Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Duanna smiled as she thought heaven, it had been years since she had been there "I never get called there anymore so it would be nice to see it all."

Lilith slapped him as he kissed her " Kiss me again and you'll lose your manhood." she glared at him.

The servant nodded "Anyone in the royal family can torture the people but if Lady Demonia says stop and you don't listen to her then she will be allowed to torture you." The servant led them to room "Would you like dinner brought to your room or eat in the dining area?"

Demonia giggled "You did kill some people so Michael might be upset with you and he might be upset with me since I slapped his fiancee..." she looked annoyed and she brought it up.
She followed him until she lost him in the crowd. She yelled "damn it!" Punching a hole in the wall. She walked back to his house and talked softly with her brother.

"Yeah. I would like to see mother again. It would be nice."

William laughed and said "damn. So uptight. I like my women vicious. More fun in bed." He winked at her, as he continued to laugh.

Exiriya said "I'm eating in my room tonight." He left without another word. Xeliran smiled softly at her and said "don't worry about him. He's just cranky. I would love to eat dinner in the dining room."

"Fiancee? What? Who's his fiancee? I didn't know he had one..." He raised an eyebrow at her.
Axius slowly circled around until he was just outside the back wall of the house. He laid down into then shadows of the alleyway, and spoke a few words. Soon his mind was merged with the shadows, and he could hear and see what they could. He controlled a shadow which was in his shape and figure. He sneaked into the house, and was standing in the shaded corner to be harder to hear. He wanted to know what they were saying, or if they even were in there.
"How are you going to face them?" Asked Serien. Eriath sighed and said "I don't know. If I face them, they'll kill me for failing them. I'm a pretty damn good assassin, I just let him get away from me." Serien frowned a little and said "don't die. Please. That will make me sad and you don't want to see me sad." Eriath laughed and poked his cheek playfully.
Duanna smiled and then left the cell and then walked outside to a dying garden, something had called her out there and she wasn't sure what it was.

Lilith pointed her dagger towards his manhood "Keep talking and I'll stab you" she walked away to the orphange.

"Its understandable, I am sure that tomorrow will make him happy since it will be the fifth day." she smiled and let the way to the dining area where food was already set up. "We should have just about anything that you can think of laid out and cooked, it you desire something that you don't see do not hesitate to ask for it." Nova ran to a chair that had teething marks on it.

"Duanna has agreed to become his wife..." Demonia looked worried.
Why on earth would anyone want me to be killed? And especially them? If they could kill Eriath, why don't they kill me themselves? Or at least try to. I moved slowly along the wall still in the shadow form, trying not to be recognized by the two.
"You know I could always kill your son instead." He walked away, angry that she rejected him.

Xeliran chuckled as he sat down. He started picking up food onto his plate and said "looks so good."

Axoret's eyes widened, stepping back. "Our Duanna? Like your daughter and my almost step daughter Duanna? Are we talking about the same Duanna? Please tell me we aren't because your gonna be needing a lot of explaining to do."

Eriath gasped, her eyes turning all white. Serien called her name but she didn't respond. Her eyes turned back to normal and she said "we have to go. Something bads going to happen." Serien nodded as he followed her out.
Lilith heard what he said and shot an arrow having it grazes the side of his head and the arrow has a message attached to it said that if he tried to hurt her son then she would chase him down and not give up till he was dead. Kit saw the whole thing and laughed at William "She is one I would stay away from if I were you."

"Do you know what your brother would like for his meal so that I can take it up to him?" the servant had a food cart ready to go.

Demonia sighed "I'm afraid that I do mean that Duanna...I don't even know who she is anymore..."
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Axius snapped back into his body when he heard them speak of something bad. Axius breathing hard from the exertion, sliced the throat of a homeless man and absorbed the energy. "Ahh.." He smiled at the pleasure of the energy. "No one will miss him anyway." Then Axius went around to the front of the house to follow them, though still blending in with the crowd.
"She's a fighter but not my type. She's just fun to play around with and I might have fun with her later on. But right now, I have to beg forgiveness from my king."

"Just get him any kind of rare meat. He's not a picky eater. He just only eats meat." He chuckled as he ate.

"Why? What has gotten into her? She realized he almost killed her right?"

The two headed to the palace, but kept in the shadows.
Kit glared at him "You stay away from her. If anyone gets to mess with her it me!" Kit didn't like the sound of Lilith being a play thing.

she nodded and gathered some food then took it to him and knocked on the door "Sir I have food for you."

"I wish I could be that he saved her from Nasir...he tried to kill her and then Michael asked for her hand in marriage, since he saved her she agreed, we could go find her and you talk to her...I'm sure she doesn't want to see me after I slapped her..."
William hissed at him, grabbing his throat. "I don't like being ordered around by a nobody like you."

Exiriya answered the door wearing nothing. "He took the food and slammed the door in her face."

He nodded and replied "yes, please take me to her."
Kit saw how predictable his movement was and quickly jumped to the top of a building "This nobody was once her fiancee thank you very much." he smiled "I know more about Lilith than you and the new king ever will."

The servant walked away, she didn't seemed phased by his appearance. She returned to the dining and stood in a corner keeping an eye on everything.

Demonia opened the door and then led the way to the outside to the garden, Duanna seemed to be talking to something in her arms, she didn't even notice that someone had walked into the garden when she turned around where they could see what she had in her arm it was a little baby. "Now who in the world would leave something so cute in a place like this." she was making silly faces at the baby and it would giggle at her.
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Axius eventually exited the crowd, but remained a fair distance behind trailing them. He was a noble so was easily allowed into the palace.
"What are you doing, William?" William spun around and saw Michael approaching them. William smiled and said "m-my king? Is everything to your liking?" Michael walked over to him and slapped him hard. "That's for stabbing me." He glanced at Kit and asked "who are you?"

Xeliran finished and said "thank you for the meal." He silently left the meal.

Axoret widened his eyes and said "what would the king think if they saw you with a child?" Serien and Eriath walked out of the trees. "Yes. What would they think?" Asked Serien. Eriath whispered something to him and he nodded. "That baby isn't normal, you know. Are you willing to take care of it?"
Axius realized that he was near the king when he heard his voice. Axius quickly stopped behind the doorway so he could hear without being seen. ooh a child, but whose is it?
Kit looked at Michael "I am a patrol guard to King Axoret. The name is Kit and I suggest you keep your pet away from Lilith or I will kill him."

The servant bowed her head and then waited for Nova to finish to help him clean himself up and prepare for bed.

"If he wishes to be the king that he wants he will allow me to raise this child." she looked at Serien and Eriath, she held the child closer to her, scared of what they might do "I am very confident and willing to care for the child, if it be demon, human, angel, or something else, I will care for them. I was meant to find and care for the child or I wouldn't have been drawn to this area."
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"That means your mime now because if you hadn't heard, I'm king now and Axoret has no say whatsoever." He narrowed his eyes at them. "Kit, since your mine now bring Lilith to me."

Axoret looked at her curiously. "Am I the only one worried about what this new king has instore. This is my kingdom and I won't allow you to get emotionally involved with Michael. That's final." He was acting like a father to Duanna. He acted like she was his actual daughter.
Kit glared "Fu** you. I listen to Axoret not an angel that has been tainted with his companionship to a demon. I have seen an angel even though she was from Hell she was more of an angel than you will ever be." Kit always saw those that allied themselves with demons when they were meant to be holy must be tainted but he also thought about Lilith and looked a little sad for the anger that she carried in her heart would never allow her to be an angel either.

"Father I want you to go to Hell and see what my mother has made her kingdom. She had they same thing in mind for your kingdom. She may have had a dark way of wanting to make it a new eden but mine is pure and filled with love, I plan on keeping her vision for this kingdom a work in progress" she smiled "Also Michael said that if you can prove that you can change or be kinder then he will return your kingdom to you. I plan on standing by Michael's side and making sure that change happens as a normal pace and I will become his queen. I'm sorry if you don't like the thought of it but I will marry him." Duanna was moving her wings a little in case she needed to fly away, she wasn't sure how to use them but she thought that if she really needed to then she could figure out how they work. Demonia looked worried and a little sad that Duanna had taken this path.
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Lucius saw Axius standing behind a doorway and glided over stealthily. He was behind him when he asked, "Eavesdropping?" Axius turned surprised to see Lucius. "I though you were gone, when did you get back?" "Yesterday, I have been enjoying this new angel led regime." "Yeah, well I nearly died. Some female assassin has a contract for me, who would want me killed? No one else knows I am an assassin."
"Were not allies. He's my obedient pet..." he replied softly. Will looked away knowing the truth. He said "I came to him. He didn't come to me. At first, he refused but I was the one who convinced him." Michael turned his back to Kit and said "we shouldn't have to explain why we did what we had to do. I am the crowned prince. I don't need no one asking me these ridiculous." He walked off and said "I have to go see my fiancee, Duanna. You should be familiar with her if you used to be a thing with her sister, Lilith." Will watched him walk away, astounded. "You've come a long way, my prince. You really were born to be king..."

Axoret went to hit her but Michael suddenly appeared with his wings open. He grabbed Axoret's hand and said "either of you try to hit her again, and I will change my mind and keep your kingdom for myself. What would you think of that my Que-" As he turned to look at her, he stopped. "Who's child is that? I thought a majority of this kingdom were sterile." He raised an eyebrow.

"I have a name y'know?" Eriath was approaching them with a raised eyebrow. "Why are you eavesdropping on my king?" She went to touch Axius but Serien said "no." He came from behind them. She frowned and said "it will make killing him so much easier though." Serien shook his head and said "your a psychic for a reason and using that ability when your working, will not bode well with the council. Not since the last time." Eriath groaned, pulling away from him, standing beside her brother. She held his hand.
Lucius drew his blade, as soon as Eriath moved to touch Axius. "Don't." He said sternly, glaring at Eriath. Axius turned around and saw the two elves. "Ahh hello, friends." He said with a mock smile, accompanied with a similarly fake bow and opening of arms.
"I found the child under a bush of dead roses, I plan on raising the child as if it was my own." All the rose bushes seemed to be alive and anything that was dead was returning and growing again. Duanna had her wings around her and the child to keep them both safe. Demonia held onto Axoret's free hand "Maybe we should leave...?" Duanna looked a little sad "Mother, father....I am sorry if I have hurt you in any way but I was born from a sacrificed life where nothing should grow...that sacrifice caused a reaction in me... the darkness kills me, everyday when I was living in Hell I had to go through a purification process, Hell is not my home and I can not live in a kingdom when death is a daily occurrence. These streets will be cleaned and purified with no lives taken. Azriel will be my Eden and if you both try to hit me again then I will turn it into an Eden that you can't return to." Duanna had become serious again, it was about as close as she got to having a darkness to her. Demonia glared at Duanna then Michael "This is your fault! My little girl has never spoken out to me! If by the next visit I have here she hasn't returned to the daughter that I know then I will wage war on you and you alone!"
Serien stepped further back and said "you reek of angel... I already suffocate under the smell of Michael on a daily basis." Eriath glanced at him and explained "he has a stronger smell than most of us elves."

Michael held Duanna close to him and said "wage war on my kingdom fine but hurt my Duanna and I will kill you myself. I will enjoy it too. Duanna... want to take the child inside. Its getting cold. By the way, is it a boy or a girl?" He talked to her as he walked inside. Axoret looked at Demonia and asked "am I the only one who hates Michael's guts? Just asking because he's a real d*ck." He seemed annoyed. "He acts like he's better than us because he's some high angel. 'Oh look at me. I'm crowned prince so therefore I'm better than you'. I want to punch him in the face. Can we go to Hell? Never thought I'd say that."
Demonia laughed "I hate him just as much as you do...he took my daughter from me and if that's what my king wishes then lets go home." she got on Quicksilver.

Duanna smiled at Michael "A little girl, she seems human but her energy is different from one. Also I could have handled my mother and father but I do find it sweet that you kept me safe from them." she looked down at the baby "So what do you think we should name her?"

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