Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Lilith walked out stay on the property and she looked at the angels and smiled knowing that they would protect her and then looked back at Evelyn "Can I help you with something?" children were gathering at the windows to see who had called their 'Big Sister'
Evelyn walked up to the girl, looking her over. "It's your sister, she's hurt very badly. As her dieing wish she wanted to see you." She lied, hoping to avoid any violence, especially in front of the children. Felix snorted behind her as if to say, yeah right.
Lilith smiled and laughed "As a dying with she would want me dead." she looked at the angels that had begun to move in case they need to act quickly. "Are you sure it isn't my mother's wish, and if it is then let her know I declinded." Lilith was about as dark as a person could get. It would be hard for anyone to believe that Lilith and Duanna had any relation to one another, they were as opposite as day and night, maybe more than that.
Evelyn rolled her eyes, not bothering to worry about the Angels that were flying above them. "Whatever. She wants you back at the castle. You comin' the easy way or not?" Duanna's sister was about as annoying as twenty little sisters. Not that she would know, but still. Behind her Felix was being raided by ten or so children. Every now and then she would hear little snorts of laughter from the stallion. "I don't want to have to hurt you, especially not in front of the children." Evelyn motioned to the kids behind her.
Lilith turned to the kids "Who wants to see Lilith fight?!" the kids started to cheer and the nuns in the building were shaking their head as if they were disappointed with Lilith's actions.
Evelyn sighed, but instead of drawing her sword she unbuckled the belt around her waist and set it upon the ground. "Fine. But no weapons." Next she drew a dagger out of her boot, a pocket knife from her bra, another dagger from the back of her pants, and finally she pulled her bow over her head setting it off to the side beside Felix. Rolling her shoulders, Evelyn held up her fists, ready to fight. As soon as Lilith took off her weapons, she launched into the fight. Evelyn threw her fist at the girls face, making contact and feeling bone crunch beneath her knuckles.
Lilith dodged a few times but she wasn't able to for long, Lilith had ordered the angels to stay out of the fight and make sure the kids didn't get involved. Lilith finally held one of her hands up in defeat "Fine...I'll go with you..."

Duanna wondered over to a mirror and saw that she had wings, she was amazed at how they looked and realized why her back had hurt so much. Duanna thought back to the time when she wished she was an angel and her aunt had told her that in time she would be, she smiled and tried to move them but it was still painful for her.

The servant had led the princes to Hell. Every person that they passed seemed happy and well fed. There were a few fights going on in the streets and people betting on who would win. People would bow to them as they passed by.
Evelyn smiled a cocky grin before beckoning Lilith over to Felix. The stallion pinned his ears back at the sight of the girl. He snorted and turned his head away, gaining a laugh from Evelyn. She looked at Lilith and then at the saddle. "Go on, get up. I'll be right back." The girl walked a few yards away, bending down to pick up her weapons. Then she jogged back over the to Lilith, who was sitting atop of the stallion. She swung herself up onto the horse behind her. "C'mon Felix!" He reared back slightly before jumping into a full blown gallop. It took no less than two minutes for them to get to the castle. "She's inside." Evelyn said as she slid off of the stallion.
Lilith glared at Evelyn "I think I'll go wait in a cell..." she was sore from riding on the horse, she would have preferred to run next to it. She walked inside trying to find some place to hide. She had made enemies out of the old and possibly new ruler of the kingdom, she really didn't want to run into angel if she could avoid it.
Nodding Evelyn headed inside the palace, glaring at the guards as she passed. She jogged up the stairs, wincing slightly at the cut above her eye. Lilith had a good arm. She shook it off before heading into Duanna's room. Not pausing to knock, Evelyn walked right in. "She's here. In the dungeon."
" We fought a bit, but that was my idea, so not really. However I wouldn't like to leave her alone very long." Evelyn turned to head out the door, but before she left, she couldn't help but look at Duanna's magnificent wings. Then she walked out, heading towards the dungeon. The sky was beginning to darken, it'd be night soon. When Evelyn made it to the cell that Lilith was in she pulled the door open and waited for the Princess to enter.
Lilith had her sword drawn and down by her side and was ready to fight as Duanna walked in, it had taken Duanna a little while to get to the dungeon, she was trying to figure out a way to put her wings down. Lilith smiled at Duanna "So are you going to kill me, have blood cover your hands as they cover mother's hands?" Duanna sighed as Lilith spoke "My hands would only be covered in blood if I was like you and mother, now then until I see my fiancee you will stay in this cell since I can't trust you to stay in the castle." Lilith ran after Duanna ready to stab her and Duanna grabbed the blade with her bare hand and broke the blade in half, Duanna's hand was covered in her own blood "Fighting me will only get you sent to hell so I suggest that you stop." she tossed the blade outside of the cell and then walked out, Lilith tried to attack her again as soon as Duanna turned her back towards Lilith.
Evelyn glared at Duanna and Lilith. The least they could do was not try to kill each other. As the Princess, soon to be Queen, exited the cell she slammed the door shut. "Sorry Lilith." She muttered, not unsympathetically. Honestly she didn't seem that bad, but Duanna seemed to think so. She shrugged the thoughts away, following Duanna back into the palace. "Fiancee?" She asked curious as to who she was marrying.
Michael smirked as he leaned in, kissing Sephiroth. He started to drain the life force from Sephiroth. When he was done, he pulled away. William ran into the room. Michael stood up and demanded "what is it?" William panted but said "there is another angel in our premises..." Michael ran a hand through his hair and told him "leave him. If he's a threat, then we'll kill him."

Serien was shocked that this man hadn't heard. "The king has been forced off his throne. It is now ruled by seraphim Michael and Devil William." Eriath smirked and said "good riddance." Serien laughed.
Sephrith sighed "I hope you feel better now, I am going to look for Duanna. I worry about the little princess when she isn't in eye range." he walked out of the room.

Duanna looked down as she walked out of the dungeon "Michael saved me from my father killing me and then asked me to marry him, since he saved my life I wasn't allowed to tell him no. It's what we are taught in Hell."

The servant looked and the princes "So what do you think of hell so far, must not be the world of nightmares that everyone has spoke about."
"I suppose you both are in favor of this change of power?" For being high elves they seemed very dark, the way they agreed it seemed they knew each other for sometime perhaps a couple. He could not tell surely as of now, but wanted to find out. They seemed as if they could be allies, very useful.
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"What!?" Evelyn yelled, coming to complete stop. "He-he..." She was at a loss of words. How could someone as brilliant as herself have picked that wicked monster as a husband! When she was finally able to speak she couldn't help what she said. "God da*nit Princess are you insane?! He took you and the prince. He kidnapped you. His friend stabbed your brother. He nearly killed your other brother. Plus he tried to kill you! What were you thinking!? What are you thinking?!" Evelyn hadn't realized that she had stopped breathing. With a sharp inhale, she stood facing Duanna, wondering how messed up this world really is.
Michael nodded and said "thanks... Will! What ever happened to you staying by my side!" Will yelped and scurried off. Michael sighed but it was then that King Axoret started to wake up. Michael was surprised but left him alone. He walked down the hallways and when he saw Duanna, he smiled. "Hey gorgeous." He kissed her gently but then asked her "how is your mother?" He glared at Evelyn as he spoke with Duanna. It was obvious he didn't like her and didn't even attempt to hide his hatred for her.

Serien and Eriath started to laugh. Serien stopped and unsheathed his sword quickly. "Eriath!" She got behind him as he cut down a man as he walked out of the bushes. The man was so shocked. He was a high elf. To finish him off, he disemboweled him. He watched the man collapse before him. Eriath kicked the body so he was on his back. She ripped out some of his intestines. "We can eat this for dinner tonight. His liver is fresh." Serien looked at her and said "you don't want to get messy. Plus, its from a high elf. It could be tainted." She nodded in agreement. "Your right." She dropped his intestines and wiped the blood on Serien's shirt. "Great. Love you too." She laughed. They didn't seem to be grossed out by any of this.
"He has spent his time with a demon and it has tainted his mind if you ask me...and like I said I couldn't tell him no...he isn't all bad...he helped me save my mother and if King Axoret can prove in the future that he has changed he can have his throne back. As long as I rule by Michael then I can insure that my mother's vision for this kingdom is kept and that things don't go over board." Duanna was happy that she was able to say everything that she wanted before Michael had found her. "My mother is fine dear and be nice to her (Evelyn), she brought Lilith here for us. Are you feeling better, you looked really weak after helping my mom....and me." she blushed as she thought about her wings.
"Were you really going to eat flesh like that?" The only part that grossed him out was the eating of the innards, everything else had had done himself. Other than that he admired the proficiency and ease Serien had while making the kill. There was obviously something demented in them, but Axius did not really care. We all had it, theirs was just a bit more obvious.
Evelyn returned his icy glare, nearly growling at him. Without pausing to decide whether this was a good decision or not she walked up to the Angel, drew back her fist, and the threw it square into his face. She heard the snap of his nose as it broke. "That's for the forcing Duanna into marriage." Then kicked him square in his you know what spot. "That's for the King." Evelyn sent him one last glare before turning and storming off. "Sorry I hurt your fiancee." She called over her shoulder, not bothering to turn around.
Duanna looked worried "I just tried to protect him from hurting you...I can't do that now after you've done that..." she looks upset on what might happen next.
Michael was shocked that she punched him and he yelled at one of his guards "capture her and imprison her!!" William came to his side and helped him up. "My lord... are you hurt?" Michael shook his head but then told him "let me see Lilith!!!" He was furious now.

Serien smirked and said "of course. It would be cooked but its still delicious. We have runaway from our clan... we needed something to fill us. We started with animals but human is so much better."
Evelyn turned around, watching as Michael called upon one of his guards. She drew her sword, just as he was upon her, and held it to his throat. Not pressing down, just holding there. "Don't you dare try to imprison me!" She lifted her foot and kicked the guard back. Then she walked back over to Duanna, smiling at her success. "He kinda deserved it." She shrugged before turning back towards the Angel, who was looking at her with that same icy glare. "What? You did."

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