Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Please do." Lucius remarked at Serien's comment. Axius snickered, and then said, "Here to try and finish the contract before they kill you?"
He slipped on Shadowmere and asked "shall we go?" He looked at her, waiting for her command.

"Well, for now they fear me because of what I can do but the only thing they know about me is that I can seal people in Hell. That's not all I can do. I feel a bit insulted." He crossed his arms, pouting but when she mentioned the babies name, he replied "I don't care what you name her as long as its not too girly." 
Eriath put a sword to Axius's throat, cutting it a little. Serien came up from behind him and stabbed him through the stomach but it wasn't enough to kill him. Just enough to cause excruciating pain. Eriath said "brother!!!"
Axius groans angrily, and draws a knife in his hand, and his whole arm is covered into an glowing energy. Lucius who had his sword already drawn, swings down at Serien's arm which was exposed when it lunged to stab Axius.
Serien was caught off guard, getting hit by the knife. He pulled away immediately. "Damn it... Let my guard down." He was growling a little.
Demonia led the way taking her time to get there. Kit ran up next to Axoret and bowed "Milord my I follow you to Hell?"

She laughed "Glad you didn't say what I thought you might say, I thought you might suggest Miracle." she giggled "Also I hope you won't be like other kings...this girl will one day look up to you as her father and she will want you around."
"Who are you again?" He glanced at Kit but then said "oh right. Kat right. Yeah you can come with. I'll need a cook and you know all my favorite meals right? Your my cook right?"

He laughed and said "lets name her Miracle. Its kind of growing on me. I mean Miracle the miracle child. Sounds perfect."
Axius throws an upper cut at Serien's jaw with his energy covered arm. If good contact was made it would send enough energy through him to send him flying into ceiling. Axius was furius, but he would not fight the women; his clan tries not to fight women, only at last resort. Lucius holds his large blade at Eriath, "Do not get invovled."
Kit sighed and thought he would talk with Demonia later about where he will be placed in her kingdom.

"I think Leta sounds better, its latin for the hidden one." she smiles "And you were a hidden one weren't you." she presses her nose to the baby and they giggle.
Eriath approached him and put the sword pointing at her chest, directly where her heart was located. She watched her brother get his ass handed to him and she smirked. She looked at him directly in the eyes. "Come my darling." She started sending visions through his head:

"What the hell are you doing? This is why you will never have any right to the throne!?" The shadowed out man hits a young girl no older than 8. She hit the floor hard. "Daddy. Please. No. I'm sorry," she begged, tears running down her cheeks. A boy came running to her side. "Eriath..." the boy whispered. A shadowed out woman said "you are our new clan psychic! You better act like it! You know what happens to those who aren't useful to our clan. We kill them." She hit her daughter. The flashback skips ahead to the two out in the woods. "Big brother... teach me how to hunt again!" The boy raised his bow and fired it at a rabbit. The two ran over to the rabbit and were tearing it open, playing with its insides. The two were laughing. The flashback skips ahead once again to the two covered in blood. The little girl walked past a bloody body, her father. "Who's worthless now, daddy?" She asked. She looked about 14. She walked past her bloody mother's body. The body moved a little and she started to repeatedly stab it. "Eriath... we have to go. The clan elder will find us if we don't leave soon." The two bolted out of the house. The night sky shined upon the two but they kept to the shadows. The flashback skipped once more time to an older and more mature version of Eriath. She was wearing all black and the counsel members were training her. They whipped her whenever she made a mistake. When she fell, they beat her even more. She cried out in pain but they didn't seem to care. Whenever she fell, however, she struggled to get up. She really showed her determination to be good. "Not good enough!" They would scream at her. Her teacher was gorgeous and she seemed to be determined to show him that she could make something of herself. The flashback sped up to a point where she was kissing her teacher but after kissing him, he hit her to the floor. "You aren't good enough. You will never be good enough. I can't be with someone who is weak minded and an infatuation with their brother. You disgust me." Pain and despair was in her eyes. The very last flashback was her teacher throwing himself at her. He had her pinned down. She was screaming at him to stop. He was ripping off her clothes. When he was focused on one part of her body, she had stabbed him through the heart in a way that he had taught her. She asked "what was that about not having the heart to kill?" She crawled into the corner. The long flashback faded out.

Eriath gasped in pain. It seemed as though she had stabbed herself partially with the sword. It was now partially in her chest and a trickle of blood was dripping down, staining her clothes.

King Axoret stayed beside Demonia. He smiled a little, happy as long as he was with her. "We need some speaking with your daughter but maybe we should talk to her when we've all calmed down.

"I like it. I was a hidden one... until I showed my face to the king. Well your mother first because I didn't expect her to come down while I was speaking with your father." He smiled a little at her.
Demonia smiled "I agree, I just...maybe it is my fault that she took this path..." she looked a little sad.

Duanna smiled "Thank you for not hurting them, it means a lot to me." she walked into a large bedroom where a crib was already setup. "I wonder it we can find someone to be a wet nurse to Leta. I'm sure she'll be getting hungry soon."
Axius stood watching Serien fly backwards. He stood there waiting, for a response, if the blow had not knocked him unconscious. Lucius pulled the sword back enough so it was not poking her. Lucius hated seeing things like that; it was why he was sent here, to rid the world of evil such as this.
"Its not your fault. You are the perfect mother. I know you love your daughter. Its more than I can say about my sons." He sighed a little, in disappointment.

"Yeah. I can probably find one." He kissed her deeply, pressing her against the wall a little.

Serien slowly stood up. He threw quick punched at Axius. He was a skilled fighter but the reason he was probably had to do with his sister. Eriath asked softly "still want to kill us? He's only doing this to protect me."
Axius took the punch to the face, and rolled with it. Using the momentum from the punch, he spun around, and brought his lag around to sweep the leg of Serien. Lucius, "You are the attackers. Who are you being protected from?" Lucius pushed the blade back to where it cut into her, as almost a punishment for trying to manipulate him.
Demonia giggled "She is like eldest son. Well from when I have met him and heard, they are alike."

She kissed him back and then pulled him towards the bed, Leta had started to fall asleep. "Looks like she can wait since she is falling asleep."
Serien fell but rolled out of the way for any incoming attacks. He got up. He threw a knife at him and uppercutted him when he was distracted by the knife. Eriath pushed the sword into her chest, gasping. It wasn't deep enough to kill her but she smirked. "Kill me and you'll just be doing what I want. Would you really want that?"

"My eldest son? Peh. She's far from him. He's like me and he would rule like me which is why I tried so hard to have as the crowned prince but the best I could do was have him lead the army."

He smirked as she lead him to the bed. He kissed her passionately. "I will never leave your side, no matter what."
She seemed confused "I thought Xeliran was your eldest son?" she had passed though the portal to Hell.

"And I never want you too." she smiled and then winced as her wings touched the bed but she tried to ignore it.
"Oh right. He is isn't he? Sorry been off my game all day." (In my words "shit. I mixed up the boys.) "But yeah, the two are similar. Annoyingly similar though. I wish my son could man up a little."

"Wings still sore?" He asked. He touched them gently smiling as he did so.
Axius dodged the knife, and got hit by upper cut. Luckily his chin was partially tucked so he was able to be in partial control of trip backwards. As he landed he slid backwards, and with a dark energy surrounding a pike placed on the wall behind Serien, Axius tore it off the wall. Then brought it spiraling towards the back of Serien, hopefully unseen due to it being behind him. Axius let out a fake scream of pain in order to draw Serien closer and keep him distracted. Lucius twisted the blade in her her chest in order to cause her pain, and distract her, as he brought a firm palm to the side of her head in an attempt to knock her out so that he did not have to kill her.
Serien ran at him, wanting to finish this off quickly. Eriath winced in pain as she looked at him with hatred. When he hit her, she stumbled away from him, dizzy from the impact but still conscious. "D-Damn it." She stayed close to the ground so she didn't collapse.
"Yea...I'm not use to them yet..." she looks a little embarrassed but she enjoyed his touch on them, it make her shiver a little.

(lol) Demonia giggled "Hell may toughen him up a little bit." then she sees kit "I didn't know you knew Kit?"
He kissed them lightly. "You look so beautiful and pure with your angel wings."

He laughed and replied "I hope... yeah he works for me."
The pike would tear into Serien's back and just between the ribs, going deep enough to pierce a lung. Lucius walked over and behind Eriath, and took her hands behind her back, then would use a his light magic to hold them together like handcuffs.
Demonia smiled "Well he'll be working for my guards while we are in hell."

"I'm glad you like them, when I first saw them I got slightly scared then I was amazed that they were mine." she smiled
Serien collapsed in pain. He was bleeding out. Eriath was growling. "You will pay for this. She looked at them trying to take control of them. She was struggling as she did so.

"alright sounds good. Its up to you cause its your realm." He smiled softly.

"What can I say? I have a thing for angels. Probably cause I'm one." He smirked as he kissed down her neck.
Axius felt the invasion on his mind and quickly put up his guard. Lucius yelled for a medic, when he saw what had happened, in the mean time he wrapped the wound of Serien in a smal barrier of light, he hated death.

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