to do something and since I'm the crowned Prince of the Heavens. Back there, you said something about your aunt being the Queen. Wouldn't that make us cousins?" A servant came running in and said "the ex king killed a bunch of people for the fun of it. Should we sterilize them?" Michael nodded and said "sterilize him and then bring him to me." The servant bowed and hurried out.

Xeliran looked at her and said "can you come back for him? He's pretty upset right now that he lost his kingdom."
"What is your mother's name and I can let you know if we are or not." Duanna knew that there had been a rumor of the Queen (her aunt) that crowned her had died some time ago but she wasn't ever given details and isn't allowed into the queen's chamber anymore.

Demonia and Lilith had started to fight, Demonia was avoiding people around her that were screaming, Demonia suddenly lost her footing then looked down and saw Lilith's sword had gone through her, Lilith smiled and pulled her sword out of her mother "I bid you farewell queen." the smell of Demonia's blood filled the air and Lilith ran away.

Duanna looked worried "What do you mean by sterilize?" she looked around as she heard some kids scream at the main doors "What in the world is going on?"
"I have never seen her face but I heard she goes by Celesta. I was only in the angel realm for a short bit but they sent me to the human realm to purify it a little bit. Mother sent me." Michael smiled but when he saw a servant carrying an unconscious Axoret. "I'll bring him to the guest bedroom." Michael nodded and replied "thank you."
"Then I believe we are distant cousins, my aunt was Athena, not sure if she ever had kids but I did hear rumors that she had died." She continues to hear children screaming "Maybe we should check on that..."something in her was very worried.

The servant starts to lead them to hell "Also if you have any questions just ask."
Axius was running on the rooftops after a victim. He had already killed 5 others, 2 of the targets being guards or soldiers, one of the two Axius did

not care. He had a steady procession of other guards trailing him on the ground, that were trying to push their way through the crowd. The last

target was literally running for dear life through the street. Axius had placed a tracker spell on the man as he began running so Axius would not lose him. The clan never misses. The clan never fails. The man turns out into a forum, and Axius smiles to himself under his hood. The man is looking behind him for someone, but sees nothing but a group of guards. The man listens and looks harder and makes out, "Look! Up there!" The man turns around and looks up but it is too late. Axius had already leaped from the building. Usin the momentum from falling Axius grabs the man's head in one arm fully extended and throws it into the ground. The skull splatters open, making a small mist of blood and grey matter for a brief period, in which Axius uses to get the better of the guards who had foolishly walked right up to the dead body. Axius walked behind the group of 4 soldiers who ere looking intently at the new corpse. Axius drew his knife, slyly so no one in the crowd would alarm the guards. Then when he go close enough, he ham-stringed one leg of two guards, causing them to stumble backwards. The third looked up at Axius, but the blade was already deep into his chest. Axius twisted the blade and pulled, kicking the body off while spinning to face the others. One drew a crossbow and fired a perfect shot at his chest, but Axius saw the bow and opened a portal in front of his chest. The bolt flew into the portal and out of the other which was placed perfectly behind the partners head. The tip of the bolt protruded out the eye socket of the man, as he fell forward dead. Axius caught the most recently dead man's ax from his hands and threw it at the bowman who was reloading. The blade lodged it self into the man's good leg, causing him to fall. Axius walked over the man and bent down beside him. Axius' hand went over the man's face as the skin went grey, and a golden energy flowed into Axius.
"Mmm... there are a lot of Queens and Kings that rule over the heavens. It kind of gets confusing sometimes. I lose track but I think in someway, there all related." He shrugged. "Who knows though, right?"

Serien was chuckling at the scenery. "Now who do you think will clean this mess up?" He walked out of the shadows with his sister Eriath. She said "can't be the new king. He's too worried about his bride to be." Serien laughed as he poked one of the bodies. "So bloody," he said sarcastically.
Sephrith ran towards the main door "Duanna get a healing spell ready now! Your mother has been stabbed!" Duanna followed after looking worried. The kids at the main gate were crying, they had somehow carried Demonia all the way to the main door "Please someone save her...she saved us..." Demonia had already black out from loss of blood, "Who did this?" Duanna was wanted to know so that the person could be brought before them and one of the kids described Lilith, Duanna ordered Sephrith to take her mother to a healing room and she looked at Michael "We will talk more later I have to heal my mother and then send out an alert for my sister." she had suddenly became serious instead of looking shy "Also as a reward for the kids that brought her I want them to stay here tonight with food, bath, and beds."
Michael looked at her and said "I can heal. Its one of my abilities. Do you want me to try? I mean she will be my mom soon and I don't want you to cry anymore than you already have. Oh and I'll hunt down Lilith as well."
Axius kept his hood up, and stood looking a the two who came out looking at the bodies. Axius muttered something under his breath, and the blood burned bright blue for just a second and then was gone leaving nothing behind. "Who are you two?" His gaze could be felt, as he inspected the 2 high elves.
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"As it is one of mine and Sephrith's, he is my teacher so if I have done something wrong he will fix it." Duanna walked into the healing room and looked over her mom and her hands started to glow and she passed it over the wounded area. "Once I am done with her I will ask the you take her to the same room with Axoret." the wound on Demonia started to heal and her breathing became normal "She was stabbed through the right lung."

Serien bowed and said "the name is Serien and this is my sister Eriath. It is a pleasure to make your acquantince..." He seemed to be waiting for the strangers name.

Michael watched her and said "yeah." He seemed to be watching her movements. "Your healing is good but flawed."
Axius bowed but his eyes remained looking up at the two, "Eriath, and Serien, I am Pluribus." Axius gave the name they clan uses while on missions, it mean "Of many". The two were not deterred by the killing which intrigued him.

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